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Remember these?
I had several people tell me that they were going to make them.
If you were one of those people, and you actually did make them,
 please let me know if they are any good.
No one in my family will try them.
They're are kind of freaked out by them.
Katie looked at them and said,
"You know you can buy pickles already made in the store, right?"
Brian refuses to look at them at all.
I'm not a huge pickle fan so I wouldn't know if they were any good.
It's like they think I'm trying to poison them.
I keep telling my family that if I decide to kill them I will do it with my own two hands.
What's up with that?

Earlier this week I shared pics of my sister's vacation home in New Mexico.
She also has a vacation home in the Florida Keys.
I thought I would share some of those pics too.
It's unbelievably gorgeous and I was lucky to spend some time with them at the beach house a few years back.
This is my Happy Place.
No, I was not mad. 
I had just finished drinking a large drink made from several different kinds of alcohol that was poured into a coconut carved to look like a monkey's head.
Kelly, what was the name of that drink?
Hot Monkey Love?
Crazy Monkey Love Sex?
Whatever, it was really good.
My sister is a bad influence.
And she holds her liquor much better than I do.



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