There are some great accounts of the taped of Inside the Actor's Studio done a few days ago, here are some great quote from two different accounts from IMDB and from Livejournal (including the two pictures for this news), Dan talked about Harry Potter, Equus, future projetcs, and Obama:
Okay, here are my notes on part of the ITAS event. This is the Q&A portion when Lipton asks his famous questions and then they went into the Q&A with the MFA (Master Fine Arts) students. This is mostly paraphrased.
There was a lot of laughter from the audience, Dan really had them eating out of the palm of his hand at this point.
Favorite word – verdurous (from Keat’s “Ode to a Nightingale”) – means lush and green, a word "he uses all the time” (jokes)
Least favorite word – mediocre
What turns him on – “bathtubs and plumbing” (running joke how many of his significant moments have been when he was in the bath). Life in general turns him on (he won’t get into sexual details) finds restaurant signs amusing (Cosmic Diner, Galaxy Diner)
What turns him off – unprofessionalism in people, especially actors
Sound he loves – cricket ball hitting a bat at 90 miles an hour
Sound he hates – his voice on tape, when a pencil point breaks when he’s writing
Favorite curse word – bollocks “rolls off the tongue” (as in Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols)
Harry’s favorite curse word – bollocks (Lipton asked him this)
Profession he’d like to attempt – writing, journalism.
Profession he wouldn’t want to attempt – being “down a mine” (another running joke about his dad telling him to stop complaining because he’s not working down in a mine)
What he would say when he goes to the Pearly Gates – “Are you surprised to see me?” he would be polite, God would smoke a pipe and say "it’s amazing we’re the same height”
Will we see Dan do more comedy? Yes, he wants to do more comedy but more a film that has comedic moments rather than a full on comedy.
Student #1 – How does he choose between a challenging role vs. one that’s not a good fit?
Dan talks about his small stature – he couldn’t play a security guard, Richard Griffiths won’t play a “fat” role (Falstaff) but it’s important to take on challenge
Student #2 – What does he do to prepare for live performance?
Dan listens to unhappy music on Ipod, thinks about Alan’s crime against the horses – the intensity, but relaxes and doesn’t worry
Student #3 – Who does he want to work with? What’s his favorite spell?
Alahomora (to open doors), Woody Harrelson is brilliant, Johnny Depp (yelps from the audience, makes running rain forest joke), the Coen brothers
Student #4 – Does he pull direction from HP novels or the script? The script first, book as a backup. Mentions Steve Kloves, he doesn’t read the Potter books over and over (he’s not obsessed)
Student #5 –Artistically, what is the best and worst thing about acting?
Worse – unprofessional people, or those who aren’t in it for the right reason, who don’t treat you well
Best – being in atmosphere of creativity and practicality (on film set)
Student #6 – What is art meant for?
Communicate a story, to feel. Tells story about watching one of the dancers from Equus had a short video on Youtube
Student #7- Are there stage roles he wants to do?
Shakespeare (he’d like to learn), dream role is Bobby in “Company” (in 20 years)
Student #8 – What vocal techniques did he learn for Equus – Projection and Articulation.
Student #9 – Has he thought about playing Napoleon, due to his stature?
Dan tells a funny story that he was on the HP set with best friend/wardrobe guy Will Steggle and they were doing a night shoot and he put a dressing gown on him and said he looked like Napoleon. Later, Dan asked Will “What was Napoleon’s first name?” Will replies “Napoleon” and Dan says, “What-Napoleon Napoleon?” (lots of laughter). Dan jokes he needs to do research and suggests that “Napoleon Napoleon” should be the name of the film and he’ll be in the bath.
Dan thanks audience for being welcoming and that he was intimidated when he saw the line of people outside b/c most were older than him – he thanks audience again for coming.
From Livejournal

Right when Dan came out, he sat down. Everyone is standing and clapping. And he picks up his water glass and just smiles and laughs and then says, "This really is a huge water glass."
It was just the best start to an interview ever.
Then one of the first questions was, "What is the name on your birth certificate?" and he said, "Daniel Jacob Radcliffe. Nice Jewish names for the first two, and then the northern-Irish sneaks in there." Turns out, his mother is Jewish.
When asked where he was born, he answered (I don't remember) and then said that he was sorry he couldn't be more specific, but his memories of it are quite hazy.
Then the interview ended and the portion where people ask questions is actually a class.
So Dan leaves the stage, and it's "over" and people can leave or stay. Whichever. And then there's a class of students that comes in (or they're already there).
Dan and the host came back out and Dan had a few more interview time questions, but shorter ones that everyone gets. "What sound do you love/hate?" "What turns you on/off?" Things like that.
Then the last one is, "If you believed in Heaven, what would you want God to say when he opens the pearly gates?"
And Dan says, "Well. I'd like him to say, 'I bet you're surprised to see me here.' Or...I'd want him to be polite. Sort of *sticks out hand* 'How do you do?' But then after the small talk, we'd just be sitting there and - well, he'd be smoking a pipe, of course - and then he'd just say, 'Gee, you know. Isn't it interesting how we're the same height?'"
OMG! So funny. lol
I do know that twice (once when talked about getting fit for Equus cause he'd have to be naked and again when he said he'd like to work with Johnny Depp) a few people whooped and did that "ow-OW" thing. The first time, Dan smiled into the audience and was like, "What-? That was like Sounds of the Rainforest." The second time he was just like, "There are those rainforest noises again."
He was about 100% better in person than in any other interview I've ever seen him in.....
And at one point, he was talking about how reactive the audience was and said, "I have an audience test for you. What do you do if I say, 'Barack Obama'?" And the crowd went crazy and he went off on a ten minute tangent about how great Obama is and how England has nothing like him. It was great.
I will try to find out when this episode will air.
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