What Goes Up Promotional Round-Up

Just as Campbell Babbitt (Steve Coogan) learns something from a group of high school students, the producers of What Goes Up are hoping to learn something from fans! And to do it, they are pleased to announce several upcoming and running promotions around the Web. All of them are designed to learn from and reward fans for their personal contributions to the theatrical release of What Goes Up.
What Goes Up: Facebook Group Contest
Recruit five friends to the What Goes Up Facebook Group and you could win a movie poster, signed by the executive producers. As the group grows, we'll be adding more prizes. For details, visit our Facebook event page. You must be a member of Facebook to participate.
What Goes Up: BlogCatalog Exclusive
Create your own promotional material — video, music, poster, shirt, banner, poem, craft, re-enactment, or whatever you can think of — for the film What Goes Up and post it on your blog. You could win DVDs, soundtrack CDs, and posters, all signed by various artists and members of the cast. For details, visit BlogCatalog. Must be a member of BlogCatalog to participate.
What Goes Up: Hilaryfan.com Exclusive
Make something or do something that demonstrates you are an ultimate Hilary Duff fan and then share it on the forum and/or elsewhere on the Internet. You can do anything so use your imagination. For details, visit Hilaryfan.com. Must be a member of Hilaryfan.com (and anyone under age 18 must ask for the permission of their parent or guardian).
Upcoming Promotions On The Horizon
The producers have two more promotions that will be announced later this week. One includes a grand prize to win two tickets plus airfare/hotel to attend the theatrical premiere in Los Angeles on May 28 (open to participants anywhere in the world). The second will be to win a one night public theatrical screening for your hometown plus ten tickets for friends (open to participants in the U.S. only). Stay tuned for details.
In addition to these promotions, there may be more surprises in the days ahead, including — Insider Team rewards for fans that range from signed movie posters to more tickets to attend the Los Angeles premiere (for those who live in the Los Angeles area). Several members of the cast will be at the Los Angeles premiere as well as the festival premiere this Friday.
Tradução em breve!


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