Hello all, i have had the longest day ever today but i won't bore you with details. I figured i'd post this before i go to sleep tonight. I have a semi ranting post coming tomorrow and you'll see what its about. Anyways a few corrections to the previous post have been made, check them out if you wish. It seems that we are about to perhaps enter a Kristen drought with no public appearances coming up but i have a few goodies for you coming up to get you through the pain so stick with me.
So yesterday Kristen was spotted house hunting yet she told paps she wasn't looking for a house. I guess she's not going to point to a house and say 'yes i'm buying this' to them because then they'd camp outside it. She looks so happy and cute i love seeing her with a big smile on her face. I have to say i was laughing about the Members Only jacket people were debating who it belonged to last night. All i have to say on the jacket is it looks huge on her and i wasn't liking it much. Topic closed.
So Kristen wore a 'Members Only' Vintage Jacket apparently (zac efron is a fan too maybe they're matching for their supposed movie together or is it too early to make jokes?)and her Recession Skinny Ink Denim Jeans which i am in love with. If i wore jeans like that i'd split the seam moving around, i am officially jealous of those legs. She wears a Market - Milla Boyfriend Tee (the link to see the tee is in the previous post) she seems to have a few of these in many colours. Shoes wise she wears her Vintage Pacific Express Tennis Shoes which she must have had for years, she seems fond of them. Accessories wise we see her favourite Seiko watch in place along with her Mont Blanc Sunglasses. An overall cute comfortable look in my opinion.
'Members Only' Vintage Jacket (i've put a few members only jackets here just for you guys to look at)

Recession Skinny Ink Denim Jeans

Market - Milla Boyfriend Tee

Vintage Pacific Express Tennis Shoes

Seiko Watch

Mont Blanc Sunglasses

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