Micro Review: The Last Air Bender

M.Night Shyamalan's take on nickelodeon's The Last Airbender.

This is a guy who is hit and miss with his stuff.  Some movies are spectacular, while others are poo.

This movie was definitely for the kids, and mine really enjoyed it.  I didn't mind it that much either.  Little kung fu mastery of elements.  Always been a fairly "neat" concept in my mind.  

My kids loved it.  I had a beef or two.

While it was definitely a nice movie to look at, I would have never paid the "3 extra dollars", for the 3d version.  I found the characters too clean for the era, or situation.  Supposed to be set in "medieval" times, the kids are very fresh and clean looking.  Throw some dirt on them.  Would have been a bit more convincing.  Otherwise a pretty decent show for the kids.  My kids are 8, 6 and 4.  They all enjoyed it.  I would give it a BAD.


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