Here it is, the last post. Its super long because i kept getting sent outfits up until yesterday so as it stands this has over 40 sets in it............. thats a whole lot of steeze. I want to first of all say thank you to every single person who sent me something, its been great getting to know you all better. I've had a bawl doing this and i hope you have enjoyed being a part of it so many people sent me stuff! I also hope this helped during the Kristen drought...... i'm missing her and her beautiful steeze.
If you didn't send something this time, don't worry i'll do this again in the future maybe around Eclipse promo time and you can be a part of it then. I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who visits this blog, i recently passed 100,000 blog views which is huge for me. I'm stumped........... you guys are phenomenal thank you to every single person who visits, comments and follows me on twitter it means alot.
Also if you haven't already then check out my post over at the Kstewaddiction blog, they had me as the guest blogger this week and their blog is filled with all kinds of Kristen news and goodies so go show them some support: http://kstewaddiction.blogspot.com/p/guest-blogger-of-week.html
As always all of the outfits are on my Polyvore account unless you sent me yours from your own, here is the link: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=1437928
I hope you guys have enjoyed being a part of this, here is your final set of 'Dream Kristen Outfits' and if you don't mind me saying i think we're going out with a bang enjoy.........

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