If you haven’t met, please allow me to introduce you. Hilda is a big beauty with a bubbling personality and a pin-up girl from the 50’s. Her creator is Duane Bryers. I found Hilda quite by accident and have been trying to locate calendars, postcards, prints, anything with Hilda’s picture on it ever since. I just think she would look adorable framed in my kitchen. I don’t know where to begin to tell you what I love about her. She’s curious, giddy, exasperated, troublesome, but always fun. I like her irresistible child-like innocence. However the thing I love most about her is that she is completely comfortable with her body and seriously, how could she not be? She is absolutely gorgeous and I don't think she knows how voluptuous she is.
Below are many of Duane Bryers incredible Hilda paintings done specifically for Bigelow & Brown's Hilda calendars. These were illustrated between 1957 and 1970 although Mr. Bryers continued to do original paintings for the calendars until the early 1980s.
Aren't you glad you met Hilda? Let's all embrace our curves. Now, please pass the cheesecake!