Batman Sequel Coming to the Big Screen in 2012!
In other Super Hero news today, Warner Brothers has officially announced that the third Batman movie is coming out to a theatre near you on July 20th 2012!
Warner Bros. has set July 20, 2012, as the release date for the third Christopher Nolan-directed Batman movie.
The studio has barely begun the process of developing the movie; Nolan is in postproduction on “Inception,” but is hammering out a story with David Goyer. [Heat Vision]
Have you marked your calendars yet? I know it's a bit early to do so but I'm sure some of you may have written it down somewhere already, no? no?
The last Batman movie, The Dark Knight, was released 18 July 2008. That means there will have been a wait of 4 years between the movies as opposed to the 3 years between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
So the storyline is not yet known and nor is the villain (or villains) that will face the Dark Knight in his third outing. The name of the Riddler has often been bandied about by fans, and it's a character that I'd love to see Nolan take on. I'm quite certain it would be much better than Joel Schumaker/ Jim Carey's take on the villain in Batman Forever.
Are you guys excited by this news? Who should be Batman's next foe?
Trailer: Buried
Buried tells the story of Paul, a U.S. contractor working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone, it's a race against time for Paul to escape this claustrophobic death trap.
The preview doesn't show much, but it sure builds some suspense and tension. My heart was in my throat by the end of it. This is one I will certainly seek out upon release.
Watch the trailer here and tell us what you think!
Dakota Fanning Back To LA After Checking Out Colleges in NYC
Welcome to Film Reviews From the Basement: The Blog
That's us. We're Jason and Shawn and we come at you from The Basement every two weeks with reviews of offbeat, obscure and often crappy movies courtesy of our podcast on podOmatic and iTunes.
We've been active since late January and have about 10 episodes under our belt. We've also been posting on a Facebook group page and tweeting. This blog will be an extension of that.
We hope you will come back often and leave a comment or three. Look for us to really ramp this up during the coming week.
Until then: thanks for visiting and we'll see you soon . . . in The Basement.
Good night, and good luck.
Jason and Shawn
Two Brand New Stills From Eclipse
Bryce Dallas Howard is The Most Anticipated Summer Movie Villain!

Bryce Howard won a recent poll on Fandango by 31% as The Most Anticipated Summer Movie Villain and here is what the wrote about her
On the villain side of things…I mean, c'mon – is there anyone we despise more than Bryce Dallas Howard's Victoria in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse? This is Howard's first go at the role (the character was previously played by Rachelle Lefevre in both New Moon and Twilight), and so fans will need to warm up (or down) to her. That said, even with Howard taking over the role for the first time, fans are still more than pumped to see her run all sorts of naughty deeds with the character.
We Are Back!
I know we have been away for awhile but we had so much going on and couldn't keep up with the twinews world but now we are officially back on track and hopefully we could come back to the same level we were, so keep checking back for all the new news of the twilight world...
Doctor Who - Flesh and Stone Clip 3
Doctor Who - Flesh and Stone Clip 2
Doctor Who - Flesh and Stone Clip 1
No words..............

Elle you tease! You can not do this to me and millions of others jeez i come home today to this? THIS? I see thigh highs! Did it get hot in here? Who else is sweating? Anyway i can NOT wait until this comes out, the hair the make up everything is perfect.
Kristens outfit here is straight from the Runaway, its by D&G and part of their fall collection. When i saw it on the runaway i was not fond of it but the fierce one is magical and can make me sweat with her rocking it!
D&G Fall 2010 Sweater & Shorts (Both seen here)

Who else is excited for the full spread? I'll be here waiting for the epic steeze these next few months are sure to bring ;)
D&G pic comes from style.com and kstewartfans for the elle pic
First Look at Chris Hemsworth as Thor!!!
There it is! This is our first look at Star Trek actor Chris Hemsworth as the mighty God of Thunder Thor!
The costume looks good but it's hard to see just how good it actually is. The front section looks great, but I'm not sure about the arms. Also, I almost didn't recognize Hemsworth with his beard and long hair. It's far from the clean cut image Hemsworth had as George Kirk, but it's definitely what Thor looks like and I'm liking what I see.
Thor will also star Nathalie Portman and Sir Anthony Hopkins. The movie is scheduled for release on May 6th 2011.
What do you guys think of the look?
Doctor Who - Take Your First Clear Look at the Silurians!!
[The Doctor Who Site]
These are our first clear look at the Silurians, who are making a most welcome return to Doctor Who in series 5.
They look absolutely amazing don't you think? If you look at the bottom picture, you can see that there are two kinds of Silurians. Could one be a pure bred Silurian and the other one a Silurian/human hybrid? Or could it be a question of ''class'' - for example a lower class Silurian and an ''aristocratic'' one that would explain the physical differences?
I'm also really loving the makeup and costume on the female Silurian. Now to see them in action!
What do you think of the overall look? Any opinion on why both Silurians are different? Looking forward to seeing them? Please chime in!
Doctor Who - The Hungry Earth First Promo Pic!
[Spoiler TV]
Kristen in Gloss Magazine

Its early! I'm writing this before i head out for the day *sigh* can't i just stay at home and do this? So i woke up this morning to a pleasant suprise, Kristen in Gloss magazine. She's just showing up everywhere these days and i'm not suprised she is very photogenic. The only problem is there is only one picture, we were robbed!
Shes wearing a very lovely dress from the Calvin Klein Resort 2010 collection. As you can tell by the picture it has been modified slightly for Kristen, the original is quite long so the stylist has brought this up to make it almost a bubble hem for Kristen. I actually prefer it this way, it's more youthful and i love white on Kristen it contrasts with the dark hair quite nicely. I'm looking at her hair thinking this must have been taking a little while ago because her hair has kind of grown out of those layers now. I see her hair right now as an in between styles way where its growing out into another style. Anyway let me know what you think about this picture.................quite nice for the 6th sexiest woman in the world huh? ;)
Calvin Klein Resort 2010 Collection Dress (Modified for Kristen)

Thanks to the lovely twilightish blog for the scans :)
New information on Upcoming Doctor Who Episodes
The Vampires of Venice:
The Doctor takes Amy and Rory on a romantic date to sixteenth-century Venice- but, much to poor Rory's horror, things go off the rails the moment they arrive. The mysterious Calvierri family are running a sinister school for girls, from which no-one escapes unchanged. Rosanna Calvierri's students have fangs, they can't be seen in mirrors, and they drink humans dry. But even they aren't the worst things stalking the city...
Amy's Choice:
It's five years since Amy and Rory travelled with the Doctor. They're back living in Leadworth, and Amy is pregnant. Rory has grown a ponytail. Life is good, if a little humdrum. Until the Doctor drops by for a visit.
And then they wake up. In the TARDIS, the Doctor, Amy and Rory have had exactly the same dream. But the TARDIS has died, and it's drifting towards a cold star- just 14 minutes till impact! If they don't freeze to death.
And then they wake up. Two worlds: one in the time machine, one in the village that time forgot. One real, the other fake. "You're home. You're also dreaming. Trouble is, Rory, Amy... which is which?" Their lives depend on making the right choice. But time is running out...
The Hungry Earth/ Cold Blood:
Over in the tiny, remote hamlet of Cwmtaff, human science is again being bold, pushing the boundaries and asking for trouble. The Discovery Drilling Project- or as the technically minded Doctor calls it, "a Big Mining Thing"- has burrowed 21km into the Earth, deeper than ever before. However, as Discovery boss Nasreen Choudry and her project manger/unrequited love, Tony Mack celebrate, an ancient race launch pre-emptive strikes, from way further beneath their feet than 21km. People, alive and dead, start to vanish. The Doctor, Amy and Rory face the ultimate uprising...
[A Police Box]
Starting from episode 6, The Vampires of Venice, Rory appears to become a full-time companion in his own right (Steven Moffat once said that he liked the Doctor better while this one was travelling with 2 companions). The actor, Arthur Darville, is listed up until episode 9 and again in episode 13. [IMDb]
It also seems that River Song, played by Alex Kingston, will also be with the Doctor in the last 2 episodes of series 5. The titles have not been released yet. [IMDb]
Heroes Renewal Looking Up!
I have been crossing my toes and fingers so hard that I may be loosing them, but it appears it may pay off. Still keeping them crossed until the announcement is made.
FHMs Sexiest Women

I'm sorry this had to be posted, literally i was just told Kristen has made 6th place in FHMs 'Sexiest Women' list. She is the highest new entry..........................all i can say is about time. It's nice to see you don't have t0 have surgery, fake hair long nails and a fake tan to be recognised as sexy. I'd like to think Kristen is a different kind of beauty, she just oozes natural sex appeal without wearing almost nothing and dressing up. She walks around in her jeans, her hair messy and in a baggy tee i love that she doesn't pretend to be someone shes not.

*sigh* that skin, such a natural beauty without even trying
Alot of people are influenced by people around them telling them what they should look like, all i can say is it's about time real women were recognised for what they are - true beauties.
A title well deserved don't you think ?

Never have Converse and bitchfacing been so sexy, i'll leave you with that ;)
Check Out True Blood's Newest Promo Poster!
HBO. Have. The. Best. Advertising. Ever!
Doctor Who - Amy's Choice Press Release
This is the press release issued by the BBC Press Office for the Doctor Who series 5 episode 7 titled Amy's Choice:
It's been five years since Amy Pond last travelled with the Doctor, and when he lands in her garden again, on the eve of the birth of her first child, she finds herself facing a heartbreaking choice – one that will change her life for ever.
Amy Pond is played by Karen Gillan and the Doctor by Matt Smith. [BBC Press Office]
Amy's Choice will air on BBC One and BBC HD Saturday 15 may at 6.30pm

1 2 3

Sunday, April 11, 2010
True Blood Webisode - Eric and Pam!
Magadheera Mp3 Songs
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Cast : Ramcharan Tej, Kajal Agarwal
Music Director : MM Keeravani
Director : S.S Rajamouli
Producer : Allu Aravind
Year : 2009
..:: Magadheera Mp3 Songs ::..
01 - Bangaru Kodipetta:- 128kbps : 320kbps
Ranjith, Shivani
02 - Promo Pepsi:- 128kbps : 320kbps
03 - Dheera Dheera Dheera:- 128kbps : 320kbps
Nikhita Nigam
04 - Panchadara Bomma:- 128kbps : 320kbps
Anooj Guruwara, Reeta
05 - Jorsey:- 128kbps : 320kbps
Daler Mehendi,Geetha Madhuri
06 - Nakosam Nuvu:- 128kbps : 320kbps
Deepu,Geetha Madhuri
07 - Rolling Titles Music:- 128kbps : 320kbps
Jassie Gift
All Songs In One Single File:
Download Link: 128kbps : 320kbps
Mediafire Links : Click Here
CD Covers : Front Cover :: # :: Back Cover
Ram Charan Teja Wallpapers Stills
"If u have Money...!! please " Buy Original copy of the CD"
Exclusive Interview with 1945a's Thomas Mikusz!

Mikusz hails from Austria and has appeared in quite a few tv series such as Days of our Lives, Passions and The Unit so you may have already noticed the handsome actor on your TV screen before. It's my belief that we could very well see Thomas Mikusz on the big screen soon so look out for him!
Q: In a little (and fantastic) short movie called 1945a, you get to play the villain of the story, who only go about the name Nazi Colonel on IMDB. How did you get involved with this project?
TM: I met Ryan Nagata (Director) and George Edelmann (Writer) at an audition. It was long before they did the actual filming. I was surprised when I got a call from them months later. I've portrayed nazi villains before, but I guess that comes with the German accent. I liked the idea of putting WWII into an alternate reality/ timeline.
As this was only a teaser/ trailer we only named the character "Nazi Colonel" for now.
Q: Are there plans then to make 1945a as a full fledged feature film?
TM: Yes, there are plans to make it into a full length feature or series. The five minute short is basically a teaser of what the feature could look like. But you have to keep in mind that the teaser was done with a budget of only $ 2,000.
Currently Ryan Nagata and George Edelman are looking for funding for the project. Fingers crossed it gets done, because my character needs a name.
Q: Is this the first Sci-Fi work you’ve done?
TM: Yes. This was the first Sci-Fi film project I was involved with.
Q: Is it a genre that you feel attracted to or did you just ''fall'' into it?
TM: Both. I've always been attracted to Sci-Fi but didn't actively go out and look for Sci-Fi roles or projects. So when 1945a came around I basically fell into it.
I grew up in Austria and one of the first TV series I watched as a child was Star Trek (Raumschiff Enterprise) and also the original Battlestar Galactica (with Lorne Greene as Adama), and of course Star Wars. I'm also a fan of Serenity.
Being an actor in Austria and Germany, we didn't have any Sci-Fi projects happening, mostly theater and drama on TV. So I wasn't exposed to productions of Sci-Fi movies till I moved to Hollywood.
Q: How was the filming experience on set? Was there some green screen work to be done? And if so, how was it?
TM: The filming was a great experience. Ryan and George were very professional and had the whole scene planned out but still left room for improvisation and my input. For this scene we didn't do green screen work. We shot my scenes in a car garage near LAX. The "Spyder-Tank" I'm in was made out of painted posterboard. Lights, smoke and movement gave it a special feel. Not having much space and feeling a bit claustrophobic helped me to feel the urgency of the scene.
Q: The whole production looks and feels much like a big budget movie. Were you surprised by the quality of the production?
TM: Ryan and George did an amazing job. It's hard to imagine that the film was done super-ultra-low-budget. The idea of the short film is to put it out there to get financing for a full length feature. I've seen many teaser-trailers before but they often look cheap. I think 1945a looks like a film with high production value, you get the story and it leaves you wanting more. They created a "band-of-brothers" feel with the American soldiers fighting against the German secret weapon. I was very pleased about the final product and happy to be part of that project. Fingers crossed that they get financing for the full length feature. Based on YouTube hits and feedback, there is certainly interest out there and just imagine what Ryan can do with a bigger budget.....
Q: Would you again work on a Science-Fiction project?
TM: Yes. Yes. Yes. Hopefully some directors see the need of a European or German Sci-Fi character soon.
Q: You also dabbled in voice acting with the video game Red Dead Redemption. How was the experience and how does it differ from TV and Movies?
TM: Red Dead Redemption was another great experience and also new for me. I've done tons of voiceover work before - looping (ADR) for big Hollywood movies and also several animation projects - but I had never done motion capture before. That was awesome. They used some new motion capture techniques for RDR. For an actor it's cool to experience a shoot in a blank space. We have to imagine basically everything in the room - where the columns, tables, bar etc are. It becomes very technical but you still have to stay with the intention of the character. I'm glad I got to do both the movement, emotional creation and the voice work for my character. Looking at the trailers and seeing what my character looks like is fun. The people at Rockstar were super cool to work with. I have a feeling RDR is going to be a hit.

Q: Can you tell us a bit more about some of your upcoming projects?
TM: I just did an episode on a new Nickelodeon show called "Victorious", a teenage/high school show. It will air later in the Spring.
This week I'm shooting an industrial for Singapore and then a short film for Manuela Rossi, an Italian filmmaker. The short film is based in East Germany 1986 and I play a Stasi (secret police) officer. It's an interesting story that hasn't been touched on yet. I look forward to portray a villain again.
I'm also a founding member of a new theater company, Teutonic Theater. We are dedicated to bringing contemporary German/ Swiss/ Austrian plays to Hollywood (in English language). We will do a reading series starting June and our first full play in September.
And I hope to do a cool Sci-Fi project again soon.
I want to thank Thomas Mikusz for taking time to share with the Inside Trekker readers and wish him the best.
You can go and watch 1945a here.
Gorgeous True Blood Season 3 Cast Poster!
Kristen Arrives In Vancouver 27th April 2010

*Grumbles* Good evening i am just back from the longest day ever, i wasn't going to bother posting this until the weekend but i didn't want to keep you guys waiting much longer. Its a pretty simple look shes rocking so i'll try and keep my ramblings to a minimum.
Kristen arrives at Vancouver wearing her her favourite Market Milla tee and a navy American Apparel zipper. Can i just say we need more blue on Kristen (psst not because it's my favourite colour) it just compliments her porcelin skin beautifully. Her jeans are simply her favourite BDG medium wash jeans (they were like literally impossible to get a hold of so defaults of them are so rare). Shes wearing my new favourite Ray Bans of hers - the black wayfarer with yellow interior ( i love yellow, i'm girlcrushing on those glasses so bad). Shoes wise she wears Keds Champion Sneakers, her version are navy and laceless. Theres no default in navy so i've posted a picture of the navy keds (for her colour) and a pair of laceless keds (for the style). She carried whatever kstew likes to travel with in her favourite Nike Lair backpack.
Market - Milla Boyfriend Tee (In black)

American Apparel Unisex Flex Fleece Zip Hoodie

Buy here: http://bit.ly/6yfWS
BDG Skinny Jeans

Ray Ban Original Wayfarer with Yellow Interior (hanging off her tee)

Keds Champion Sneakers (Kristen wears a navy laceless version both navy and laceless are posted here)


Nike All Access Lair backpack

Thanks to coolspotters for the jeans pic