Part 5 *sniffs* we're edging closer to the end of this, just 2 posts left after today. I think its truley great how many of you have taken part in this, retweeted this and commented on this. Its nice to just take a step back from all the hate thats swimming around the now and just be Kristen fans. Luckily this blog has avoided the hate mail so far *i hope i haven't just jynxed myself*. We've all come together and thats whats so great about this.
Don't worry i haven't actually forgotten about my job here, i have some posts i'm thinking about putting up this weekend featuring the Stew....... i'm taking my time with my posts these days and trying to make them better for you guys. I'm drained these days with the amount of work i have but i won't ramble on about it here, thats what twitter is for.
By the way is anyone noticing my title pictures? I'm hunting out some oldies but goodies, just of Kristens face so we can admire the beauty. She truly is breathtaking. As always all of the outfits are on my Polyvore account unless you sent me yours from your own, here is the link: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=1437928