Here is a new Dan interview, IMHO one of the best interviews he has taken part for the past two or three years, The Daily Beast conducted this interview where Dan talks politics, theater, Harry Potter, President Obama and more...
On Tuesday Barack Obama becomes our new president. We happen to be seeing each other in a very American week. Does it make you feel overly British to be here right now, or less so?
I feel privileged to be here for Obama’s inauguration. But I do tend to go doubly British when I am away from home. I have picked up certain phrases while here in America that I plan to eradicate as soon as I get back home.
“I know—right?” That phrase and its little rhythm there is very American and not really used in England. I’ve started saying that and people are picking up on it when they come over. But getting back to Mr. Obama. I am so proud and happy for this country. He is everything the rest of the world liked about America and now likes again. He is both Martin Luther King and JFK. He is a pioneer. He is a symbol of progress which is what we dig about this country. What you love about England is all the old buildings and such. The traditions. I love that, too. But this is what we want from you.
And may I? I’d like to take this opportunity to issue a public invitation to the Obamas that if their daughters would like a private tour of the Harry Potter set, I would be honored to be their personal tour guide.
Your mother is Jewish. Do you identify as Jewish yourself?
Absolutely. I really do. My dad is Northern Irish and my mum is Jewish. That’s working blood. Though I am not religious in the least, I am very proud to be Jewish.
That should help you fit in here in New York. Are you ready for the run of Equus to end?
I’m going to be very sad. The Harry Potter films brought me a reputation. And doing Equus in London and now in New York has consolidated that and brought me a certain amount of respect. It will always be my first experience on the stage.
You are an only child who attained worldwide fame at a very early age. Fame itself has become a presence in your life. I’m sure you have a love/hate relationship with it. In that sense, did fame become your sibling?
It’s not so much the fame thing as it is the person you are when you are in front of an audience or, well, being interviewed.
So you have become your own sibling?
I guess in a way, yeah because you develop two personas. It’s not even a conscious thing. Something happens. Like when I did Inside the Actor’s Studio. Adrenalin hits you and your mind starts working very, very fast. People always say to me, “Oh, you’re so funny in interviews.” And I go, Well, I’m not really in real life particularly. That’s what fame does to you. You acquire another self.
Have you contacted your co-star in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix—Robert Pattinson—to give him any advice about his own sudden fame because of the Twilight films? He was once quoted as saying that if given a choice between himself and you, that girls would choose you every time.
I don’t have his number, so haven’t spoken to him. But I can safely say that his insisting that girls would choose me over him that they would not. That they do not. He is the much prettier and can be much more charming. And he can do that thing of being sultry and sexy.
You’re sexy, Daniel. Come on. Own it.
I can’t!
Who are you reading now? I know that you’re a big reader.
I’m being really indulgent at the moment and reading P.G. Wodehouse. Lots of Jeeves and Wooster.
That’s the saddest thing you’ve said all day. You really are homesick, aren’t you.
I am. Just this morning I was listening to Noel Coward singing, “I went to a MAAAAAAVELOUS party with Nunu and Nada and Nell...”
I thought you liked punk rock.
Yes. Well. That’s what being abroad has done to me.
One last question. Have you shagged Dame Diana Rigg yet?
Not yet. Though I long for it to happen, I still await the day.
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