So as you know earlier in the week i asked you guys to send me your dream outfits for Kristen, first and foremost i want to thank everyone who got involved in this the response was fantastic as i got over 100 people sending me stuff. Some of you twitpic'd me, sent me e-mails with links or polyvore sets so all the sets look different. Some sets contain runaway pictures alone. I was going to seperate them into looks but i ended up with so many red carpet looks so i'm just going to upload everyones randomly, every single persons set will be uploaded so don't worry if it takes a few days before you see yours i'm just selecting them randomly. Some people sent me a few outfits so they will see their stuff pop up a few times over the next week.
Remember this is your work! Not mines so thank you for sending me all of them i've had the chance to see them all already. I will upload 14 sets a day (weird number but i want to do this over 1 week) until all have been uploaded. If you haven't sent me something and you really want something of yours to be included e-mail me at kstewfashion@btinternet.com and i'll put your set in. Some of the sets have twitter names for the people that included their names in the sets some don't because people sent me stuff anonymously. As i upload them here i will upload the sets up onto my Polyvore account unless you sent me a Polyvore set from your own personal account. Here is my account: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=1437928
So enjoy, here is your first 14 dream outfits you guys want to see Kristen wearing..............

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