I'm in a loving mood today despite the fact that our gal has gone Ninja Stew on us and went into hiding. I miss her and her lesbian steeze (p.s that was SARCASM haters). Anyways i love you guys for being amazing and continuing to follow this blog, i'm well past 100,000 views now and i feel like crawling into a cave at the simple fact people actually come here to read what i post. Now i mentioned last week that i am crazy busy for the next 4 weeks, that has begun and i'm already absolutely dead on my feet. The weekends coming up so i'll have 2 days off to relax and get some energy back and POST!

Now i wanted to do a little shout out in this post to the fantastic @kstewmakeup, she does all of the 'Make Up Fridays' tutorials and videos. I don't know where i would be without her, if you haven't checked out her videos in the post do it (they are fantastic). Shes also started a little blog of her own http://emmawatsonfashion.blogspot.com/ and its all kinds of chic and fab so take a gander over and check it out. Maria i hearts you bestie.
P.S thanks for your patience with the posting, i'm drafting my flaunt magazine post i'm just waiting for pictures of the actual spread but look out for that soon. You are the best followers i could ask for, thanks for sticking with me. Love from me.
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