It's Not all Hearts and Roses Around Here

Oh you have one.
You know you do.
That little shoebox of romantic keepsakes from your early relationship days.

Don't even stand there rolling your eyes at me.
When was the last time you looked through it?
Go get it, I'll get mine and let's compare.
This is going to be so fun!
And all romanticy.

The shoebox:
Hmmm......seems to be mostly cards in here.
What's that on top?
Oh my Gosh!  A bingo card! 
Well, I could tell you stories about that!
See this one time, Brian and I were....
We went to this Bingo ummmm
I have no idea what that Bingo card is from.
I don't remember playing Bingo since I was like 6.
Let's move on.

I can't believe I still have this cork!
I thought I'd lost it!
As you can see it's dated 2/11/07 which is the day we
I have no idea. 
That date holds no significant meaning for me.
I wonder if it should.
The strange thing is that neither one of us drink wine.
So, if this is yours and it found it's way to my box accidentally,
and February 11, 2007 holds some wonderful significance for you,
Let me know, I'll send it your way.

Now, this I do remember.
We were married in Laughlin and this was the baggage claim check from the hotel.
Notice it says "Glebens" on it.
Our last name is "Blevins".
All weekend the hotel staff called us Mr. and Mrs. Glebens.

What else is in here?
Nothing says "LOVE" like a pair of NASCAR ticket stubs.

So glad I kept those.

And our fortunes from Big Heng's, down the street.
"Life is a flower of which love is the honey."
For some reason I found them to be box worthy.
Just gag me.

Other than a bunch of generic birthday and anniversary cards,
that's about it.
My romantic life for ya'll to see.
Makes you feel all warm and squishy inside, doesn't it?

Oh and for some reason,
this card was also in the box.
It was a birthday card to me
from my son.



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