
I decided that I needed to get some color in my house.
I love color.
I don't know why I don't use it very often in my home.
I shopped the house and put some summer into it.
This table was out on the patio.
It was black.
I spray painted it and brought it into the living room.
My husband said, "Isn't that the patio table?"
I said, "Yes, it is."
He said, "Isn't that kind of a redneck thing to bring your patio furniture inside?"
I said, "No, it's only redneck if you move your living room furniture outside."

What do I know, maybe it is.
Maybe I don't care.

I found a use for an old wood box I've had for a while,
I'm using it to hold my books.
An old end table was also brought in from the back patio.
In the kitchen, I spray painted a lazy susan that I had found at GW and now it holds what I use on a daily basis right next to the stove.
And cut flowers brighten everything up.
Have you changed up your house for the summer?
Side note:  Hey Larraine!  Your inbox is full again! 



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