More Monsters on the way

Shawn and I shared our thoughts on Gareth Edwards's much-hyped sci-fi drama here (and on the player to the right) . . . just in time, it seems, for a sequel to be announced.

Edwards told the fine folks over at Dread Central that Vertigo Films has decided to move ahead with a follow up to his ultra low budget film. As for his involvement? It sounds like the British helmer might not be that involved at all given his commitment to direct the latest U.S. version of Godzilla.

"I'm not sure how involved I can be right now, and I don't think my next film really should be a sequel just yet," he said. "I'd like to do something else first, but I would definitely be open to returning at some point."

He goes on to say: "Whoever comes in should definitely be given free rein to put their own spin on this world, and I know they'll get the right person."

As far as I'm concerned a sequel, prequel or whatever is a bad idea. I really dug Monsters, but it's a one off kind of movie. A franchise this does not have to be.


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