Okay when these pictures hit the net there was some negative comments about what kristen is wearing. Now all i can say to this is everyone has their own personal tastes and styles. My 2 cents in this arguement....... i love kristens style - its casual, unique and a great reflection of her personality. Alot of people have pre concieved notions of beauty and in my opinion Kristen reflects true beauty.
Now onto Kristen, here she wears a The Jacksonville Zoo Florida Panther T-Shirt, a pair of Denim of Virtue Ankle Skimmer With Studs and her favourite EC Star Clothing "Nuns With Guns" Hoodie and a Seiko SJB880 Watch. Casual and beautiful.

The Jacksonville Zoo Florida Panther T-Shirt

Denim of Virtue Ankle Skimmer With Studs

EC Star Clothing "Nuns With Guns" Hoodie

Seiko SJB880 Watch

Want Kristens panther tee? get it at http://www.mysoti.com/mysoti/designer/stacey91/product/671427/stacey91--tshirt--The-Jacksonville-Zoo-Florida-Panther- via @Jacksonville25
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