Inception actor to tackle role in the new Batman . . .

. . .  but there is no word yet on who Tom Hardy is going to play. All that's confirmed is co-writer and director Christopher Nolan has cast him in a lead role in the film.

While there’s zero confirmation on his part, we in The Basement encourage you to go bug  nuts with your guesses – would he make a good Riddler? Is he taking on one of the other iconic characters from Bats’ rogues’ gallery? Bruce Wayne's mail man? Hey, it could happen.

Hardy has been shooting the latest version of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy for Thomas Alfredson and will appear in McG’s action comedy This Means War alongside Reese Witherspoon (whom yours truly caught a glimpse of in Vancouver last week. She's short and 50 per cent leg) and Chris Pine. His version of Mad Max has been temporarily waylaid due to bad weather Down Under.

The next Bat film is due out in 2012, just in time for the apocalypse.


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