Hugo Awards: Star Trek and Doctor Who Get Nominations

The Hugo Awards are awards for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy. They were first awarded in 1953, and have been awarded every year since 1955. [AussieCon4]

These awards are set to be presented in Melbourne, Australia, at Aussicon 4 - the 68th World Science Fiction Convention - on September 5, 2010.

Star Trek (written by Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman - directed by J.J. Abrams) is nominated for Best Dramatic Presentation - Long Form, along with Avatar, District 9, Moon and Up.

This is another chance for these great Sci-Fi movies of 2009 to compete against one another.

Doctor Who has 3 nominations in the Best Dramatic Presentation - Short Form category with The Next Doctor (written by Russell T. Davies - Directed by Andy Goddard); Planet of the Dead (Written by Russell T. Davies & Gareth Roberts - Directed by James Strong); and the scary The Waters of Mars (written by Russell T. Davies & Phil Ford - Directed by Graeme Harper).

The venerable British Sci-Fi show is nominated alongside a Dollhouse episode (Epitaph One) and Flash Forward (No More Good Days).

The winners will be announced on September 5 2010. The members have until July 31 to submit their ballots.

Go here for all the categories and nominees.

Good luck to all.


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