The 90's Called and Wants it's Cell Phone Back.

I am old, this I know.
For my cell phone tells me so.

I'm not a techy kinda girl.
I don't need the latest and the greatest.
I don't have an Ipad.
Or a Kindle.
Or a laptop.
Or a convection oven.
Or a sleep number bed.
or a.... well, you get it.
I just need the basics.

My husband, on the other hand,
feels that he cannot survive with only the necessities.
He requires GPS.
Satellite radio.
Rapala Pro Bass Fishing for the Wii.
Ronco's rotisserie oven.

It keeps our marriage interesting.

So, our contracts are just about up with our current cell phone plan.
I have one of these:

You remember these right?
You would pick it up, dial a number and talk to someone.
That was it.
It didn't take fancy pictures,
have Apps,
or cook your dinner.

And I've been fine with that.

But someone in this house is not fine with that.
Someone needs more.
Someone who doesn't know how to use the Internet needs this.

Someone who only knows how to use the computer to
 play free online poker
and search the Bass Pro Shop Clearance events
needs this fancy dancy cellular telephony contraption.

Someone who has only sent one email in his entire life
and that was to his wife.
And it said, "Did I this go throuhg?"
That was not a typo on my part.
That's what his email says.
I still have it.
God love him.

Remember back when we were kids
 and we got a phone call and wanted privacy?
We pulled the phone cord through the kitchen door
as far as it would reach and hid in the coat closet.
And then mom would yell at us because the
cord wouldn't coil right after that.

So, do we do this Iphone thing?
I'm afraid of what will happen if I give in.
What will be next on his list of must haves?



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