A Job Well Done

If you remember correctly, we closed off our doggie door so the cat couldn't get out.
She is naughty when she's out.
Dead bunny?
I won't show you the picture again.
You're welcome.
Anyway, she did happen to get out yesterday.
For five minutes.
And she brought me this.

I scooped up the precious little thing and ran outside to try to find the Mama.
Nowhere to be seen.
So I carried it around with me, knowing that Mama would return shortly.
Our yard is filled with quail all summer long.
After about half an hour, I finally let it go all by its lonesome in the backyard.
And about an hour later, I heard CarrotTop.

CarrotTop is a noisy feller.
He is the caller.
He sits on the roof of the house next door and watches our backyard.
When he saw the little chick yesterday morning,
he started calling out like crazy and within a few minutes,
I had Mama quail everywhere. 
I think they all wanted to claim little Aloysius.
That's his name.
He told me.
And here's the lucky lady that claimed him.

You can't see Aloysius because he was too little to climb up onto the concrete.
Nice job CarrotTop!



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