6. How exactly did Hilary contribute? Did she contribute a lot to writing & the production, or is it less than her fans thought?
A: I'd say that Hilary wrote about 60-70% of the songs on her album, herself. Kara DioGuardi had a hand in writing with that percentage as well. A lot of the other writer's on the album only contributed little things to the lyrics. On "Gypsy Woman" it was nearly all Hilary, with Ryan changing up a few things. Kara had a big hand in helping Hilary figure out what she wanted to say. They both had ideas of what to write about & worked from there. Considering how many writer's contributed by the end of the album's production, it was good to see how much of Hilary's writing was kept.
With production it was a little different, a handful of the songs were already unused instrumentals in which she was able to fit the lyrics with. A few of the other songs, had original instrumentals in which she asked to be changed, to fit more into the dance/pop style that she was going for.
7. How many of the songs were changed from their original production to another? Why'd they do this?
A: Nearly all the song's instrumentals were kept the same, but there were a few that were changed, by a lot. The one you guys know about is Happy's instrumental given to PWF. They thought the instrumental fit more to the PWF lyrics & wanted to give "Happy" a more darker sound.
"Stranger" was also changed after Hilary had finished filming a movie in Bulgaria. The original version of the song was to be a lot more raw, but she was inspired by the culture in the places she visited back in Bulgaria. So they added a more middle-eastern beat & the pace was made faster. The "break down" at the end of the song was also added at the end.
"Danger" was going to be more like her older music, but they changed the instrumental to fit the dance/pop vibe better as well. The original was definitely more pop/rock.
"Never Stop" was much more simple at the beginning, but they wanted the song to be more upbeat & more of an 80's vibe. So they added a bunch of sounds not previously on the record.
"Burned" was originally a ballad, Hilary's voice was showcased well in this. Hilary really wanted it to make the album, but her label was skeptic about how well it fit with the rest of the album. So Hilary rerecorded it, with a new track & the song turned out the most different from how it was originally going to be.
8. Why are things going so slowly so far with the album? Is HR to busy to deal with Hilary? Is Hilary busy with other things? Has she been relaxing so much that she doesn't want to go back to work now? haha
A: Hilary & HR were discussing how they wanted this album to sound & who Hilary wanted to work with. There were a lot of initial disagreements & problems, so they've been trying to work it out. At the same time, the label is trying to focus more on the "fresh" acts like Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers & the kids from HSM. So while Hilary is being sent to talk with writers & producers, they're putting all their focus on other HR acts. In April, this will most likely change, once Hilary has finished talking with who she wants to & doesn't want to work with.
Other than writing for the album & talking to possible contributers, Hilary has been doing designs for her fashion line & starting work on another new perfume. She is happy for the more relaxing time, but can't wait to start work on the album. She hopes that the stuff she's worked on alone & with some private writers will be considered.
9. Is she planning on going the same direction as "Dignity?"
A: From what Hilary's done on her own, it's evident that she's trying to master the sound from that album & possibly bring it to a completely new level. One of the untitled tracks she did while touring was so different, & it sounded very different from what we hear lately.
Her label, however, wants Hilary to do a more rhythmic-sounding album. Many of today's hottest producers for stars like Rihanna, Ne-Yo, Chris Brown & others have shown interest in wanted to work with Hilary & they want to take advantage of that for more sales.
Hilary really doesn't care about sales, but in the end, she has to listen to her label for some things as well. She wants to compromise & have both sounds on the album, not including the ballad type, more raw songs she also wants to do.
10. Have HR lost their faith in Hilary as a best seller?
A: While, I think that they should have done a lot more for Hilary's album & her second single, HR had decided they wanted to quit "Dignity" & start on a new album. The way I see it, every artist suffers a setback with one of their albums or it doesn't do as well, usually because they try something new. But once they're able to perfect it & if they are sent out for a lot of promotion, they can excel with their next one.
HR believes that if one album doesn't do as well, then they should just move on to the next, no matter how much the record means to the artist. While I love my job & I get to interact well with the artist's, I feel that this is a very unfair view that they have & hopefully they will do much more for Hilary's next album, rather than just let it sit there on it's own.
6. Quanto extamente Hilary contribuiu pro Dignity?
R: Ela escreveu mais ou menos entre 60-70% das musicas. Kara DioGuardi deu uma maozinha com o resto da porcentagem. Muitos outros compositores só contrubuiram para poucos detalhes. Em "Gypsy Woman" que é muito intimos pra Hilary, Ryan mudou pouquissimas coisas. Kara deu uma grande ajuda para Hilary pra que ela conseguisse expressar o que queria dizer. Elas juntas tinham ideias para o que escrever e trabalharam nisso. Considerando quantos compositores contribuiram no final do album, é bom ver o quanto o que Hilary escreveu foi conservado.
Com a produçao um pouco diferente, a maioria das musicas teria outros arranjos. Muitos dos arranjos originais Hilary quis mudar para que ficasse mais estilo dance/pop.
7. Qunatas musicas eles mudaram? Quais?
A: As musicas, ao todo, mudaram pouca coisa, mas umas, poucas, mudaram muitot. Como voces sabem, o arranjo de Happy seria para PWF. Eles pensaram num novo arranjo, que se adequasse mais a letra PWF & preferiram dar pra "Happy" um arranjo mais dark.
"Stranger" foi mudado quando Hil terminou de gravar na Bulgaria. A versão original seria um pouco mais bruto, mas ela se inspirou na cultura da Bulgaria. Entao, ela resolveu por as batidas mais arabes & adiantar um pouco a musica. E o fim da musica, o "break down" só foi posto no final da remasterizaçao.
"Danger" era pra ser como uma musica mais antiga, mas o arranjo foi mudado para mais dance/pop para acompanhar o resto do album. A versao original era bem mais pop/rock.
"Never Stop" era bem simples no inicio, mas eles mudaram a batida e colocaram uma vibe do anos 80. Adicionaram muitos arranjos que nao eram previstos.
"Burned" originalmente era uma balada, a voz da Hilary estava bem mais oculta. Hilary queria fazer isso no album, muito, mas a HR a convenceu que ficaria muito melhor do jeito que ficou agora. Entao Hilary gravou de novov, junto com uma nova musica e ficou muito diferente do que seria.
8. Porque o novo album esta indo tao devagar?
A: Hilary & HR estao discutindo o quanto eles querem que seja os novos arranjos do album e com quem Hilary quer trabalhar. Existem um monte de desentendimentos e problemas, entao eles estao primeiro resolvendo-os. Enquanto isso a HR, está se focando nos novos artistando como Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers & o pessoal de HSM. Entao enquanto Hilary esta se encontrando e conversando com os produtores e compositores, a HR está se focando nos novos artistas. Em abril, Hilary já estará com os produtores e compositores 'a mão' entao começará o trabalho da HR.
Outras coisas que tambem estao atrasando o novo album, é que Hilary esta desenhando as novas coleçoes e focando em um novo perfume. Ela está feliz pelo temo pra relaxar, mas nao vê a hora de voltar a trabalhar. Ela está trabalhando muito sozinha entao os compositores ainda serão revistos pela HR.
9. Ela planeja ir na mesma direção do Dignity?
A: Ela planeja sim, mas com algumas diferenças dos arranjos. Uma das novas musicas que ainda nao tem nome é bastante diferente do estilo Dignity. HR quer que a Hilary faça algo ainda mais agitado. Algo como o estilo musical entre os de Rihanna, Ne-Yo, Chris Brown & de outros produtores que mostraram interesse em trabalhar com ela & que querem subir suas vendas. Hilary realmente nao se importa com as vendas, mas no final, ela terá que escutar a HR para as coisas irem bem. Ela quer compromisso & tem dois diferentes tipos de arranjos para o album, sem ser tipo balada, musicas mais brutas, cruas.
10. HR parou de acreditar que Hilary continua sendo uma best seller?
A: Por enquanto, Eu acho que eles esstao aproveitando o tempo pra melhorar no prox. album. Do jeito que vejo as coisas indo, eles querem por coisas diferentes no novo ablum, por isso a demora. Mas eles estao fazendo planos de varias promoçoes para divulgaçao.
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