
I have been kidnapped and replaced with an insanely productive person.
I've been going through this house,
room by room
closet by closet
drawer by drawer
and weeding out all things unnecessary.
It seems I have quite a bit of unneccessaries around here.

At the same time,
I'm also sifting through my thoughts.
I have unnecessaries in my head too.

Sometimes life just moves along day by day,
moment by moment,
and the clutter accumulates.
I'm taking some time to sift through the garbage in my head.
Work on some issues that have been left unchecked.
Pray about the things that matter.
Let go of the things that don't.
There are so many things in my head that don't matter,
yet I just keep dusting them off and putting them back.

So today, I will finish with my last closet. 
Load up some boxes with all my clutter and
head to GoodWill to drop them off.

I'm going to put my brain clutter at the bottom of one of the boxes.
And then I'm going to walk away.



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