Help a Girl Out?

Today I am seeking advice and asking some random questions.  Feel free to answer any of the below questions or you can completely ignore these.  That’s okay with me too.  It just means a lot to me that you were here.

1)   My dog, Lil Shit (named by my husband) has farts that smell like burnt rubber.   See how fun this advice post is going to be?  So, I Googled “rubber farts” and “burnt rubber dog farts”.  I didn’t find any help but I did learn that the animal that has the highest worldwide output of flatulence is the termite.   Now you know.  You’re welcome.  Anyway, has anyone ever experienced this rubber smell emanating from their dog’s hind quarters, and if so, is there anything I can do about it?

If that's not a guilty face, I don't know what is.

2)  Does anyone else have this problem?  I’ve been using the same antiperspirant forever and it’s always worked great, no problem.  All of a sudden, it doesn’t seem to be working anymore.  I’m sitting here right now; it's cold in this room and my armpits are sweaty.  What’s up with that?   Did my pits form a tolerance to the deodorant?
This is what I am currently using

3)   I’ve seen on my site-meter that someone in Missoula, Montana reads my blog everyday but I can’t figure out who it is.  Sometimes, people don’t list their specific locations in their profiles so I’ve had a hard time trying to figure this out.  If you’re in Missoula, leave me a comment and let me know who you are.  Phew, that’s been bugging me.
**Update-it seems from the comments so far that people think I'm being stalked by a crazy Missoulaite.  Not true.  I just want to know who you are and wanted to thank you for taking the time to read my blog every day.  Don't be afraid of my friends that are leaving creepy messages about you. 
image from here
4)   I’ve been trying to make more healthy choices in my diet but I’m really missing potato chips.  I don’t like the veggie chips that are available.  Anyone have any suggestions for a healthier alternative?  I need salt, and preferably BBQ flavoring and ridges would help.
I totally get that you don't need a picture after each question but pictures are fun!
5)   If you are under 40, don’t even look at this question.  Anyone had any success getting rid of brown sun (age) spots on their face?  If so, what product did you use?  I have three spots and have tried a few different things to fade them and nothing is working.  Any advice?  You can see it just at the end of my eyebrow.  Keep in mind that we are talking about that brown area just at the tip of my eyebrow and not about my gray hair, the crow's feet, or the bags under my eyes.

It's much darker in person.

6)      Does your cat eat your soap?  Am I alone here? 
Choo-Choo Gillespie Blevins

Love, as Always,



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