Blogger Shame

Is there anything more shameful for a Blogger than to go to some really cool places and not bring your camera?  I thought not.

Yesterday was a super busy, fun day and I didn't take one picture.  I will steal borrow some from Google for you though so you can get the idea.

We started off at 8:00 am by running to my husband's work to pick up a dump truck, fill it full of dirt and drop it off at a friends house to fill in a major hole in their back yard.  You're jealous, right?  My husband is a truck driver and I must say it was pretty cool to watch him use the loader to fill the truck and then to drive it through a back gate with only inches on each side to drop it.  It was kinda sexy.  I liked him a lot right then.
not actually us

After taking the truck back to his shop, we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and then went to the RV Show at the Cardinal's Stadium to look around, we miss our 5th wheel and have been looking around a bit but we're not quite ready to buy yet.

still not us

Then we went to the other side of town to an RV place called Little Dealer Little Prices and looked at more RVs.  After that we went to the Happiest Place on Earth (for a Redneck).

Bass Pro Shop

Brian needed to get a new reel for his tournament next weekend.  After that we went to look around the Mesa Marketplace and went into Toby Keith's I Love this Bar and Grill.  The food was wonderful and the atmosphere was a lot of fun.  I would have completely died a shameful Bloggers death if Toby had walked in and I didn't have my camera because he is just, well, he's just,  I mean, really, come on, you know, he's like just so.....anyway.

Then we went to the Tempe Marketplace where we walked around the entire place looking for new sunglasses for the husband.  Found the Oakley store and then got out of there as fast as our aching feet could carry us.
We then went to play cards with some friends of ours and I stayed up until 9:30.  That is 9:30 pm.  Those of you who don't know me, my usual bedtime is 6:00 pm because I get up at 2:00 am for work.  I was such a grown up person yesterday.  I was more than happy to sleep in this morning until 8:30.

Hope everyone has a great restful day.

There is nothing better than to have a relaxing evening after a day of doing nothing.

Love ya'll (and Toby).



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