Saturday morning i noticed that i was sitting at 199 posts, i wanted to do something special for you guys. I've had this blog for 5 months now and i've loved every moment, we have so much to look forward to with the Eclipse promotion just around the corner and Kristen filming 'On The Road' in August (will we see the return of blondestew? I sure hope so). I'm glad i'll be here reporting the steeze through that, there are some fun times ahead this year.
I could talk forever about Kristen, her style and why i am a fan but instead i decided to ask some of my favourite Kstew lovers to write a little bit about their favourite Kristen outfit ever. These are people i personally follow in Twitter or blog writers, every single one of them has helped futher my love for Kristen in some way or another whether it be their fantastic sense of humour and/or their genuine appreciation of this woman. I want to personally thank all of them who sent me something, i adore you all and am glad you took the time to be part of this.
Once again thank you to everyone who takes the time to visit this blog and leave their comments here, i can't express how much the support you guys show means to me.
From @kstewsbutt

This has to be my ultimate favourite Kristen outfit of all time. She looked absolutely perfect this day from the sex hair to the chucks. The red and black colours of the dress complimented her very well and I like that it was matched with a belt to make it slightly more figure hugging. It was a good length to show off her great legs. I don’t care what people said, I LOVED the chucks. It was such a “Kristen” thing to do. Her eye make up was fantastic and her hair was bed hair looked incredibly sexy. The outfit was so…her.

I loved this entire look from Munich 2009. The dress was very short but it showed off her incredible legs. Her shoes were amazing. It’s like the girl was born to wear heels to show off those sexy pins of hers. ;) Even though it was just a black dress, it fit her very well. Her make up was simplistic and made her look fresh-faced and sexy at the same time. Her hair was perfectly styled for how short it was at the time. It all looked very cute combined.
From @KStewsShoes
My favorite Kristen look is at the Teens Choice Awards 2009. This was one of my favorite red carpet/event looks to date because it just reflects Kristen, in my opinion. The only other celebrity that I would think would wear bullets on a skirt, is Lady Gaga, but that's a different story. The entire dress was hot. To the top of it, with the deep V, to the skirt made from bullets, it was pretty much badass :) The look was amazing especially with the shoes she wore with it, and paired with her freshly cut Joan Jett hair, black nail polish, and assortment of rings, the outfit was a total win.
Okay listen, I’ve never kept it a secret that this looks is by far my most favorite Kristen look of all time. My list of reasons for this is as long as the ocean is vast, but in this instance I think it goes without saying. Kristen never really rocked any loud colors until The Runaways. That pink dress (at the LA premiere) shocked my socks off, and I was so ready to see what was next. Then the Pucci happened. I’m certain I lost my breath and prayed to her that night. Why this outfit? I thought it was pure perfection in every form. Normally there is one thing I would change about each look, but with this one? I literally could not and would not change a damn thing. A sequin dress is a very hard thing to pull off, but that is clearly not the case for Kristen. It hugged her tiny body in all of the right places, and as light reflected off of those sequins she literally shined. My adoration for her flawless porcelain skin is not a secret either, but the dress [against her flawless skin] further exemplified my inequities as well as reaffirming why KStew is in fact better than me. Perhaps the pièce de résistance, for me, was the face. The hair was perfection, and while her eyes were neutral in color, it was the lip color that slayed me. That little splash of pink made the entire look. I wanted to chew bubble gum and listen to Cindy Lauper all the while counting my scrunchies. What can I say? The bright pink lips did me in. This look was young, vivacious, hip, hot and drop dead gorgeous. In my eyes, there simply is no better."
Visit her Blog: http://kstewisbetterthanu.blogspot.com/
From @carefreeDV
A a KStew fan it's hard to narrow down which look is the most beautiful considering it is Kristen Stewart but this look that she wore for the Much Music interview in 2008 was DIVINE. That French Connection dress is perfect on her and the color palette of grays and silver complements her alabaster skin and auburn hair. The plaid print of the dress could look overwhelming and even look campy on other people but on Kristen it looks classic and paired with the Chanel necklace perfects the outfit. Not to mention the beautiful grey almost metallic trench that makes her green eyes pop and the red pumps that give her outfit a zing of color . That ladies and gentlemen is what fuels my Kristen Stewart steeze obsession and separates Kristen from being a mall-girl.
From @CelebRT_News

First of all, I am going to start explaining the significance this outfit has to me personally. When Doo.Ri's Fall 2010 collection came out, I said two things. They were as follows:
Doo.Ri would become big(in other words, they would become popular)
That I could see Kristen Stewart wearing them in the near future.
When Kristen arrived to the Runaways’ premiere in none other than Doo.Ri, I literally began jumping up and down in my seat. What’s more, the look was so fitting for her. If you’ll notice, she tends to wear what she is comfortable in. More than that, her style, in my observance, is as follows: she likes to wear apparel that appears to be simple, but, in actuality, is quite complex. The complexity can range from color to the shaping, or even just a simple touch on the outfit.
With the Doo. Ri dress, I really loved it because it flattered her figure(ha, as if she needs that). We all know that she has a great pair of legs and the dress showed them off. The contrast of the pink against her black shoes and jet black hair stunned. I absolutely adored the material of the dress. It worked well with not only the coloring, but as well with Kristen’s complexion, hair, etc.
And, although this probably makes no sense, she did what is so Kristen… she was chic and yet she appeared to have that rocker look all at the same time. That, right there, is so very Kristen.
Last but not least, to top it off, I loved her makeup that night. She looked totally in her element and as though that dress was made for her. I think I can say on everyone’s behalf that we love nothing more than when Kristen is comfortable.
In conclusion, that is why that outfit is my favorite from her.
~Jenny(AKA @CelebRT_News)

So fashion and I don't mix, I mean at all. When I go shopping with my friends 3 out of the 5 things I pick out get facepalmed by them, so yeah. But I mean why I need to explain my love for this dress to anyone is crazy. I mean LEGS. Do you see those legs, where do they end? I mean I am no fashion expert by any means but that dress is amazing balls! Also during the entire tour for New Moon I was like so so about her hair, I mean she looked hott with whatever she did with it but her hair on this day was fantastic....I want to kiss whoever did her hair that day. O and I want to kiss the people who put her in that dress and shoes, the people who did her hair and make up...and the girl in the dress... o and Mama and PapaStew for doing the nasty and making this girl. And one finale kiss to KstewFashion for letting me babble on her blog, and posting 200 amazing posts. Congrats <3
From @Ms_Maroon
My favorite KStew outfit? Now that's a tough question to answer.
I really wish I could just pinpoint one specific dress, or outfit, that she wore but I can't. It's just too hard to choose. But, at the same time I'm glad that she makes it so hard to pick one! With each outfit that she wears there's usually one thing that sticks out to me above the rest, and that becomes my favorite thing. Whether it's her make-up, or shoes, or her jacket steezes... BTW, I really love jackets and coats, and each time she wears one I swoon after it a little bit.
But as far as clothes... That's a different story. I love it when she wears dresses to public appearances, especially when they show off her fab legs. I wish I had legs like hers. Kristen's legs are about a mile long, where as mine... mine only come up to my hip, which incidentally isn't too far up from the ground. So yeah, if I had legs like our Stew... I'd wear a lot of dresses too!
But, since it's so hard for me to narrow it down just one I'll give you my "Stew Freebie Dress 5" (in no particular order):
1. It's a sweet and soft look for her that she totally made her own.

2. Not a lot of people talk about this dress. I guess b/c of the straps that hold it up? IDK, but I love that's it's "tough", sexy, and girlish.

3. I like this look, mainly because of the Cons. And I don't care if she did only wear them b/c of her ankle - I still love it! It also, incidentally, is when I can pin-point out that I became a Stew devotee. The "Popcorn Drop of '09" might have had something to do with it as well ;)

4. It's sexy, sassy, and stands out - all at the same time. Just like our Stew!

5. I mean... really? Who doesn't like this dress?

While I can't give you just one specific look, I can state the one, main, specific thing that I love about each thing that she wears - she rocks her clothes in the way that only Kristen can. Other actresses would look a bit generic in the same things, but not our Stew. She adds her own particular brand of magic to each outfit. Whether it has a soft, feminine look or if it has a "rocker chic" vibe, she completely owns it and works it. And I have to say Kristen.... I'm under your spell! Keep up the amazing fashion steeze!
Now, if she'll just wear maroon....
From @KStewAngel

Selecting my fave Kristen Stewart outfit was very difficult for me because there were so many good choices. So many great choices from photoshoots, red carpet premieres, and TV appearances. But I finally decided that my fave Kristen Stewart outfit is the one from 2009 Teen Choice Awards. She was totally rockin when she arrived at the 2009 Teen Choice Awards (TCA) with her Rock & Republic dress with a plunging V neckline, white tank top and edgy spiked skirt. She paired her TCA outfit with peep toe ankle boots by Jerome C. Rousseau. The heels totally matched her spikey outfit. This was not everyone's fave but I truly love it for Kristen. She just finished filming The Runaways and it was great to see her aimed for the ‘rock chick’ look on the red carpet. In my opinion, Kristen totally rocked this outfit off. Rocking the Joan Jett hairstyle, the spikey skirt truly made her stand out from the other young female celebrities.
What can I say, she was stunning at TCA. The hair, the outfit....everything. I love how she doesn't try and work an outfit, or make a big deal of it. She always add her own personal style which is always cool.
From @wkw_eds

I know my choice of favourite dress, Kristen's MTV Movie Awards look from May 2009, isn't very original. Kristen has had many great looks on and off the red carpet, but this red and black taffeta dress with the Converse sneakers keeps drawing me back with its awesomeness. I watched the MTV Awards last year to see what Sienna Miller and Leighton Meester were wearing, and while I liked their choices, this girl with the tousled hair and inappropriate footwear intrigued me. She was smiling, awkward, gorgeous, and had this glow about her: in short, she shined. It was Kristen Stewart from Twilight, but I hadn't seen Twilight, I didn't know what Twilight was, save for it was about vampires. At first, I was appalled by the Converse, but then, even before it was reported Ms. Stewart had hurt her ankle, I changed my mind. The choice fit the event and it seemed to fit her. Isn't that what fashion should be about? Taking your personality and expressing it through clothes? I don't think this dress would have been half so interesting if it was on somebody else. Kristen made this dress and those shoes a statement; a look that everybody noticed and singled out whether they liked it or not. Kristen wore the dress, the dress didn't wear her. The hair completed the look. It was sexy, untamed, and unpretentious -- it was Kristen.
(E. from What Kristen Wore Blog)
Visit their Blog: http://what-kristen-wore.blogspot.com/
From @CullenLove_x

Kristen Stewart in Emilio Pucci - The Runaways New York City Premiere
This is BY FAR my favourite outfit that our lovely KStew has ever worn. She looks simply stunning. The Pucci minidress is a gorgeous dress anyway, but on Kristen it just emphasises her amazing figure *jealous*... In my opinion, this look could have looked overdone, but Kristen keeps it simple, with amazing fuck-me shoes, and pink lipstick. UNF.
From @kstewmakeup

This is my favourite outfit of Kristen’s because it is very her. She seemed so comfortable in this (apart from the sprained ankle). The colours and the edginess and boldness of the dress match her personality completely (or what pieces of her personality I pick up on). Her hair is also perfect. Wavy and worn down, it’s the perfect low-maintenance yet stunning hairstyle. Again, very KStew. The makeup was also amazing (being @kstewmakeup I have to comment on this part) it fitted the look really well, but my favourite part of the outfit, apart from the obvious points, are the shoes. It doesn’t really matter to me that millions of people around the world have black converse, but these were the first pair of converse I ever got. They are my favourite shoes and seeing her wear them, especially on the red carpet, makes me feel like I have some connection to her, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem to anyone else.
From @kspice75

As the Huffington Post said, Kristen was truly a knockout in navy at the 2010 Oscars. The deep blue Monique Lhuillier custom-designed gown
accentuated her curves and provided a dash of color to contrast with her pale, freckled and flawless skin. Her minimalist sensibility is refreshing in this day and age of who can score the biggest diamonds or look the most "perfect", an ideal that is never possible. While some may harp on the fact she wore nothing but a diamond bracelet and subdued makeup, for me it works because of the gown and the way she wears it. This pose oozes confidence and the fact that she's comfortable in it. It's simple beauty is reflected in the dramatic folds of the satin material; the perfection is in the master of the design and construction. You don't need anything else to detract from such a masterpiece, and I'm talking about Kristen most of all. She truly is a masterpiece.
From @CalliopeBlabs
24 hours of StewStyle

Asking me to pick a fave look of Kristen’s is like asking me to walk into a men’s locker room and not look… It’s practically impossible (so long as said locker room is not at the local elementary school or the retirement community down the street *shudder*). Instead, I went with a 24 hour period that I thought stew ROCKED. It was a 24hours dripping with the 3 S’s essential to making my hot list of moments full of steeze – shimmer, skin, and sex (okay, so I just totally made that up). I love all three of these looks because each one is stylistic in its own right and each look is real. Hot pink lips? I died. Glitter Louboutins? I need a sugar daddy. Deep V-necks and not looking like a hooker? Not with my Double Ds. And if that wasn’t enough, Stew wore mother-effing sequins… not once, but twice, in 24 hours. If you want to spell badass in my book you combine the words sequins and attitude… ‘cause if you can bring it while you glitter… bitch, you can bring it all the time.
In all seriousness though, The Runaways press blitz was, for me, one of the first times we saw Kristen really looking a lot more grown up, not just in her stylized outfits, but also in her self-chosen attire. Were her looks that much different than outfits past? No, not to an extreme. However, there was something different. Maybe it was her confidence in the project? Perhaps it was an overall sense of acceptance from praise outside of Twilight? Or, quite simply, maybe it was just the confidence of a growing maturity. Whatever it was, one thing was clear… Kristen Stewart would let no one stand in her way of knowing she deserved to be there. She owned her style, and, more importantly, she showed her strength in self. Confidence. Ferocity. Steeze. All showcased in 24 hours of epic Stewie Style.
From @quiet_soliloquy

Look at her. Amazing. Love the whole look, from the hair with the little bit of bang down to the Christian Louboutin Fred Flat Glitter Lace-Up Shoes. Why? Because no one expected this. This ladies and gentlemen, is an original. Forget the high-heels, dresses and the leather... well, not the leather but this is still one of the best of the best. The D&G tank with the Colt pistol with the rolled up splattered jeans and suspenders paired up the with cropped tuxedo jacket... perfection because it's still HER, Kristen "I don't give a sh*t about what people think of me" Jaymes Stewart.
From @kstew411

My favorite Kristen Stewart sartorial moment is going to have to be the Chanel gown at the 2010 Costume Institute Gala held at the Met. I know this dress wasn’t everyone’s favorite, but to me it represents everything about Kristen’s style and what it means to be a fashion-forward style icon. This black taffeta gown with beaded tulle skirt is dark and edgy and it shows a lot of leg, all trademarks of Kstew Style. She matched the dress with a black mani-pedi, towering peep-toe pumps, smoky eyes and a sleek, 1920’s inspired hairdo. The total look is modern and gothic with a nod to Chanel’s flapper past. Kristen is emerging as a style icon for the young Hollywood set--even her misses are acknowledged as being more fashion-forward than most. And part of staying ahead of the curve is taking risks. The Met Chanel is all about risk. Not just anyone can wear that dress. It takes attitude and willingness to go there to pull it off.
*There you have it! and because i love you guys like crazy i'm inviting 5 of you to take part in this and send me your favourite outfit and why. All i need is you to e-mail me and tell me which outfit of hers is your favourite, it can be anything she has ever worn and i'll choose 5 of you at random then reply to ur e-mail for you to send me a paragraph about why this outfit stood out for you. My e-mail is kstewfashion@btinternet.com so feel free to contact me as soon as this post goes up and i'll close it around Friday. Can not wait to hear from you.*
Oh and p.s UNF UNF UNF for Vogue! If you follow me on Twitter i posted her outfit right away from the Fall 2010 Isabel Marant Collection, Vogue post will be up soon so watch this space.
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