Progress x3

Number One
If you remember my tutorial from last week, you will now see that we have made some progress.
Let's just pan a little to the right.

That would be the waste paper basket.
It's all good.

Number Two
I've been eating better and exercising with my Wii fit.
Here is last week.

At 168.
Here is this week.
At 164.
I call that progress. 
Unless of course my big fat gray slippers that I wore the first time weigh 4 lbs. 

Number Three
I wanted to thank everyone who sent prayers out for my Daddy.  He had some very extensive surgery last week.  Once they got in, they found that some additional things needed to be taken care of so the surgery was much more invasive and difficult than they had originally thought.  However, he has done remarkably well and is recovering nicely.  He was expected to stay in the hospital for 10 to 14 days and now they are sending him home, just 6 days after the surgery.  I appreciate the prayers so very much.  God is so good.



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