WrapMaster and Really Bad Beans

I thought I'd share with you a gift that my friends CJ and Pam recently gave me.  I had been to their house and saw this in action and knew I had to have it.  Now CJ, you must know, is a QVC maniac.  She won't admit it but she is.  I don't mind, I get loads of unopened boxes of goodies from her.  She buys stuff without realizing she already has two in her pantry, I love her for that.  Anyhoo, here's what I got!
It's a WrapMaster!  Actually, I got the set of three.  Have you seen these?  They are awesome.  I use a lot of cling wrap, saran wrap, plastic wrap, Satan's play thing, whatever you want to call it.  I hate the way it always clings to itself and folds over or tears wrong or cuts my finger on the cutter offer thingy.  The WrapMaster makes it so easy.  It never folds or gets stuck to itself any more.  Don't believe me?  Here see for yourself.

First you open the door doo-hickey thing.  Set your plate in front of the WrapMaster and pull the cling wrap over the plate.  (see that cute little red vintage spice rack?  Pam and CJ gave that to me too, I just need to print some labels for it)

With your other hand ( I assume you won't be holding a camera in that one like I am) close the door.
And just wrap the edges around your plate.  So much easier. 

What pray tell is on that plate?  Patience, for I shall tell you shortly since I have nothing better to do.  The WrapMaster comes in three different colors (at least it did on QVC) for $39.95.  I have plastic wrap in one, foil in one, and non-stick foil in the other.  I labeled the non-stick one so I could tell it apart from the other foil.

The drawers in my kitchen aren't very deep so I can't keep them in there but I do keep them on my little cart that I restored a while back.

And that's the story of the WrapMaster.  You can find out more about it on their website.

On to other stuff.  Last night I made Paula Deen's Italian Meatloaf which is so yummy!  Of course you have to have mashed potatoes with that cuz if you serve anything else with meatloaf you'd probably go to HE double hockey sticks.  And then......the best is coming.....can you tell by the way I put all those little periods in there?....Suspenseful! 
The recipe I found for these calls them Arkansas Green Beans but I like to call them Alabama Green Beans cuz...well, just cuz I do. 
 If you are looking for a healthy veggie side dish, go visit some skinny woman's blog, we don't do that here.  These are deliciously horrible for you.  Just the thought of them brings a tear to my husband's eye.  Beans, Bacon, Brown Sugar, OH MY! 
Hold on a minute folks while I speak directly to my health-nut sister for a moment.  "Kelly, stop reading now, there's nothing to see here, move along."

Alabama Green Beans
5 (15 ounce) cans green beans, drained
7 slices bacon
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
7 teaspoons soy sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder

1.Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Place the drained green beans in a 9x13 inch baking pan.

2.Cook bacon in a microwave on microwave-safe plate for 2 minutes until slightly cooked. Lay the bacon on top of the green beans.
3.Combine the brown sugar, melted butter, soy sauce, and garlic powder in a small bowl. Pour the butter mixture over the green beans and bacon. Bake uncovered in the preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Now, if you are fixing this for a small family and only want to use 2 cans of beans and 4 strips of bacon, this is very important, still use all of the other ingredients.  Trust me, you will want to drink this sauce.

And that's all I have.



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