Kristen vs. Anna
Posted by
girl withouth clothes
92.5FM CFBX Kamloops,
Dog Soldiers,
William Castle
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It's Halloween, and everyone is entitles to one good scare. For us in The Basement, that scare came Friday night when we interviewed the ghost of deceased movie producer, director and actor William Castle!
For those that missed our first ever live chat with the dead, there is the podcast to your right that you can listen to at your leisure. Given that the interview was carried out via live chat in a Facebook discussion page, we've included a link to it here. Feel free to give it a read and catch parts of the interview that didn't make it onto the show. And thanks again to psychic Mike S, who mediated the interview for us. You rock!
How could we not broadcast every question and answer? Well, being a movie review show, we did have to talk movies. And Shawn and I just had to share our thoughts on the best underrated horror movies of all time. Being the generous radio hosts that we are, we've included our lists and brief thoughts on each film for you below!
And a big shout out once again to our resident ghost, the late great Mr. Castle! Thanks for making Halloween 2010 a great one for us Basement Dwellers!
The 10 Most Underrated Horror Films
According to Shawn:
Eight Legged Freaks - One of the greatest giant spider movies ever made. Having arachnophobia, this movie is an eye squinter for me when I watch it. Toxic waste spill mutates the spiders at a side-of-the-road spider zoo. The zookeeper is quickly devoured and the spiders take refuge in the town's old gold mines. They grow, and eat people. Awesome!
The Devil's Backbone- Ghosts, war, bombs, and lots of scares. I remember being a bit squeamish watching it. Thanks for the nightmares, Guillermo Del Toro.
Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot - I was a kid when I watched this TV movie. I remember it freaked me out. We do live in Bigfoot country after all. Plausible? Call Mythbusters.
Dead Alive (Brain Dead)- Terrible beginning. Terrible ending. The bits in between are gold. Rare monkey is found, bites lady. Cue zombie apocalypse. Features a priest who kicks ass for God. How cool is that?
Freaks – An old, weird movie. Watched it once when I was young and it's stuck with me ever since. Maybe because they used real genetically unfortunate persons. May not be the scariest movie on earth, but disturbing.
An American Werewolf In London – I was 10 years old when I watched this. The werewolf itself wasn't the scariest part. It was the dead victims that impacted me and still stick with me today. Really. I see one of them now!
John Carpenter's The Thing - Again, I was 10 years old when I watched this. That must have been a defining year for me and movies. Thanks to George's dad too, who let me watch it. It was evening, I lived one short block away. He says "Hey Shawn, have a good walk home and watch out for THE THING! It could be anybody". Thanks. Words I've lived by. That molded me.
Pontypool - Awesome one-location, limited-cast apocalyptic film. Truly makes you use your imagination, gets you thinking, and is pretty damn scary. Highly underrated!
and No. 1 . . . Dog Soldiers – Werewolves versus soldiers. Soldiers kick ass. The werewolves are the best ever put on film. I don't care what Mike S. thinks! Violent, gory and believable. Scary even. It's what we in The Basement look for in a horror movie!
According to Jason:
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane - A group of high-schoolers invite Mandy Lane, a good girl who became quite hot over the summer, to a weekend party on a secluded ranch. While the festivities rage on, the number of revelers begins to drop quite mysteriously. Quirky and well done despite its low budget. Got Amber Heard noticed, and for good reason!
The Woman in Black - When a friendless old widow dies in the seaside town of Crythin, a young solicitor is sent by his firm to settle the estate. Pure terror ensues for the solicitor and the audience. Guaranteed to keep you up at night.
Session 9 - Tensions rise within an asbestos cleaning crew as they work in an abandoned mental hospital with a horrific past that seems to be coming back. Limited violence, no jump scares but unsettling none-the-less.
The Orphanage - A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, where she opens an orphanage for handicapped children. Before long, her son starts to communicate with an invisible new friend. From producer Guillermo Del Toro, and scary as hell. The kid in the sack mask still gives me nightmares.
Pontypool - A psychological thriller in which a deadly virus infects a small Ontario town via the spoken word. What Shawn said.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes - When hundreds of videotapes showing torture, murder and dismemberment are found in an abandoned house, they reveal a serial killer's decade-long reign of terror and become the most disturbing collection of evidence homicide detectives have ever seen. Two words describe this film: fucked up! And not for everyone.
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon - The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo, all the while deconstructing the conventions and archetypes of the horror genre for them. A must see. Why haven't you seen it yet? Get out there and SEE IT!
Dog Soldiers - A routine military exercise turns into a nightmare in the Scotland wilderness as a group of soldiers find themselves under siege by a pack of werewolves. Again, what Shawn said.
Trick r Treat – Actually a better film than my No. 1 choice, but much more well know and therefor it does not rank as No. 1. Four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: An everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank; a woman who loathes the night has to contend with her holiday-obsessed husband. One to put in the Blu-Ray player every October.
and No. 1 . . . Splinter - Trapped in an isolated gas station by a voracious Splinter parasite that transforms its still living victims into deadly hosts, a young couple and an escaped convict must find a way to work together to survive this primal terror. Brutal, disturbing and a masterpiece despite the low budget. Great characters who react in rational and believable way to the nightmare they face. I love this movie!
From Beyond the Grave: A Discussion With William Castle!
Posted by
girl withouth clothes
on Friday, October 29, 2010
92.5FM CFBX Kamloops,
Rob Zombie,
Sick Puppies,
William Castle
Comments: (0)
Tonight is a Basement first! With the help of psychic and frequent contributor Mike S., and the marvels of modern Facebook technology, Shawn and I are going to conduct a live online and onair interview with the spirit of famous Hollywood film director, producer and actor William Castle!
We've opened a discussion on our Facebook page and, shortly after 10 p.m., our conversation from beyond the grave will begin! Remember, Castle is a ghost, so he's only regained the ability to type, not to speak. Mike S. will speak for him!
Those who want to listen can tune in live at 92.5FM CFBX Kamloops or www.thex.ca. If you want to watch the discussion unfold, or even have a question to ask, stop by our Facebook page.
Castle may be best known for his gimmicks. For example, The Tingler (1959) was about a docile creature that lives in the spinal cord, is activated by fright, and can only be destroyed by screaming. In the film's finale, one of the creatures removed from the spine of a mute woman is let loose in a movie theatre. Some seats in theatres showing the Tingler were equipped with larger versions of hand-held joy buzzers that were attached to the underside of the seats. When the Tingler in the film attacked the audience, the buzzers were activated as a voice encouraged the real audience to scream for their lives.
We've also got music by Rob Zombie and Sick Puppies, plus featured discussions on the best underrated horror films of all time. Stick with us!
And remember, if all of this makes your skin crawl, it's Halloween: everyone is entitled to one good scare!
Below is Castle introducing his film The Tingler.
Make-up like Kristen

Ruby red lips, dark smokey eyes and a lifted hairdo meant Kristen Stewart dazzled on the carpet for the screening of her latest movie, Welcome To The Rileys. A world away from the grounded lo-fi of Adventureland and the teen gothic glamour of Twilight, Kristen's new look is much more lifted, much more refined and a lot less grunge than we're used to.
Blessed with a perfect but pale complexion Kristen keeps the base natural and the details well defined. As the contrast between the eyes and lips are really what does the work here the effect is calm and sophisticated without being too cold or flat. If you're going to steal this one, start with a foundation close to your natural colouring and use as sparingly as you dare.
For minor imperfections Estee Lauder's Touche Eclat highlighter pen and a dab of concealer will cover where you need it most. A touch of subtle sparkle can be added with a flush of illuminating powder like Barocco Face Palette by Clarins. For paler complexions illuminators work perfectly where blusher often fails. Applied carefully and in one light sweep, it can dazzle whilst being subtle, but if over applied the threat of looking like a disco ball is a very real one!
Beginning with eyes, even out skin tone from lash line to brow bone with a neutral shade like MAC's Shroom and add a grey or navy like Rimmel's Glam 'Eyes Mono Eye Shadow in Enchantment from the lash line to just above the crease.
To finish blend shadow below the lash line and up to the eye corner and finish with a slight smudge. A less than steady hand is perfect for creating that rugged finish and as a final touch, a slick of separating mascara like La Roche-Posay's Respectissime Densifying Mascara will complete the eyes perfectly.
As this is much more of a red carpet look than we're used to from Kristen her sharp ruby lips are the real touch that brings out the glamour. Applying lip liner like Chanel's Precision Lip Definer in Nude will keep colour from bleeding and lips super sharp and as is always the case with the colour red, brush applying the shade that suits you best is better than anything anyone else can recommend.
The hair is lifted enough but not too much and though you wouldn't know from the photos we are reliably informed the nail polish is jet black and very, very matte. As refined as it is you can take the girl out of Twilight but not the
Neues Interview NY Timeout

Kristen Stewart is often painted as one of Hollywood’s most awkward starlets—painfully shy, ill-suited to the spotlight and, for better or worse, entwined with the Twilight saga and her embodiment of its romantic heroine, Bella Swan. In Welcome to the Rileys, the 20-year-old actor plays Mallory, a teenage runaway stripper who forms a fast, intense bond with the grief-stricken Doug (James Gandolfini), who lost his daughter in a fatal accident. Together they create an ad hoc family only slightly more dysfunctional than most. We spoke with Stewart about Twilight, Rileys and hanging out in strip clubs.
You seem very attracted to roles in which you play someone who is defiant, constantly fighting for something—emotionally, physically. What is Mallory fighting for the hardest?
I think she’s just trying to survive. She’s had a rough upbringing, which has taken something from her on a really basic level. It’s hard for a young girl in the normal world, but put her on the streets…she doesn’t realize that she does actually need people, that she needs to have a capacity to trust, accept and love other people. She sees and tastes that with Doug, realizes she can have it, and she’s not dead yet.
You shot this film between Twilight and New Moon, before Twilight had even been released, and you were still very young. Did you feel ready to play a runaway stripper at that point in your life?
I think I was 16 or maybe freshly 17 when I first read [the script for Welcome to the Rileys]. I was really intimidated, and I’m really glad that the film took the time that it did to find its legs, because I wasn’t in the position to play the part [then]. I wouldn’t have jumped into it as much. I would have been afraid of it.
What changed, besides getting a little older?
In order to play it right and not be a total fraud, we went to strip clubs and I talked to girls in, like, really gross bars. [Director] Jake Scott gave me all these really great books and recorded and transcribed conversations and stories from kids who’ve grown up on the streets.
Did you talk to girls who had grown up on the streets, or were you just in the clubs?
I didn’t go talk to runaways at shelters. I didn’t meet anybody that was under, I would guess, 25? I mainly just talked to girls who told me funny stories. We didn’t really delve into their histories, but the books and stuff that Jake provided me with were really right on.
What was the best book?
Gosh, it’s sort of funny to tell people this—there was this one in particular that there were a few things that were perfect and pictures that were really beautiful and heartbreaking, just strange. It’s called Raised by Wolves. It’s so good. This guy basically endeared himself into this world of street kids in Hollywood.
What do you think about young people who have fallen through the cracks of life?
It’s a strange little society. It’s a world of people living in a vicious circle, you know, an altered, broken, strange existence. But they’re all a family, and they’re making it work. Mallory takes herself out of that.
Did anything about filming the movie scare you?
When I was shooting I lost my mind a little bit. I was so comfortable. I literally was stomping around the city in fishnets and half of a robe, like walking to set from base camp like, “No, fuck it, I’ll just walk, don’t worry about it.” I had absolutely no fear in the world. You never know if you can do something until you do it.
You’re under more pressure than most actors because of Twilight, and perceptions about typecasting and your range.
Yeah, and you know, it definitely doesn’t deter me in any way, but it’s something that I think about when asked: “Has anything changed?” That has, but the work hasn’t.
You’re about to shoot the final film in the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn. Are you still enjoying it, or are you desperate for it to end?
I can’t wait to do it, I can’t wait to get it out…it’s the craziest, longest buildup. It’s just like, Let’s fucking do it already, you know what I mean? But at the same time, it’s sad. Not to be totally and completely candid, but—I know some people think they’re bad—but they’d be really bad if the cast didn’t really love them.
This is a long post, you may want to go pee first, I'll wait
I'm using you, yes I am, You cute little red dutch oven.
Remember when I bought her?
I found a recipe for pork chops in a dutch oven a while back but I can't remember where, so feel free to take the credit.
Also, I'm wearing my yellow apron so you know I'm in serious cooking mode. Yes, I stand around all day in this corner of my kitchen in my apron with a stupid look on my face.
Slice up a whole large yellow onion. I put it on my favorite turquoise plate for your viewing pleasure.
Pour the olive oil in your dutch oven and then drop 1/2 of the onion in. Sprinkle the onions with paprika, pepper and then the herb rub. I do know that the original author of this recipe bought her rub in a jar but I made my own.
Arrange the pork chops on top of the onions. Sprinkle the chops with more herb rub. Place the rest of the onions on top of the pork chops.
Now....this is where I'm going to ask you to NOT freak out. Ready? Put bacon slices on top of the onions. Yes, I said bacon! Do you not remember who I'm married to? Bacon is a staple, must be served at least three times a week.
Sprinkle the top with black pepper and paprika. Bake covered in the dutch oven at 300 degrees for about 1 hour and 25 minutes for thick chops and 1 hour for thin chops.
Dutch Oven Pork Chops
4 pork chops
Olive oil
1 large yellow onion sliced in rings
Herb rub to taste*
Coarsely ground pepper to taste
4 hickory smoked bacon slices
Cover bottom of dutch oven with olive oil, about 1/4 cup. Place 1/2 of onion slices over oil.
Sprinkle onions with paprika, herb rub and pepper.
Arrange pork chops on top of this. Sprinkle chops with more of the herb rub.
Place the rest of the onion rings over seasoned chops. Place bacon slices over onions and sprinkle top generously with paprika and pepper.
Bake covered in a 300 degree oven for about 1 hour and 25 minutes for thick chops and 1 hour for thin ones.
*To make the herb rub I just use equal parts, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, sage and basil.
Moving right along:
Right now, I'm reading this.
So far, I'm enjoying it.
Moving further along:
That means, you guessed it, MORE BACON!
I've been making this recipe I found on Mommy's Kitchen for a while now. I'm not allowed to go camping with our friends unless I bring it.
It's so yummy. Crisp, sweet and Spicy. I make it ahead of time at home, wrap in foil and then throw on the grill to heat it up when we get there. It's also good cold. Best snack ever!
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne (optional)
1/2 pound thick-cut bacon, 8 slices
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Mix brown sugar, cayenne, and black pepper together in a Ziplock bag. Add bacon and shake. Line a baking sheet with a wire rack and lay bacon on the rack. Pat any remaining spice mixture on the bacon. Put the baking sheet on the top rack of the oven and bake until crisp, about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven to a serving dish and let cool slightly before serving.
*Note: If using thick cut peppered bacon, omit the pepper in this recipe.
Keep going, just a little further.
This is a little bit creepy. You know how they have those lights at the dermatologist's office where it shows all the damage the sun has done on your face? Did you know that if you edit your pictures and use the "adjust exposure" and completely decrease your highlights it does the same thing?
This picture is over-exposed but you get the "picture". See how I did that? Picture. Ha Ha
Now here I am with the highlights totally decreased
Can you see all my age spots? Crazy!
Last thing, I promise.
I'll be gone this weekend and won't be blogging so everyone have a safe, Happy Halloween!
That pic looks like me before all that dad-blamed sun damage.
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo front-runner for Alien prequel
Posted by
girl withouth clothes
Noomi Rapace,
Ridley Scott,
Sigourney Weaver,
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Comments: (0)
Noomi Rapace is the front-runner for the Alien prequel. That's the news.
Meetings between Ridley Scott, who directed the original film more than 30 years ago, and a number of potential leads have concluded and the lean Rapace is so far his favourite, so says Deadline.
Other actresses that reportedly took meetings with Scott were Carey Mulligan, Abbie Cornish, Natalie Portman, and Olivia Wilde of the upcoming Tron Legacy. Deadline also states the studio is heavily involved in this particular casting and Rapace's English, or lack thereof, may be the only problem.
As far as I am concerned, Rapace is a great choice. Her Lisbeth Salender was a major ball breaker. Get her to work on the accent and let's roll. Actually, who cares about the accent. She's a worthy successor to Ripley, even though the film takes place before Sigourney Weaver and company came along.
All I've got to do now is a give two shits about another Alien moving being made.
These Things I Know....
These Things I Know….
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Meatloaf cannot be served without mashed potatoes.
Meatloaf cannot be served without mashed potatoes.
When something is bothering me and my husband asks, “What’s wrong?” I will say “Nothing.”.
My husband appreciates a home cooked meal more than a steak dinner at a restaurant.
A 35 lb bag of dog food produces 52 lbs of dog poop.
I will embarrass myself at least once this week.
I am a much better dancer after a few drinks.
When the temperature in Phoenix is over 110 degrees, I will take it personally.
Spaghetti is the one food that I won’t stop eating until it’s gone, no matter how full I am.
A small compliment can change a grumpy cashier’s attitude.
Eating an entire bag of Peanut M&M’S will give me gas.
Truck drivers are not paid enough for what they do.
Coffee cannot be too strong.
One of my cats will miss the litter box today.
I am blessed beyond measure.
Neues Interview mit LA Times
The 20-year-old "Twilight" star was enjoying a rare moment of anonymity at one of her favorite restaurants, a rustic hideaway shrouded by a canopy of ferns, perched alongside a twisty road in Topanga Canyon. Notices for a local farmers market, a childbirth preparation class and a 70th birthday celebration for John Lennon decorated the haunt's bulletin board.
A few honeybees circled the veggie burger on her plate as she chatted about playing a teenage runaway-turned-stripper in her latest film, "Welcome to the Rileys," a drama coming to theaters Friday. She wasn't running her hands through her hair, or incessantly shaking her leg, or stuttering as she tried to express herself — all of the characteristic nervous tics she's often displayed in public since the first "Twilight" film rocketed her into a frightening orbit of celebrity two years ago.
Then, suddenly, her face fell. A stranger was timidly inching over to her table.
"Could I take a picture for my girlfriend in Thailand?" the man, who appeared to be in his 30s, asked. "She's a great-looking girl. I just recently got into your movies with her. Is that cool?"
Stewart paused, her left leg slowly beginning to bounce. "Yeah," she sighed. "Yeah, sure." She posed for a photo with the interloper.
Oblivious to her agitation, he lingered. "What's your name again? Kristen, right? Want me to show you my girl?" he asked, beginning to flip through images on his digital camera. "Just for her to know that I picked up breakfast at your restaurant. You know, we're the type of people that don't get out much."
Finally, he retreated. Stewart pulled the hood of her black sweatshirt over her head.
"It's strange when you become a novelty," she said, slouching down into her seat. "It's sort of like, 'Yeah, sure. Go put this on your Facebook so your friends can laugh at it.' Because that's what they will do. And I usually say no to people like that, when they're like, 'Yo, yo, can I get a picture of you?' And it's like, 'No, … you,' '' she said, interjecting an obscenity. "That's what I'm thinking."
Stewart, it's clear, is still grappling with fame, which came at her hard and fast when at age 17 she took on the role of Bella Swan in the "Twilight" vampire franchise, whose fourth installment begins production next month. She's always trailed by paparazzi. A frenzy breaks out whenever she's spotted off-set with "Twilight" co-star Robert Pattinson; tabloids speculate breathlessly about their personal lives.
Unlike other young stars like Justin Bieber or Lindsay Lohan, who seem to relish sharing tidbits about their lives with fans on social networking sites like Twitter, Stewart has strenuously resisted constant demands to divulge more of herself to the public.
In past interviews, she's displayed a penchant for stuttering and eye rolling, consequently developing a reputation for being sullen, or awkward. During a 2008 interview with David Letterman, she self-consciously referred to herself as "actually really boring."
"I don't have a personality fit for television. I just don't," she admitted, sounding genuinely friendly. "Even when I really feel like I've had fun with something and been totally fine and we talked about stuff that I thought was interesting — even then. I don't know. It's getting easier. It used to be a lot worse. And it's totally my fault, too. I guess I just put too much pressure on myself before, and it showed."
Though she started acting half a lifetime ago — garnering early acclaim from the likes of Jodie Foster, who co-starred with her in 2002's "Panic Room," and Sean Penn, who directed her in 2007's "Into the Wild" — Stewart says she's been unable to nail a performance as a carefree, charming or cute interview subject, because that's simply not who she is.
Sixteen-year-old Dakota Fanning, who costarred with Stewart in "The Runaways" this year, picked up on her uneasiness during the film's media tour.
"I think that her being uncomfortable doing interviews — Kristen is exactly who she is. It's something that I admire her for," Fanning said. "When she's doing an interview, she really thinks about what she's saying. She's a truthful, honest person, and wants that to come across so badly."
Things got so bad, her team sent her to media training.
"Basically, they told me that I should be ready for any question that's thrown at me, and I should have a stock answer, because then it won't confuse things and you'll never be caught off guard," she recalled. "And there's no way to do that. There's no way to be prepared for a conversation with someone you don't know about something that means the world to you."
What seems to worry Stewart most about all the scrutiny, though, is that it could take away from her reputation as an actress with actual talent. It was her performance in "Into the Wild," before "Twilight" even came out, that convinced director Jake Scott that she was right for the lead in "Welcome to the Rileys."
"What I got from her in that movie was this vulpine, wily, kind of fox-like quality," he said. "She's got a way of looking at people that I found really compelling."
In Scott's film, Stewart plays Mallory, a foul-mouthed teen living on her own in New Orleans, working at a strip club. When she crosses paths with married couple Doug and Lois Riley ( James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo), they take her under their wing and help her begin to turn her life around.
To prepare, Stewart took pole dancing lessons, visited strip clubs and didn't wash her hair for five weeks. Her appearance was so convincingly trashy, she said, that when she walked into a club off Sunset Boulevard, the owner offered her a job. The actress persuaded him to let her talk to the dancers to get insight about their lives.
"The only thing that I can figure out is that something most of the time was taken from them," she said. "Like, you can't hurt me more than I've already been hurt. And you can't abuse me more than I abuse myself every day, so I'm gonna take from you. I'm gonna take your money."
Her interest in bringing authenticity to the film energized Leo.
"There's a lot of young folks who want to be actors, but when they really have something going on, it makes me excited," said the Oscar-nominated actress. "She was 18 when we shot the movie — almost too young to know all the stuff she does, to get inside something like that. She had the willingness to literally be exposed in the way she was."
Scott says Stewart has become more confident in the two years he's known her and hasn't let celebrity warp her identity. "She's still Kristen to me — this kid from the Valley who's into Van Morrison and watching movies and hanging out," he says.
Fanning, though, says it might behoove Stewart to recalibrate her attitude about fame.
"Situations have happened to me when I was a cheerleader at school and paparazzi would sneak onto the field. It's something that comes along with what I've chosen to do with my life," said Fanning, who wasn't even 10 when her star took off after 2001's "I Am Sam." "Sometimes you have to accept it, even if you don't think it's fair or right."
Stewart fears that adopting that attitude might destroy her.
"I love my job," she said. "And because of that, I need to protect it."
A few honeybees circled the veggie burger on her plate as she chatted about playing a teenage runaway-turned-stripper in her latest film, "Welcome to the Rileys," a drama coming to theaters Friday. She wasn't running her hands through her hair, or incessantly shaking her leg, or stuttering as she tried to express herself — all of the characteristic nervous tics she's often displayed in public since the first "Twilight" film rocketed her into a frightening orbit of celebrity two years ago.
Then, suddenly, her face fell. A stranger was timidly inching over to her table.
"Could I take a picture for my girlfriend in Thailand?" the man, who appeared to be in his 30s, asked. "She's a great-looking girl. I just recently got into your movies with her. Is that cool?"
Stewart paused, her left leg slowly beginning to bounce. "Yeah," she sighed. "Yeah, sure." She posed for a photo with the interloper.
Oblivious to her agitation, he lingered. "What's your name again? Kristen, right? Want me to show you my girl?" he asked, beginning to flip through images on his digital camera. "Just for her to know that I picked up breakfast at your restaurant. You know, we're the type of people that don't get out much."
Finally, he retreated. Stewart pulled the hood of her black sweatshirt over her head.
"It's strange when you become a novelty," she said, slouching down into her seat. "It's sort of like, 'Yeah, sure. Go put this on your Facebook so your friends can laugh at it.' Because that's what they will do. And I usually say no to people like that, when they're like, 'Yo, yo, can I get a picture of you?' And it's like, 'No, … you,' '' she said, interjecting an obscenity. "That's what I'm thinking."
Stewart, it's clear, is still grappling with fame, which came at her hard and fast when at age 17 she took on the role of Bella Swan in the "Twilight" vampire franchise, whose fourth installment begins production next month. She's always trailed by paparazzi. A frenzy breaks out whenever she's spotted off-set with "Twilight" co-star Robert Pattinson; tabloids speculate breathlessly about their personal lives.
Unlike other young stars like Justin Bieber or Lindsay Lohan, who seem to relish sharing tidbits about their lives with fans on social networking sites like Twitter, Stewart has strenuously resisted constant demands to divulge more of herself to the public.
In past interviews, she's displayed a penchant for stuttering and eye rolling, consequently developing a reputation for being sullen, or awkward. During a 2008 interview with David Letterman, she self-consciously referred to herself as "actually really boring."
"I don't have a personality fit for television. I just don't," she admitted, sounding genuinely friendly. "Even when I really feel like I've had fun with something and been totally fine and we talked about stuff that I thought was interesting — even then. I don't know. It's getting easier. It used to be a lot worse. And it's totally my fault, too. I guess I just put too much pressure on myself before, and it showed."
Though she started acting half a lifetime ago — garnering early acclaim from the likes of Jodie Foster, who co-starred with her in 2002's "Panic Room," and Sean Penn, who directed her in 2007's "Into the Wild" — Stewart says she's been unable to nail a performance as a carefree, charming or cute interview subject, because that's simply not who she is.
Sixteen-year-old Dakota Fanning, who costarred with Stewart in "The Runaways" this year, picked up on her uneasiness during the film's media tour.
"I think that her being uncomfortable doing interviews — Kristen is exactly who she is. It's something that I admire her for," Fanning said. "When she's doing an interview, she really thinks about what she's saying. She's a truthful, honest person, and wants that to come across so badly."
Things got so bad, her team sent her to media training.
"Basically, they told me that I should be ready for any question that's thrown at me, and I should have a stock answer, because then it won't confuse things and you'll never be caught off guard," she recalled. "And there's no way to do that. There's no way to be prepared for a conversation with someone you don't know about something that means the world to you."
What seems to worry Stewart most about all the scrutiny, though, is that it could take away from her reputation as an actress with actual talent. It was her performance in "Into the Wild," before "Twilight" even came out, that convinced director Jake Scott that she was right for the lead in "Welcome to the Rileys."
"What I got from her in that movie was this vulpine, wily, kind of fox-like quality," he said. "She's got a way of looking at people that I found really compelling."
In Scott's film, Stewart plays Mallory, a foul-mouthed teen living on her own in New Orleans, working at a strip club. When she crosses paths with married couple Doug and Lois Riley ( James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo), they take her under their wing and help her begin to turn her life around.
To prepare, Stewart took pole dancing lessons, visited strip clubs and didn't wash her hair for five weeks. Her appearance was so convincingly trashy, she said, that when she walked into a club off Sunset Boulevard, the owner offered her a job. The actress persuaded him to let her talk to the dancers to get insight about their lives.
"The only thing that I can figure out is that something most of the time was taken from them," she said. "Like, you can't hurt me more than I've already been hurt. And you can't abuse me more than I abuse myself every day, so I'm gonna take from you. I'm gonna take your money."
Her interest in bringing authenticity to the film energized Leo.
"There's a lot of young folks who want to be actors, but when they really have something going on, it makes me excited," said the Oscar-nominated actress. "She was 18 when we shot the movie — almost too young to know all the stuff she does, to get inside something like that. She had the willingness to literally be exposed in the way she was."
Scott says Stewart has become more confident in the two years he's known her and hasn't let celebrity warp her identity. "She's still Kristen to me — this kid from the Valley who's into Van Morrison and watching movies and hanging out," he says.
Fanning, though, says it might behoove Stewart to recalibrate her attitude about fame.
"Situations have happened to me when I was a cheerleader at school and paparazzi would sneak onto the field. It's something that comes along with what I've chosen to do with my life," said Fanning, who wasn't even 10 when her star took off after 2001's "I Am Sam." "Sometimes you have to accept it, even if you don't think it's fair or right."
Stewart fears that adopting that attitude might destroy her.
"I love my job," she said. "And because of that, I need to protect it."
The Dark Knight Retur . . . er Rises!
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girl withouth clothes
Christopher Nolan,
The Dark Knight,
The Dark Knight Rises,
The Riddler,
Warner Bros.
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Christopher Nolan has revealed the name of the third film in his Batman trilogy. In July 2012, we’ll be lining up for The Dark Knight Rises.
Good title, and it takes advantage of the The Dark Knights' popularity at the box office. Smart move, Nolan.
The co-writer/director went on to dispell the rumour that The Riddler would be the villain this time around, but he hasn't said who the main adversary will be either. It will be tough to beat Ledger's Joker.
Nolan also announced today that he’s convinced Warner Bros. to keep telling his story in 2D, and to continue down the path of hi-def IMAX sequences. He'll get no argument from us in The Basement on the subject either.