How Bad Do you Want It?

Yesterday, we talked about Blog Fodder.
When I say "we", I mean me.  I just don't want to feel alone.
It got me thinking about how hard it can be to come up with blog material.

How bad do you want it?
Are you willing to embarrass yourself?
Embarrass those around you?
Prostitute yourself for the sake of your followers?
I knew you were as sick as I am.

The thing is, I work from home.
I rarely have to leave the house.
My lack of human interaction has become a hindrance on my blogging.
I know that in order to find adequate material I must poke my nose out of my cave and go in search of it.
Sometimes you can't find it and you have to get the ball rolling.
Take the first step.
Create your own destiny.

I've come up with a few suggestions
for those of you that are in dire need of material.

Are you willing to go the extra mile?

1)  Take a walk downtown and take pictures of strangers. 
     Then take out a notebook and ask them,
     "How many copies will you be needing of that?"

2)  When the A/C repair man comes to your door,
      give him a big hug and say, "That's from Holly".
      I'm pretty sure Jo did that one yesterday.

3)  When standing in line at the bank, turn around to
      the person behind you and say,
      "Remember, we never had this conversation."

4)  Call Pizza Hut and ask if they rent pizzas.

5)  While walking down the street, hold out your Slurpee
      in front of a stranger  and say,
    "Seriously man, you've got to try this!"

And then blog about it. 
Double Dog Dare Ya!



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