The Post Where I Talk About Food and Become Quite Snarky

Does this happen to you?
I go grocery shopping, come home hungry and can't find anything to eat.
Oh, me neither then.

I'm in a food rut.
I buy the same old things week after week.
I'm never happy with my choices when I look for something to make for lunch.
I stare into the fridge believing that something exciting will materialize.
That leprechauns have come in during the night and stocked my pantry.
I get mad.
I only have myself to blame.
I do all the shopping.

So why do I keep buying the same boring stuff?
Lack of imagination?
Fear of spending money on new food only to find it's grody?
I have no idea.

But today will be different.
I have a plan.
I'm making out my list this morning.
Going to buy the usual stuff.
Bread, milk, ding dongs, you know, the essentials.

And then I'm just going to find someone to follow and throw the same stuff into my cart that they do.
Daring, yes?
The problem is locating the right sort of person.
I don't want to follow her.
Because, like I said, I already have Ding Dongs on my list.

And I don't want to follow her.
Because obviously, she's only there for beauty supplies and I need food.

This guy may seem promising

but I'm afraid I would only come away with potatoes, okra, and chafing cream.

I'm on a mission though.
Drastic measures and all that.
I will be interested to see what ends up in my cart.
I'll keep you posted.



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