Bad album review from Malaysia

+CHRocky from Hilary Fan post it:
"So that day I was reading a local newspaper Star Paper where they reviewed some new albums even including Hilary's Best Of! Kind of shocked because even with almost no promotion, her release was noticed. Too bad the review is awful. I don't really remember the full context but it was something like this:
*As she grows older, she get more annoyed, at least her music.
*She was still at that stage of getting rid of her past Disney girl image into an adult singer. But she tried too hard which [forgot what they wrote about this part but they were trying to say that she kind of failed to be sexy] which can be seen on her latest music video.
*She has some little fans following her on track since before but if she wants more than that she has to first improve her singing.
You know what? They didn't even introduce Reach Out nor Holiday, instead just stated that there are some old songs of hers included in the album. I feel that it's more like a bash to Hilary instead of being a review of the album..."
Traduçao em breve!
Source: +CHRocky from HilaryFan


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