Aron Carter and Hilary Duff

Aaron Carter publicou em seu MySpace Oficial algo para Hilary Duff:

"Everbody makes mistakes, but you live and you learn. Hilary when your ready. Im here.
I want to say thank you for whomever put this together. It means a lot of me."

"todo mundo comete erros, mas vc vive e aprende. Hilary quando vc estiver pronta. estou aqui. eu qro dizer obrigado para quem colocou isso junto, organizou isso. significa mto para mim."

e junto com a mensagem este video:

Clique AKI para ver o video

Aaron Carter
publishedon your MySpace Oficial something to Hilary Duff:

"Everbody makes mistakes, but you live and you learn. Hilary when your ready. Im here.
I want to say thank you for whomever put this together. It means a lot of me."

and this video:

Clike HERE to watch the video


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