The official site of EQUUS The Play has been open, it has great information about the show, the cast and creative, time and prices and press release.

To check the the website CLICK HERE

As reported a few weeks ago this show will be play at GIELGUD THEATRE Shaftesbury Ave, London from February 16, 2007 and it will be play from Monday to Saturday.

Some scenes may be unsuitable for children

Page from dr.uk is teasing her readers, she wants them to guess if that torso is Daniel's. I think it is!!

Thanks to dr.uk for the info.


It's cofirm the poster artwork has DAN'S TORSO


La pagina oficial de Equus ha sido abierta, contiene informacion sobre el show, los actors y creativos, el tiempo y precios del show e informacion de la prensa.

Como se reporto unos semanas atras, este show se montara en el GIELGUD THEATRE Shaftesbury Ave, London desde Febrero 16, 2007 y los shows seran de Lunes a Sabado.

Exceptional Youth Exhibition

The Exceptional Youth Exhibition was open today at the National Portrait Gallery in London, as you know Dan was selected as one of the "inspiring young Britons."

Also the Exceptional Youth Exhibition Website is available and you can find Daniel's picture in it.


El Exceptional Youth Exhibition fue abierto hoy en el National Portraot Galeria en London, como ustedes sabran Dan fue seleccionado como uno de los "jóvenes británicos inspiradores"

Tambien la pagina website de "Exceptional Youth Exhibition" fue abierta hoy.

UPDATE: Dan and his mom had a nice night out!!

According to "The Mirror" Dan was spotted with his mother having dinner at the London's Embassy club this weekend.
The article also mentioned a few other speculation that are not really interesting, if you want to read the entire article click here


Here is the picture

Here are more pictures (thanks to Harrypottertrio.com)

Dan with his mother on a night out (1)
Dan with his mother on a night out (2)
Dan with his mother on a night out (3)
Dan with his mother on a night out (4)


"El Mirror" encontro a Dan teniendo un cena con su madre en el Embasy of London club esta pasada semana.

Rumour: Dan at the 48th Annual AFI Awards

Take this is a rumour for now but thank to Alana from The December Boys Blog apparently Dan Radcliffe will be presenting one or more awards at the 48th annual AFI Awards in Australia at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre on December 7.

Another great info about this award presentation is that apparently a December Boys’ clip will be shown before introdicing Daniel to present the awards. Many actors from December Boys will be in attendance at this award, actress Teresa Palmer, actor Chris Byers and actress Victoria Hill. The host of this award show is going to be none other than the GREAT Geoffrey Rush, you all know him from his latest role in “Pirates of the Caribbean” 1 and 2 as Capital Barbossa, and many more films including “The Tailor of Panama” where he played Dan’s father.

Tomen esto como un rumor por ahora, pero gracias a Alana aparentement Dan Radcliffe presentara uno o mas de un premio en el 48th annual AFI Award en Australia, esto se llevara acabo en Melbourne Exhibition Center en Diciembre 7.

Aparentemente antes que Dan sea introducido en estos premios se mostrara un video clip de la pelicula de “December Boys.” Actores the December Boys estaran presentes en este show, actris Teresa Palmer, actor Chris Byers y actris Victoria Hill. El presentador de este show sera no otro que el grandioso Geoffrey Rush, todos ustedes lo concen en su ultimo role en “Piratas del Caribe” 1 y 2 como Capital Barbosa, y entre otras peliculas que el a protagonisaso se incluye “Tailor of Panama” donde el caracterizo el padre de Dan.

New "December Boys" pictures

Finally!!! Thanks to Alana from (December Boys Blog) and to Carole Rose for finding out these GREAT pictures of Daniel Radcliffe and Teresa Palmer filming a scene for December Boys.

Dan with a blue and white jacket

Dan wearing a red t-shirt

Crew members working hard!!


Finalmente!!! Gracias a a Alana de (The december boys blog) y a Carole Rose por haber encpontrado estas magnificas fotos de Daniel Radcliffe y Teresa Palmer filmando unas escenas de la pelicula "December Boys"

New Dan pictures filming OotP

Here are a few new pictures taken today of Dan filming the fifth movie of Harry Potter.

-Harry 1
-Harry 2
-Harry 3
-Harry 4
-Harry 5
-Harry 6
-Harry 7
-Harry 8
-Harry 9
-Harry 10
-Harry 11


Nuevas fotos de Daniel filmando la quinta pelicula de Harry Potter.

Dan Two New Interviews with Newsweek.

I have these two new interviews of Daniel Radcliffe with Newsweek that took place in the set of the fifth Harry Potter film:
Do you date?
I do, yes, but not at the moment.

-Harry Potter and the Frank and Far-Reaching Discussion
-Stars: Revealing the Whole Harry Potter

Dos nuevas entrevistas de Daniel en Newsweek que tomaron lugar en el set de la quinta pelicula de Harry potter.

Miriam Margolyes (Prof. Sprout) talks about Dan.

In a recent interview, Miriam Margolyes (Prof. Sprout in the Harry Potter movies) Bafta winner, when asked this question "You’ve worked with some of the most successful actors in Hollywood. Please describe them in a word or two?"

"Daniel Radcliffe (“Harry Potter”)?

He’s absolutely charming. He comes from a very nice, middle-class family, he has perfect manners and possesses a sense of decency and humility. Very refreshing."

To read the entire interview Click here


En una reciente entrevista con Miriam Margolyes (Profesora Sprout de las películas de Harry Potter) ganadora de un Bafta, se le pregunto
"Tu has trabajado con los actores mas exitazos en Hollywood. Nos podrías describirlos en una o dos palabras?"

"Daniel Radcliffe ("Harry Potter")?

El es adorable. El viene de una buena familia de clase media, él tiene muy buenos modales y posee un sentido de decencia y humildad. Es muy refrescante"

Jason Isaac mentioned Dan's name in an interview.

Jason Isaac had an interview last week promoting his TV series “Brotherhood” in this interview he mentioned briefly Dan’s name, he said that he does magic tricks with Daniel at the set of Harry Potter!

Interview with Jason Issac (Video Youtube)


Jason Issac tuvo una entrevista hace una semana atrás para promocionar su serie “Brotherhood,” en esta entrevista él menciono el nombre de Dan, este conto que él junto con Daniel hacen trucos de majia en el set de Harry Potter.

Equus past productions

Here are a few links I found about Equus past productions:

-Equus production by The Berkshire Theater
-Equus production by Huntington University
-Equus production by Maidment Theatre

As you can see from these links the stages varies within each play, and each production is different in the concept of design. Also you can see that this play is very complex, not only for the actors but also for the director, stage designer, the costume designer, lighting and sound engineers, it is a tremendous amount of work that these people will have once the play starts in February.

Hopefully we will get more information once we start receiving some news about the rehearsal, for now I hope you’ll enjoy the links.


Como ustedes pueden ver gracias a estas paginas de Web podemos observar que las tarimas para esta obra cambian con dada producción, y cada producción es diferente en el concepto de diseño.
También pueden observar que esta obra es muy compleja, no solo para los actores sino también para los directores, diseñador/ra del teatro, el diseñador/ra de vestuario, y para los ingenieros de luz y sonido, esto sera un tremendo trabajo para estas personas cuando esta obra comience en febrero.
Y ojala tengamos mas información una ves que esta obra empiece sus ensayos, pero por ahora espero que ustedes disfruten de las paginas de Web.

Dan in UK Cosmo Girl's 101 Hottest List for 2006

Dan made it to the list of the Cosmo Girl's 101 Hottest List for 2006, he places in the 41st position.
Congratulation to Dan!!!
Thanks to dr.com


Dan esta en la lista de los 101 mas guapos en 2006 de la revista Cosmo Girl, Dan logro la posicion 41.
Gracias a
dr.com por el scan.

Magazine Scans of Emma and Dan

Here are some scans of Dan and Emma from different magazines.

-Emma in YAM a German Magazine (thanks to ew.ca)
-Dan in BOP (A thank you note)
-Dan in BOP (7-11 points)
-Dan in Tiger Beat (Tricks)
-Dan in Tiger Beat (Then/Now)


Nuevos scans de Dan and Emma en differentes revistas.

**Si tienen algun scan en espanol, por favor mandemelos a

Equus at The Gielgud Theater

This is The Gielgud Theater, located at Shaftesbury Ave in London, where Equus will be played for 16 weeks starting the official opening night on February 27. This theater has a capacity for 889 people and has 3 levels sitting. Most of the plays' prices in this theater range from £12 - £45 ($22 - $83)

Here are a few more pictures, I want to apologies for the small pictures, but I couldn’t find bigger ones.

The Gielgud Theater
The Gielgud Theater ceiling
The Gielgud Theater inside sits

The Gielgud Theater Sitting Chart


Este es el Teatro Gielgud, localizado en Shaftesbury Ave en Londres, donde estrenara Equus por 16 semanas empezando con la inauguración oficial en la noche del 27 de Febrero. Este teatro tiene una capacidad para 889 personas y tiene 3 niveles de asientos. La mayoría de las obras cuestan un aproximado de £12 - £45 ($22 - $83)

Aqui les traigo mas fotos de este teatro, lamentablemente una de las fotos es muy pequeña.

RUMOURS that are NOT TRUE about December Boys

Thanks to Alana from December Boys Blog, she has posted on her site some recent rumours that had surface a few days ago from mysterious sources (lol).
Alana mentioned that DECEMBER BOYS is currently in Post-Production and surely will be release in the Spring of 2007, she also said that there are some rumors about the sex scene been cut and also Lucy’s character been cut, all these rumours are NOT TRUE.

She has this to say to all her readers “PITY, be reasonable and DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ!!”

So please take her advice and don’t believe everything you read about this movie on the net, Alana is one of the persons who knows more about the film that any other person online, she has a few mysterious friends who gave her great information about this film…


Gracias a Alana de December Boys Blog, ella a escrito en su pagina de Web los últimos rumores que han surgido de fuentes misteriosas (lol) Alana menciono que December Boys esta en post-producción y que saldrá esta primavera del 2007, ella también menciono algunos rumores como el corte de las escenas de sexo y el corte del personaje de Lucy, estos rumores NO SON VERDADEROS.

Ella les envió un mensaje a sus lectores “Sean razonables, y NO CREAN TODO LO QUE LEAN!!”

Por favor tomen su consejo y no crean en todo lo que lean sobre esta película en el Internet, Alana es una de las personas que sabe mas de esta película que otra persona en el Internet, ella tiene unos amigos misteriosos que le dan buenas informaciones sobre esta película...

Extras to air on HBO

Thanks to DR.UK now we know that Extras will air on HBO on Sunday nights at 10pm starting from 14 January 2007.


Gracias a DR.UK ya sabemos que el show de Extras se empezará a transmitir en HBO todos los Domingos a las 10pm empezando desde Enero 14 del 2007.

Audience get up close and personal for Dan's debut in Equus

The Daily Mail reported today how close the audience will be to Dan while he is on stage performing in Equus:

“Daniel Radcliffe may find that the audience is a little too close for comfort when he performs a sensational nude scene on stage in the West End next year.

“Sixty people from the audience will actually be seated on stage when the Harry Potter star, in his role as the troubled groomsman Alan Strang in Peter Shaffer's celebrated play Equus, simulates a sex act while naked and astride a horse. The play, which also stars Richard Griffiths, will be performed in the round for 16 weeks at the Gielgud Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue, with previews starting on February 16 and an official opening night planned for February 27.

“The rest of the audience will have to be content with watching Daniel, 17, from the stalls and the circle - but I predict that those 60 seats on stage are going to be the most sought-after seats in London.”

If you want to read the entire article CLICK HERE


El Daily Mail, reporto hoy que tan cerca la audiencia estará a Daniel cuendo el este en tarimas actuando en la obra Equus:

“Daniel Radcliffe puede encontrar que la audiencia estará muy cerca a el cuendo este realice la escena al desnudo en escenario en West End el próximo año.

"Sesenta personas de la audiencia estarán sentadas encima del escenario cuando la estrella de Harry Potter, en su papel como el enfermo Alan Strang del escritor de este magnifica obra Equus Peter Shaffer, simule un acto del sexo cabalgando un caballo desnudo. La obra, en la cual también participa Richard Griffiths, se realizará por 16 semanas en el Teatro Gielgud en la Avenida Shaftesbury, con presentaciones previas que empezaran el 16 de Febrero y con la inauguración oficial que tendrá lugar en Febrero 27.

"El resto de la audiencia tendrán que contentarse con mirar a Daniel, 17, desde los asientos normales y el círculo - pero predigo que esos 60 asientos encima del escenario serán los asientos mas buscados de la cuidad de Londres.”

New Order of the Phoenix Pictures and Date for the Theatrical Teaser Trailer

We have tons of new pictures from the new Harry Potter movie OotP.

Harry Potter fights a dementor
Harry, Hermione and Ron
DA "Dumbledore's Army"
Dolores Umbridge, Sybill Trelawney and Minerva McGonagall
Dolores Umbridge
Dudley Dursley, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon

Plus The Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix theatrical teaser trailer will debut in theatres on November 17th. The trailer can only be seen in front of the Warner Bros. comedy adventure film, Happy Feet. Check it out in theatres this November


Tenemos muchas fotos nuevas de la quinta pelicula de Harry Potter.

Harry Potter y la Orden del Phoenix trailer debutará en teatros el 17 de noviembre. El trailer se podra adjunto a la película de la aventura y comedia “Pies Felices” (Happy Feet).

Reviews of Extras and some articles about Equus

Blog Critics
This blog has a great review of Dan in extras:

“Radcliffe enjoys himself, playing against his squeaky clean Potter image. He’s a sex obsessed teenager (so a normal kid then), who tries to use his star power to score with any female he finds on set, with disastrous (and hilarious)results.”
“This was probably the best episode so far this season, and there’s little doubt in my mind it’s because the show returns to the same kind of format as the original series. The episode's finest moment features Radcliffe, a condom, and Dame Diana Rigg, who shows what real star power is all about.”

Daily Record
The Daily Record has a section call “SWITCH ON and SWITCH OFF”
“Switch On” means what shows were good the past week and “Switch off” means what shows were not so great that same week, and guess what show was on the Switch On section:

“Extras, BBC2, Thursday HARRY POTTER and the Libido of Fire...Daniel Radcliffe as a hormonal sex pest was just wizard.”

TV Squad
There is another bit about Extras from theTV Squad, Martin Conaghan who was the person who wrote this article talked about Ricky Gervais success in “The Office” and in his new show “Extras,” but mainly he focused his article in the 3rd episode of the second season of “Extras,” this is what he wrote at the end of his article:

“All I can say about Extras is that it is truly a work of genius; not only in its deliberate self-parody of popular film stars and personalities, but with its shamefaced mocking of overrated comedy shows such as Little Britain, and now with a truly unique twist on the show-within-a-show format.”

Heat Magazine
Thanks to Jain from dr.uk we have another review from Heat magazine which has this to say about Dan's performance in "Extra".

"Radcliffes portrayal of a dementedly horny, spoilt child star...is as beautifully played as anything you'll see on TV..."

The Independent
The Independent had an article about Richard Griffiths, Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter movies, this article talks about his career, his current and future projects, and there is a small bit about Dan:

“If he genuinely feels youth is wasted on the young, he'll have plenty of time to discuss it with his next co-star: Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe. The two of them are to appear together on stage in Equus”

Edmonton Sun

And lastly here is a great article about Equus, it has great quotes from different script writers like Mr. Peter Shaffer, and theater directors, Dan’s name was mentioned, read the article here:
Edmonton Sun


Blog Critrics
Este blog tiene una muy Buena critica sobre Dan en el programa de “Extras”

“Radcliffe disfruta jugando en contra su imagen limpia de Potter. El es un adolescente obsesionado con sexo (come un muchacho normal), que trata de utilizar su poder de estrella de películas para rayar con cualquier mujer que él encuentra en el locacion, con desastrosos (y muy graciosos) resultados.

“Esto ha sido probablemente el mejor episodio hasta este momento de esta temporada, y es porque el programa a regresado a su formato original. El momento excelente de este episodio fue representado por Radcliffe, un condón, y Dama Diana Rigg, quien muestra cual es el verdadero poder de una estrella”

El Daily Record
El Daily Record tiene una sección llamada "PRENDER EL INTERRUPTOR y APAGAR EL INTERRUPTOR," Prender el Interruptor muestra los programas que fueron buenos durante la semana anterior y el Apagar el Interruptor muestran los programas que fueron buenos durante la semana anterior, y adivinen que programa esta en “Prender el Interruptor”:

"Extras, BBC2, Jueves HARRY Potter y el Libido del Fuego... Daniel Radcliffe una peste hormonal por sexo fue simplemente magia."

TV Squad
Otro articulo sobre Extras en el TV Squad, Martin Conaghan que fue la persona que escribió este artículo escribió acerca del éxito de Ricky Gervais en "La Oficina" y en su nueva show "Extras," pero principalmente él enfocó su artículo en el tercer episodio de la segunda temporada de "Extras," esto es lo que él escribió al final de su artículo:

"Todo lo que puedo decir acerca de Extras es que es sinceramente el trabajo de un genio; no solamente es la deliberada parodia de las estrellas más populares de las películas y también de algunas personalidades, pero con la ridiculización de exposiciones sobre-valoradas de comedias come “Little Britain,” y ahora con una torsión sinceramente extraordinaria en un programa adentro del mismo programa”

Heat Magazine
Gracias a Jain de dr.uk tenemos una nueva critica que viene de la revista 'Heat,' la cual tiene esto que decir sobre Dan en el show "Extras":

"Radcliffe protagoniza un caliente, engreído niño estrella...y es actuado hermosamente como nada que se va visto en TV..."

The Independent
The Independent tuvo un artículo acerca de Richard Griffiths, el Tío Vernon en las películas de Harry Potter, este articulo habla acerca de su carrera, sus actuales y futuros proyectos, y hay un pedacito acerca de Dan:

"Si él siente genuinamente que la juventud se esta malgasta en los jóvenes, él tendrá tiempo de sobras para discutirlo con su próximo co-protagonista: El mismo Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe. Los dos aparecerán juntos en la obra de teatro Equus"
Edmonton Sun
Finalmente aquí tengo un articulo sobre Equus, este articulo trae excelentes citas de escritores de teatro como Mister Peter Shaffer y de directores de teatros, el nombre de Dan fue mencionado.

**Lamentablemente no podré traducir todo los artículos solo las citas que mencionen el nombre de Dan.

Video of Dan Accepting NRJ Award

Thanks to Universal Harry Potter, we have the video acceptance of Dan at the NRJ Cine Awards. GoF won the award for "Top of the Box Office."

Dan Video Acceptance


Gracias a Universal Harry potter, tenemos el video de Dan aceptando el premio que GoF gano como "Top of the Box Office"

Dan's Celebrity Influences in History Boys and Inspiring Young Briton

The Guardian publiched a list of "inspiring young Britons" under 21 years of age, Dan was one of this young Britons who made the list, and his picture will be be featured at the National Portrait Gallery in London called "Exceptional Youth: Photographs by Emma Hardy." The article quotes Dan as being "one of the faces of Britain's future."
Dan has this to say:

"I'm still not really aware of how big Harry Potter is. When you're in the middle of something, it's hard to be objective. Funny things have happened, though, and I do have to avoid confined spaces such as the underground. Recently we went to the science museum in Valencia. I was really excited to be checking it out, but I hadn't factored in the school parties, who got a little overexcited.

I would hate to be accused of having got through life just by luck - I think you do create your own destiny. My mum and dad believe in fate. I see coincidences, but not a predestined path. If it's just about fate, then you become complacent and expect things to come your way. I like being challenged. Even when you're doing really intense, dramatic scenes that take so much out of you, it's still really fun and energising. Acting makes you feel so alive.

Committing to such a big film project has involved sacrifices. I miss out on some of the more spontaneous moments in life. But I have a great bunch of friends and an amazing relationship with my parents, and I feel lucky to have worked with so much talent. It sounds a bit gushy, I know, but to have performed with the likes of Imelda Staunton, Gary Oldman and Michael Gambon is nothing less than magical."

Also in the Celebrity Influences section of the official site for History Boys,, Dan had something nice to say about two influences in his life:

Dan: "Before I started playing Harry Potter, I attended a London prep school which was not a happy experience. I left it to play Harry with my confidence at rock bottom and belief in my ability at absolute zero. However, on HP I was tutored by an astonishing woman called Lina Wright. Over a period of six years she (with the support of City of London School) has built my confidence and given me a love of learning which I am certain will never leave me. The most amazing thing about her was that she recently taught me at AS.Level subjects such as History and Religion and Philosophy which were not her areas of expertise, her subjects of choice being Maths and Science. The fact that she is a born teacher is, to me, proven by her ability to take on copious amounts of new information, and communicate it to me in a way that made the subjects interesting. Lina and I are very different in what we believe about religion or politics, or any number of subjects, and so debate was ever present in our classroom, meaning that I didn't just take on information in order to churn it out again at a set date, but rather I learnt to organize the information in my mind, know what I truly thought about it, and would then have it challenged by Lina (never afraid to play the devil's advocate). Above all of this however, she has been and will remain a friend who I am privileged to know. It is not an exaggeration to say that she changed my life!"

Is there a book or poem that you read during your own schooldays (or indeed more recently) that has made a particularly strong impact on you?

Dan: "At AS Level I studied the poems of Tony Harrison. At first, I found some of the poems dense and hard to understand but as I got used to his style and learnt more about his background the poems became not just clear but brilliant. My favourite poem of his was called ALLOTMENTS and it was the first poem of his that I really understood. It was exciting and inspirational because it showed me that a poem could be both funny and dark, filthy but not gratuitous and complex yet accessible all at the same time. It's main theme is the youthful sexual exploits of the poet himself around the city of Leeds and how, after being caught by a concentration camp survivor whilst having sex outside an abattoir, he is left in a state of anguish. Tony Harrison works in the dialogue of the camp survivor seamlessly and in a darkly comic way. I love this poem."

Press Conference Video of GoF

Here is an edited video of only Dan and Emma at the Gof Press Conference, the original video was posted by Danradcliffe.com.

Dan & Emma GoF Press Conference


Aqui les traigo un video editado de solo las partes de Emma and Dan en la conferencia de prensa de GoF. Gracias a Danradcliffe.com

Dan and Emma win SyFy Awards!

Congratulations to Dan and Emma on wining the SyFy Awards, Dan won "Best Actor in a Movie" and Emma Watson won "Best Actress in a Movie," and "Best Young Actor Award," an award which in the past had been won by Dan, and he was the "runner-up" for that category. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire won "Best Movie."

Dan in Extras the entire Episode!

Here is the entire 3rd episode of the show "Extras" that aired on September 28, Dan's performance in Extras is an "out of characterization of himself," he was hilarious in this show and he definitely should think about doing some comedy in his future projects!

Extras Part 1
Extras Part 2
Extras Part 3


Aquí les traigo el tercer episodio del show "Extras," en este show Dan hace una caracterización muy contraria a lo que él es en realidad, este show es muy divertido y Dan debería pensar muy seriamente en hacer algún proyecto que envuelva comedia.

New Scan and Posters from Magic Academy

Thanks to UHP we have some new scans from a french magazine called Magic Academy, there isn't any new information about Dan or Emma.

Magic Academy 1
Magic Academy 2
Magic Academy 3
Magic Academy 4
Magic Academy 5


Gracias a UHP tenemos nuevos scans de la revista francesa Magic Academy, lamentablemente esta revista no contiene nueva información sobre Dan y Emma.Pare ver los scans solo hacer clic en los links.


Hello, my name is Patt from Los Angeles, CA!
I am creating this blog dedicated to Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson because I am a fan of those two young actors.

This blog will contain all the latest information about Dan and Emma. Their projects, public appearances, pictures, interviews and so many more things.

This blog with have news in English and will also have the translation in Spanish for the Spanish speaking fans.

I hope you guys have a great time!

And all kind of suggestions are welcome!

Hola, mi nombre es Patt desde Los Angeles CA.
He creado este blog dedicado a Daniel Radcliffe y Emma Watson, porque soy fan de estos dos jóvenes actores.
Este blog contendrá las ultimas noticias de Dan y Emma. Sus proyectos, apariciones en eventos, fotos, entrevistas y muchas cosas más.
Este blog tendrá las noticias en ingles pero también serán traducidas al español pare aquellos fans que hablan solo español.Espero que se diviertan en este blog.
Y toda clase de sugerencias están bienvenidas!
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