Christmas is only days away, and if there's anything we love more than the presents and TV specials the holiday brings, it's the delicious Christmas dinner. Whether you opt for a ham, a roast or some sort of vegetarian alternative (Tofurky, anyone?), getting the family together and packing on all the pounds you just burned off from Thanksgiving is something to celebrate.
Well, we have a different sort of family here at Hollywood Crush, and surprisingly, a lot of them are very good cooks. Our favorite celebrities, like Blake Lively, Kristen Stewart and Emma Roberts, just happen to be amateur chefs, as well as actors, so we're putting them to work, cooking us Christmas dinner. Hey, a Hollywood Crush writer can dream, right? Keep reading to see who's making what.
To ensure our desserts as sugar-filled as possible, we're not assigning "Country Strong" star Gwyneth Paltrow to the sweet treats (Gwyn's just too much of a health nut!). Instead, she's in charge of the savory apps. The actress just put out her first cookbook, so we're sure she has plenty of fun recipes that she's desperate to try out on us.
Helping her will be Emma Roberts, who not only participated in Celebrities Cook for a Cause but also stopped by the "Rachel Ray Show" back in the day. We have a feeling she has a couple of delicious recipes she learned from her Aunt Julia that she could put to good use.
Side dishes
Peter Facinelli is a one-man cooking machine from what we can tell, and when he hung out with football star Reggie Bush at a Tupperware party earlier this year, all his best dishes were sides. Broccoli? Check. Polenta? Check. French chicken with risotto that made wife Jennie Garth fall in love with him? Okay, that's more of a main dish, but still, check. Plus, he's proved to Martha Stewart that he is an expert on pastas, so we have faith that he could equally impress us.
Main course
Since we have one "Twilight" star on sides duty, it only makes sense to have another working on the main dishes. We of course are talking about Kristen Stewart, who impressed all her costars with her ability to serve up BBQ, chicken piccata and "incredible" homemade marinara sauce for more than 20 people. We aren't sure if she's actually cooked a big Christmas dinner before, but it sounds like she has the chops for it.
And even if she doesn't, one "Gossip Girl" certainly does. Blake Lively just earned a certificate from a tailor-made workshop at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, which if you've watched as much Food Network as we have, you know is a pretty ginormous achievement. It doesn't matter what she cooks for us, we have a feeling it will be delicious. And, if for whatever reason Kristen doesn't need any more help in the kitchen, Blake can always assist with the desserts.
But we're going to put "Glee" star Jayma Mays on dessert duty just because she already proved her stuff in the Cookies for Kid's Cancer campaign. "I love cooking, I love kids and I hate cancer," Jayma told The Stir. "It’s the perfect organization to be involved with." We'll have to keep an eye on her, though, because her rule is that for every 10 cookies she makes, she gets to eat one. Since Peter Facinelli also participated in the campaign, we'll have him keep her in check once he's done with sides.
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