Emma Watson experiences first orgasm

Emma Watson, the 18-year-old who played the female temptress Hermione Grange in the Harry Potter movies, excitedly exclaimed to family and friends that she had her first orgasm last night as she was watching television in her room."It was so great!" she bubbled to her friend Lorna Thornbush. "There was this episode of 'Sex in the City' last night on and I just got really into it and wham! It happened!"Ms Watson had been trying unsuccessfully to have an orgasm for nearly three years. Even her recent romances with Razorlight front man Johnny Borrell and her current flame, a London financier known only as "Jay", never produced more than a "ping", according to sources."We are so proud of her", Watson mother Jacqueline stated. "We always knew she would have an orgasm someday. I had my first one at about her age".Her father Chris was equally enthused. "I thought she would have had one long before now. But I'm glad she's finally having them. This means she will soon be producing children".Daniel Radcliffe, her Harry Potter costar, was the only one unimpressed by Watkins achievement. "So she got herself off. Big deal!" the bespectacled youth declared.Sara Jessica Parker, the main star of Sex in the City, was pleased to hear of the benefit Ms Watson gained from watching the program. "I'm so happy for her! I am sure this wil be the first of many! I hope she will join us in the multi-orgasmic club soon!"Watson claims she will attempt a second orgasm within the next few days."I hope I can have one with my boyfriend after I get better at having them myself", she gushed.
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