With love..Poem Contest for Valentine's Day

You can post your poem on the wall anytime between February 12-15, 2009.
Ten lucky winners will receive a With Love...Hilary Duff Fragrance Rollerball or With Love...Hilary Duff Fragrance Rollerball and Lip Gloss Duo...
Winners will be selected based on creativity (Hint: get bonus points when you incorporate the words "with love" or "wrapped with love" in your poem).
The poetry contest will begin on February 12th at 12AM and will end February 15th at 11:59 PM. Winners will be notified through a Facebook message and announced on the With Love...Hilary Duff homepage on February 18th.
Happy Valentine's Day from With Love...Hilary Duff
Você poderá postar o seu poema a quaquer momento, entre os dias 12 e 15 de fevereiro de 2009. Os sortudos vencedores receberão um With Love...Hilary Duff Fragrance Rollerball ou With Love...Hilary Duff Fragrance Rollerball juntamente com um Lip Gloss...
Os vencedores serao selecionados baseados em creatividade (Terao pontos bonus os poemas que apresentarem as palavras "with love" ou "wrapped with love").
A promoçao irá começar dia 12 de Fevereiro as 12AM e terminará dia 15 de Fevereiro as 11:59 PM. Os Vencedores serão notificados com uma mensagem deixada pelo Facebook official e anunciados na pagina do facebook With Love....Hilary Duff dia 18 de Fevereiro.
With Love...Hilary Duff deseja um feliz Valentine's Day.


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