Greta News

More exclusive news by MissDuff...the webmaster of MissDuff post it on his web:
"Thanks to Logan for contacting a writer from Greta. He got a reply today and Michael (the writer) had a rough idea of the release date. And some major lags for the movie, too. It’s been over 1 year since Greta started going on production. If it doesn’t get picked up soon enough, I’m gonna give up on this like Material Girls.
According to Michael, the Sundance Movie Festival is one of the reasons for the delay. He mentioned that Greta would be picked up by a distributor after the festival, which is around January 25th. And I guess that’s a good thing (did I just say that?) because it’s a summer movie, so it should be released in the summer.
I don’t actually have any hard info about when GRETA will be released. The film is finished, but doesn’t yet have a distributor. The producer has been holding it back, I believe, until after the Sundance Film Festival. I guess a lot of distributors wait until after Sundance to buy new films (I’m guessing — this sort of thing is above my pay grade, as they say). I believe they’re trying for a summer release, since the movie is set in the summertime.

Thanks for your interest in the film. I hope you like it when if finally arrives. Hilary is in just about every scene.
- Michael"
Michael, um dos escritores de Greta, revelou que todo o atrazo para tal filme se deve ao evento Sundance Film Festival. Veja abaixo o que ele escreveu, quando questionado sobre o filme estrelado pela Hilary Duff:
"Eu, na verdade, não tenho qualquer informação quando Greta for liberado. O filme já está terminado, mas não tem um distribuidor. O produtor deve segura-lô até o final do Sundance Film Festival. Depois desse evento, pode surgir novos destruibuidores. Acredito que ele lançe no verão, já que o filme foi feito no verão".
Source: Miss Duff / Tradução e adaptação: Hilary-Brasil


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