How to Live in Phoenix

If you lived here in Phoenix and it was 117 degrees,
You would cut your hair often believing that this would keep you cool.
It actually will not.
Lovely Webcam photo.

And you would buy really cute Vera Wang Flip Flops
 from Kohl's with your Kohl's cash so they only cost $4.00.

Obviously it is not necessarily important to get a pedicure
or paint your toenails.
Or shave your big toe.

And anytime you get in the car,
You must have the necessities.

Diet Mountain Dew for the Mister.
Diet Coke in an environmentally incorrect Styrofoam cup for me.
Don't judge me.
And a granola bar.

And a hat.

Heading out shortly to meet Jo for some retail therapy.

She's says she has gray roots
so I'm not going to worry about shaving my toe.
No cameras allowed today.



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