I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and had about an hour to kill. I savored it. Walked slowly up and down each aisle. Let people scoot around me with their overloaded carts. I could have used two hours. I love that they put their holiday items on sale BEFORE the actual holiday. Really, who wants to buy Halloween décor in November and then climb up in their dusty attics to store it, then forget they bought it when it comes back around the following year?
I bought these two pumpkins the day before at Michaels for $2.99 each. Good deal.
I wasn’t sure want to do with them. When I went down the aisle of markers at Hobby Lobby, I decided to buy a Sharpie and an Elmers Painters pen in Gold metalic.

I downloaded Halloween templates from here and from here.
And I just painted them on my pumpkins, they are a little plain and I will probably add to them but this is what I have so far.
I ventured down the fabric aisles and found this:
I fell in love! I have no idea what I'm going to do with it but I'm gonna do something, just don't you worry about that! I looked at the end of the bolt before I took it to the cutting table because I thought I may want more at some point. I read the name.
Self: You need to write down the name of that.
Other Self: I'll remember.
Self: No you won't, you'll forget.
Self: There's a pen in your purse, I'm just sayin.
Other Self: Shut up.
So, I have no idea what the name of the fabric is but I just had to have it. They also had a 50% off sale on ribbon. A girl always needs ribbon at $1.00 each.
My sister commented that she wants me to start posting Christmas gift ideas, she's funny like that.
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