Bonnie and Clyde still hold up after 75 years

Depression-era outlaws continue to fascinate decades after they died
Even though they were Swiss-cheesed by a blizzard of bullets 75 years ago, Bonnie and Clyde are still on the run.
They're not so much robbing banks nowadays as they are gracing the covers of books -- at least a dozen in the past decade, and two within the past month. They're also singing and dancing, in four different stage musicals in development.
Hilary Duff will channel Bonnie in a film that starts production on the same Southern back roads the infamous duo once terrorized. In Gibsland, La., next weekend, thousands will watch shootout reenactments during the annual Bonnie and Clyde Festival. People will gather at the site of their fatal May 23, 1934, ambush to watch them die all over again.
It's everything this pair of 20-something ne'er-do-wells ever wanted: fame, immortality and the elevated regard they never received (or deserved, some say) while they were living. How do two reckless losers -- amateur stickup artists who killed at least 10 people on a haphazard spree across six states -- remain celebrated figures capable of inspiring this current glut of projects?
Bonnie and Clyde were killed at the right time (at the height of John Dillinger hysteria) and in the right way (in a dramatic, headline-friendly fusillade), and the media and the masses took it from there, says Bryan Burrough, author of Public Enemies, the 2004 book that tracks the 1933-34 crime wave.
"The American public tries to read altruistic motives in their story, to glorify criminals into more than what they were," Burrough says. "The current fascination can clearly be traced to the 1967 movie and a new generation of historians trying to reconcile the movie with history. Which can't be done."
It's been 75 years and Bonnie and Clyde remain at large, aided and abetted by a culture that imbues them with whatever significance fits the moment. Jeff Guinn, author of the new book Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde, says they're rebounding because there's both an eternal market for youthful rebels and a cyclical nature to history.
"We may not be officially in a depression but there are very few Americans who aren't hurting financially," Guinn says.
The 1967 movie is burned into our brains. We think of Faye Dunaway's golden hair and Warren Beatty's matinee-idol grin. We think of that final astounding sequence of their execution, edited for maximum emotional impact: 60 shots in four film speeds in less than a minute capture every thrash and flail as the law blasts them to oblivion.
The film redefined the story of Bonnie and Clyde as a tale of arrogant bravado pushed to the limit. It's a masterpiece of cinema, and a stylish doctoring of history.
Director Tonya Holly says her new project -- The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, a $15-million indie movie that begins shooting in July -- is not a remake. Holly has thought about the outlaws for 30 years, finding 1930s newspaper clippings in her parents' garage at 16 , writing bits of script on napkins while working as a production assistant.
L.J. "Boots" Hinton runs the Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum in Gibsland, La. The museum has the duo's guns and the car used in the movie.
The annual Bonnie and Clyde Festival is on next Friday and Saturday.
"This year's one of the strongest," Hinton says. "There's people coming in from all over the world. Over 5,000 for sure."
Eles nao sao tao ladroes de banco atualmente como eles estao nas capas dos livros -
pelo menos uma duzia na decada passada, e dois no mes passado.
Os produtores fizeram um texto escrevedo sobre projetos de Bonnie e clyde! E que os americanos estão resgatando a história deles...
Alguns projetos americanos são musicais,livros e o filme que a Hilary irá participar (Os projetos são destintos).
E que a diretora partiu de um ponto comum,ao vasculhar alguns jornais na garagem de seus país descobriu jornais da época do assassinato de bonnie e clyde(1934 eu acho)
E apartir desse jornais criou uma nova concepção da história,e essa concepção que se tornará um novo filme,por isso que não é um remake...
Pelo que entendi também eles estão fazendo uma pesquisa grande,e tiveram axcesso a um museu com os materias usados no filme como carro e outras coisas.
E que estão recebendo ajuda de diversas pessoas do mundo com relatos e artigos da época.
Não sei se os livros são atuais!
Oque está bem claro é que desde que eles morreram se tornaram uma espécie de idolos americanos e casal romântico.
E que desde o fato de 1934 surgiram vários livros e o filme de1967, que relata a história e desperta o fascinio de novos leitores e telespectadores!
Source:timescolonist / Thanks HeyHilary / Traduçao: Srtº Rauan


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