There were reports that “High School Musical” star Vanessa Hudgens and Dakota Fanning had auditioned for a spot in the box office thriller, but have yet to hear back.
90210 star AnnaLynne McCord auditioned for a role in the movie and told Hollyscoop, "My fingers are crossed though...I'm a fan of the books as are my 14 and 12 year old cousins who are obsessed, they would freak if I got it.”
The latest star to get on the Twilight waitlist is Hilary Duff. The actress was heard backstage at Mercedes Benz Fashion week talking to Twilight star Peter Facinelli about how badly she wants the role.
A source tells Hollyscoop exclusively, “Hilary told Peter how bad she wants to be in the next Twilight movie. Hilary said that she would want to be one of the vampires in the movie."
Let’s hope Faye Dunaway doesn’t hear about this request. In regards to the film New Moon, the role of Heidi hasn’t been filled yet. Heidi is a fisher who brings humans to the Volturi for the vampires to feast on.
Heidi’s character is known as bait because of the way she uses her stunning looks to attract humans. Do you think Hilary Duff can take on this role?
Cada estrela de Hollywood faz seu agente trabalhar horas para conseguir um papel na sequencia de Crepúsculo, Lua Nova. Hilary Duff não é exeção.
Houve rumores que a atriz de "High School Musical", Vanessa Hudgens e Dakota Fanning iriam ter seus papéis na continuação do longa-metragem. A mais recente estrela à querer entrar na continuação é Hilary Duff.
A atriz conversou no backstage de Mercedez Benz Fashion com a estrela de Crepúsculo, Peter Facinelli. Segundo fontes, ela dizia querer entrar para o elenco. Ela adoraria ser uma vampira.
Sobre Lua Nova, a personagem Heidi não foi preenchida ainda. A personagem usa seu olhar para atrair homens. Você acha que Duff consegue este papel?
Source: hollyscoop / Traduçao Hilary-Brasil
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