Awesome Comic-Con 2010 Exclusive 'Smallville' Season Ten Trailer (HD)
Comic-Con 2010 Exclusive 'Tron: Legacy' Trailer in HD
According to Blastr: ''To pull off its 3-D effects, Tron: Legacy used improved versions of the cameras used to shoot Avatar.''
Tron: Legacy comes out in theaters December 17, 2010
See Matt Smith at the 'Doctor Who' Proms!
Matt was in obviously great Doctor Who form!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ghostface
There is no point.
Besides, Shawn's been on holiday and learning all the cool new things we need to know to host our radio show. We've also started putting together ads to run on 92.5FM The X. Hopefully we can figure out a way to demo them for you here on the blog.
I've been busy at work too, which is my excuse for not providing regular updates here.
Anywho, enough blabbing. Here's a behind-the-scenes still from Scream IV, which is currently shooting . . . somewhere. In it we see the now famous killer in all his Halloween costume glory.
The film stars eve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere, Rory Culkin, Nico Tortorella, Anthony Anderson, Marielle Jaffe, Adam Brody, Marley Shelton, Erik Knudsen, Mary McDonnell, and Alison Brie. It's set for release April 15, 2011.
I don't know if I really care about another Scream movie, even with Wes Craven at the helm. Then again I enjoyed the first three so why bitch? Any thoughts?
Comic-Con 2010: 'Being Human's Aidan Turner on the US Version and Season 3 Tidbits
Aidan Turner, who plays the very sexy (and quite tortured in season 2) vampire Mitchell on Being Human opened up about the American version of the series which is currently being made by SyFy channel with Sam Witwer as the vampire:
"We think it's pretty cool. It's gonna be a very different show, I can imagine, cause they have money - we didn't have any of that, really. They have a budget.
But it'll be a different show, there'll be tons more episodes. It'll be a very different show but it's a huge testament to the brand that is Being Human and to Toby Whithouse and his amazing creative mind. There's no fear with us."
"And you guys know we exist," adds Russell Tovey, who plays werewolf George on the series.
The US version of the character will be named Josh. Only ghost Annie remains the same, as of now.
Turner also talked about his character's American counterpart and says that he's been given "a new sexy name as well, which is cool, he's gonna be called Aidan in the new series."
At that point pretty much everyone in the press room made jokes about the fact that the US version will have it's very own Aidan, which sort of made Turner blush a bit.
About Season 3 I got those few tidbits from the press room:
The characters will be more comfortable as to who they are. They've got each other now and being in a new place offers them a new fresh start.
Lenora Crichlow, who plays ghost Annie, explains that they have:
''A new start with the level of acceptance; you're not fighting the impossible anymore, things that you can't change.
They're all kinda: right, Ghost, yeah, vampire, and werewolf. We've got people that come in, and we share: George is a wolf and there is a kind of everyday-ness about that.''
However, our very special group do start season 3 in a place where they are in complete angst at having lost Annie (for those who have seen season 2, you will know what I mean).
Being Human Season 3 is currently still being filmed in Cardiff.
The series will air in early 2011, dates to be determined.
No 'Being Human' / 'Doctor Who' Crossover Happening?
Speaking to io9, Whithouse said that:
The thing about Being Human is that Being Human takes place in our world. That's what we've always tried to do. There are no plans for werewolves and vampires being revealed to the people of the world in Being Human, because the moment that happens, it stops being in our world and becomes in a different world. And with Doctor Who, Doctor Who exists in the Doctor Who world in that the world knows about the existence of aliens, they get invaded every Christmas. So that's a very different world. Being Human is much more rooted in our world. So I don't think it could happen.There you go. Done. Crushed. All my hopes and dreams over.
All kidding aside, it's a bit sad though that these two worlds may never come together in one extraordinary story. I can very well imagine Matt Smith's Doctor meeting up with, let's say Mitchell, and have the two of them size each other up.
Or George and Rory, hitting it off to get a beer or something, and Amy basically just hanging out with Annie and Nina. Maybe Amy could finally give Annie a well deserved new wardrobe. Just saying.
I'm still going to dream for a while. Plus, Whithouse never said a categoric NO, just that he doesn't think that it could happen . . . grasping at straws, grasping at straws.
Steven Moffat Talks Writing For Series 6 of 'Doctor Who'
Steven Moffat recently gave an interview to Den of Geek, hot on the heels of his new series Sherlock's success; but the showrunner had the time to talk about a few things concerning his writing on the upcoming series 6 of Doctor Who.
Moffat made it clear that despite his very heavy workload, the Doctor Who showrunner confirmed that not only he wrote the Christmas episode, but that he will be writing five of the thirteen episodes of series 6. Just like he did for series 5:
''I’m doing the Christmas special plus five, so it’s the same. Six again.''
Steven Moffat admitted that he is following former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T. Davies' writing rhythm:
''I’m basically following what Russell did. Having worked out the sums and worked out how he does it, I thought that’s a perfect way of doing it.''
Moffat further adds that:
''But there is a no way of balancing this. The last year has been extraordinary. I’ve had about four days off, and that includes Christmas day. I work every weekend, I get up early in the morning, I go to bed late at night. There is no way of balancing it.
It’s extraordinary, but it’s great fun too! Great fun, so long as it doesn’t kill me.''
Steven Moffat also admits that since writing for Doctor Who, he now conciously writes episodes with ''widescreen viewing'' in mind:
''Probably since I got involved in any capacity in Doctor Who, which has the power of a big picture. And I tend to plot Doctor Who in terms of big pictures, so there’s that. And we can do big pictures really, really well now on television.
So, yeah, I think I probably do. I think anyway television has become a lot more cinematic because it is possible for it to be. Think how far we’ve come from a multi-camera studio. So, yes, you suppose you do. You think ‘that’ll look cool’.
The Doctor Who Christmas episode is now currently being filmed but no word as of yet as to when filming will commence on series 6.
Please go here to read the rest of this very interesting interview, in which Steven Moffat talks more about Sherlock.
Interview mit "Telegraph"
Her role as the tortured teen Bella Swan in the Twilight films, based on the bestselling series by Stephenie Meyer, has rocketed her from being just another Hollywood-raised teenage actress to international star.
Stewart has won the hearts of legions of teenage girls as Bella, who becomes entwined in a passionate, unorthodox Romeo-and-Juliet-style romance with the handsome vampire Edward Cullen, played by British heartthrob Rob Pattinson.
The four-book series has sold 17 million copies, and there are more than 350 fan sites devoted to the stories, so the burden of expectation was high, and casting the right couple in the leading roles vital.
“It’s just surreal to be a crucial part of a machine like this,” says Stewart. “I’m sort of the vessel. These girls are obsessed with Edward through me. If I wasn’t right, I’d be persecuted and put on a cross.”
A little over-dramatic, perhaps, but it is an exciting and somewhat difficult time for the 19-year-old actress, who tries desperately to maintain her privacy while keeping fans of the Twilight saga happy. At the same time, she is reaching for roles that take her beyond the teenage romance genre.
So far, she seems to have succeeded remarkably well. Between Twilight movies (a final one, Breaking Dawn, is being developed), she has found time to star in two vastly different movies. She plays a troubled teenage prostitute in Welcome to the Rileys, which was produced by Ridley Scott and his brother Tony and directed by Ridley’s son Jake. It had its debut at the Sundance film festival this year.
The other film, The Runaways, which also debuted at Sundance, is creating a major stir with its story of the groundbreaking all-girl rock band and its gritty depiction of the 1970s Los Angeles rock scene.
The Runaways released five albums before breaking up in 1979, and their story is the stuff of rock mythology. Their tough, sexy, jailbait style inspired a wave of female rockers and paved the way for other all-girl bands such as the Go-Gos and the Bangles.
Stewart portrays the band’s bisexual leader, Joan Jett, who was executive producer of the film and whose black hair and lean, punk look earned her fashion-icon status.
“It was tough because I only had a really tiny window of free time, but I wanted to make the movie. And I didn’t want to get any older because I’m already older than Joan was when she was in the Runaways,” says Stewart. “I just crammed it in, and hoped that it would work. And it did. It’s nice to switch to movies like this between Twilights, but I’m excited to go and do the next couple of years of Bella’s life.”
She arrives for our interview looking elegantly sophisticated in a black mini-dress with her dark hair pulled up behind her head in a bun. Yet she confesses: “When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago.” Like the teenage Joan Jett, Stewart has a sullen, almost surly look, which proves to be misleading, because she willingly attempts to answer questions, thinking carefully before she speaks but sometimes finding herself unable to articulate her thoughts.
“It’s impossible to always get across what I’m trying to say, but, if I just stay honest, then I’m not going to look back on any of these interviews and wonder what I was trying to do or be,” she says.
“I’m asked all the time in interviews about who I am, and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self, but I couldn’t say I know myself and sum it up and give it to you in a little package. I don’t know myself at all yet.”
It was probably inevitable that Stewart would find a career in some form of showbusiness: her father is a director and producer, her mother is a scriptwriter, and she was brought up in Hollywood, where, in true fairytale fashion, she was spotted by a talent agent in a school Christmas play when she was eight. She landed bit-part television roles, and when she was 12 she was cast as Jodie Foster’s daughter in David Fincher’s Panic Room.
She worked steadily in movies of varying quality, ranging from the poorly-received Cold Creek Manor to the underrated space fantasy Zathura.
The sudden arrival of fame with Twilight is something she is still trying to cope with.
“I’m 19, and, being a public figure, I’m supposed to present myself in a certain way, but it’s hard and you’re never going to be able to tell people who you are through the media,” she says hesitantly. “It’s sort of impossible. It’s much easier for a guy to say what he wants and not to be cute and funny all the time, but, if you’re a strong sort of woman, you’re just, for lack of a better word, a bitch.
“But I’ve been really lucky for a long time, and I’ve worked with amazing people, and I just hope that that continues. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have this.”
According to the gossip magazines and the buzz on the internet, she has been dating Rob Pattinson ever since they met on the set of Twilight, but until now they have managed to keep everybody guessing. So the question has to be asked – are they or aren’t they?
“I wouldn’t tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens everything in your life,” she says firmly but pleasantly. “I would never tell you if I was dating anybody.”
With three movies awaiting release and the final Twilight movie yet to be ready for filming, Stewart finds herself at a rare loose end.
“I’m kind of goofing off right now,” she says. “I haven’t had a clean slate with nothing ahead of me for a long time, so it feels good.”
Interview mit Austrias News Magazin
News: You are role model for a whole generation. How do you deal with all the hysteria concerning your person?
Stewart: Girls my age identify with Bella, that’s obvious. But that has nothing to do with me. These girls love Bella so much they project that onto me. I’m a rather shy person. All this hype and euphoria is not about me, but about the person I represent in the movie. I would like to clear that up: Hey, I’m not some kind of demi-godess. I adore “Twilight” as much as you do. I was just lucky enough to get the role. I’m expected o be better than the fans but I’m not.
News: They also love you as a person, your understatement and that you’re down to earth .
Stewart: People also hate me for that.
News: In “American Girl” you play a marine in training. The director predicts an Academy Award for you. Will you learn how to speak arabic? Are you interested in politics?
Stewart: Yeah, I’m very interested in that. But the focus in this story lies on a family. A girl and what she thinks about her country. It has nothing to do with what her homecountry does. It’s a tragic story. A girl without any options joins the marines and eventually lands in Afghanistan. And it’s also about how she deals with this after her return. If they are actually gonna go through with the project then I’d love to learn arabic.
News: You are also a part of Kerouacs classic “On the Road”?
Stewart. Yes, for sure because that was my first favourite book. A great inspiration. For 25 years now the projects awais realization and I’m a part of it!! I’m really lucky!
News: Is traveling an inspiration for you?
Stewart: That’s what’s really cool about these exceptional circumstances. We travel a lot. On the one hand I love traveling, on the other hand I nearly have to force myself to do it. Maybe that’s chracteristical for Americans since we aren’t exactly known as globetrotters. I’m a control freak and I always have to know what’s happening. I think backpacking would be therapeutic for me.
News: Pattinson was quoted that be would love to see a hardcore version of “Twilight” for adult eyes only.
Stewart: He was just kidding. I, for one, wouldn’t do a porn version of “Twilight”.
News: In “Eclipse” there’s this one spectacular kissing scene with Taylor as Jacob. Did it take you long to shoot that?
Stewart: It took the whole day. I just thought: Oh god this better be good.
News: Are women like Jodie Forst role models for you?
Stewart: Jodie Foster’s great. I can’t even express how important she was for me. I think it’s impressive in general if women rock a movie. Because most people just want to see stories about men.
'Farscape' and 'SG1' Star Ben Browder to Star in Sci-Fi Web Series 'Naught For Hire'
Ben Browder, who dazzled Sci-Fi fans both as John Crichton on Farscape and as Colonel Cameron Mitchell on Stargate SG-1, is making a long-awaited return to the genre in a very interesting web series.
Called Naught For Hire, it is a 13-part Sci-Fi web series set in 2030. Browder stars as Nick Naught, who is, so it happens, an analogue guy in a digital word - whatever that means.
The Sci-Fi web series is some sort of hybrid which incorporates noir style detective 30s movies type with Science-fiction.
SFX Magazine calls it:
A lighthearted sci-fi romp in the style of ’30s noir movies, with each episode ending on a cliffhanger, Naught For Hire is about a detective who has issues with modern technology, including a car that is in love with him, an elevator that won’t cooperate and an answering machine that wants to do nothing but pull pranks on him.Filming for the series is being done over the summer but no broadcast date has been settled on as of yet.
Based on a book by john E Stith, Naught For Hire also stars Juliet Landau (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Chase Masterson (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), and Jennifer Sky (Cleopatra 2525).
It definitely seems like a fun and interesting project that many of Ben Browder's fans will be happy to see him in - although it's not the long-awaited Farscape web series they have been clamoring for for so many years now.
In the meanwhile, you can go to the official website for updates, and follow their twitter page.
[SFX Magazine]
Exclusive Comic-Con 2010 Story: BBC America's 'Being Human' Press Room
The first press room I attended at Comic-Con, which is also the very first press room I have ever attended, was with the BBC America hit series Being Human.
The basic premise of the show is simple: it's about a vampire, a ghost, and now two werewolves, all living together and trying to lead a normal life - which, you can very well imagine, is not an easy task.
But I myself could not have had an easier task, as this was an absolute dream press room.
The press junket took place Thursday morning - the first morning of the convention - and was being held in a conference room situated in one of the many close-by hotels of the convention.
What first struck me, and what I ultimately liked about it, was that it was really more of an intimate setting.
Upon arrival, I was kindly and personally met with the person in charge of publicity from BBC America for the very successful British television series.
Inside the room, the four main actors of the series: Aidan Turner (Mitchell, the vampire), Russell Tovey (George, the werewolf), Lenora Crichlow (Annie, the ghost) and Sinead Keenan (Nina, George's girlfriend) were waiting for us.
They were all seemingly well-relaxed (they had just done a press junket for another group right before us) and with no real apparent jet-lag fatigue though Russell Tovey admitted to me later, during the mid-afternoon signing, that they were feeling it.
One important thing I had to do before the press junket was to begin though was to screw up my courage and introduce myself to the absolutely adorable Sinead Keenan, who had so kindly given me an exclusive interview the year before.
She remembered my name and seemed both surprised and happy to see me there. Sinead keenan was an absolute angel!
I admit that I had an absolutely fantastic experience in that press room. The best of Comic-Con I have to say. All four actors were very nice, down to earth, quick to make funny jokes and you could see from their interaction with each other that these were people that have a great time together, and care for each other.
And what could me more relaxed and friendlier than opening a press junket with a discussion about spiced tea? It was a fantastic moment.
The girls seemed much more comfortable and were definitely more voluble than the guys, who on the other hand appeared to be a bit more shy.
Lenora Crichlow and Sinead Keenan are simply hilarious, and both Aidan Turner and Russell Tovey are absolutely gorgeous and sweet and were quick to respond to the girls' constant teasings.
It was funny to hear and be witnesses to that constant back and forth of teasing between the four cast members.
For 30 minutes the four Being Human cast members answered our questions, and they were very open and talkative. But, alas, it all was over too soon, as I would have stayed at least for an hour in their company.
But after questions were over, the actors took some time to actually let us take pictures and they also took pictures with us. I am telling you, these people were truly beyond nice: I absolutely LOVE them.
Right after this, I was lucky enough to quickly meet with Russell Tovey while exiting the press room and say a few words to him but I got so shy and nervous, I probably babbled some very idiotic things (which I barely can remember) and he must have thought me the silliest woman on the planet ha ha! Damn my shyness and stupid french accent - I swear, the more I'm nervous, the worse it gets.
All in all, a truly wonderful experience with the cast of Being Human. I really am happy that I lost my "press room virginity" with them and I would definitely do one again with them in a heartbeat.
My congratulations and thanks to BBC America for such a great organization.
Take a Look at These Brand New Steven Moffat's 'Sherlock' Stills!
These new glorious stills from the BBC One TV series Sherlock are from IGN (obviously).
Just click on them to make them bigger and enjoy!
The Doctor and Sherlock Holmes Are a Perfect Fictional Team
This is what Martin Freeman (The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy), who plays John Watson on Steven Moffat's new hit show Sherlock, thinks.
The British actor told What's on TV:
"I don't feel as passionate about Doctor Who as Stephen does, but I've enjoyed watching it more since being a father.Sherlock's first episode, A Study in Pink, garnered an impressive audience of 7.5 million viewers.
"We met Matt Smith while filming Sherlock in Cardiff because the Baker Street set is next to the [Who] set. It was strange seeing Sherlock Holmes and The Doctor together. They are the perfect fictional team."
The next episode, The Blind Banker, airs this Sunday on BBC One at 8h30pm.
[Digital Spy]
Check out the new SFX Magazine Torchwood Cover!
SFX Magazine teases that inside Issue 199 of the Magazine, Russell T. Davies says about series four of Torchwood that “It’s a proper, big, global ten-hour thriller.”
Never have I been more excited for Torchwood to return. But alas, the series wont make a come back until late 2011.
Basically this will turn into one long excruciating wait. Any one else agree?
[SFX Magazine]
Comic-Con 2010: BBC's 'Being Human' More Human Than Supernatural
During the Being Human press conference at Comic-Con, the cast talked about their reaction to and how they felt while reading about the concept of the successful Sci-Fi show for the first time.
Actor Russell Tovey, who portrays werewolf George on the BBC series, confessed that when he first heard the concept of a show having a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost living together, he thought it sounded like a kid's show, and that it seemed like it would never work.
"Then you realize it's just so much more than that," Tovey says. "The levels in this show are so much more human then they are supernatural."
Sinead Keenan, who plays the fantastic Nina, adds that the cross that the characters have to bear on Being Human is incidental, "It's about their relationships."
The incredibly delightful Lenora Crichlow, who stars as ghost Annie, mentions the fact that "the characters were all originally written as very human characters," and that "the supernatural edge lent itself."
"It's like the most basic supernatural idea possible," adds Aidan Turner, who plays Mitchell the vampire on the show. "Toby's [Toby Whithouse, the show's creator and showrunner] created this show that sort of stands on it's own a little bit."
Being Human season 3 is currently filming in the UK and is set to air in early 2011.
See the Amazing Video of Josh Hutcherson's 'Spider-Man' Fight Audition
Latino Review has posted the video of Hutcherson's fight audition. According to them "up and coming fight choreographer Larnell Stovall from UNDISPUTED 3 choreographed the gem below."
This is one video to make anyone go into dream mode and to wonder what it could have been (or could be) if Josh Hutcherson had won the role.
Now it makes wonder even more what Andrew Garfield will do with it.
'Sherlock' Star Turned Down Role of the Doctor on 'Doctor Who'
Sherlock star, actor Benedict Cumberbatch, has revealed that he turned down the role of the Doctor on Doctor Who.
The Sun claims that Cumberbatch, who is getting rave reviews for is role of Sherlock Holmes in the re-invented series from showrunner guru Steven Moffat, was offered the iconic role when former Tenth Doctor, Scottish actor David Tennant, decided to leave the Tardis behind.
But before deciding to turn down the role, the 34 year old actor revealed that he had a discussion with Tennant about playing the iconic character and what it would entail :
"David and I talked about it but I thought it would have to be radically different. And anyway I didn't really like the whole package - being on school lunchboxes."
So instead of setting up shop in the tardis, so to speak, Cumberbatch settled for Baker Street instead.
Most recently, Cumberbatch hinted at a possible Doctor Who appearance in the future. As to what, when and who is up in the air.
Take note that The Sun still claims that Matt Smith will leave Doctor Who after the next series (which would be series 6) - which I seriously hope won't happen.
Smith is absolutely terrific as the Eleventh Doctor and I've grown to like him a lot, just like Cumberbatch is a terrific Sherlock Holmes.
Essentially, I believe the right actors got the right parts.
And also, Smith signed a three year contract with the series so unless the actor really badly wants out of the role, I doubt it will happen.
Trailer Alert: Sucker Punch
Here's the Comic Con footage from Zack Snyder's upcoming fantasy epic Sucker Punch, and boy does it leave one wanting to see more!
Snyder, who directed the awesome Dawn of the Dead remake, the spectacular 300 and the flawed but entertaining Watchmen, is a superior visual storyteller who also knows how to hit the right character notes. While we don't get much about the plot from this footage, the images are jaw dropping. I'm already looking forward to seeing the film next year.
I mean babes, swords, dragons and giant robots armed with gatling guns? Who doesn't want to watch a film with all that?
Sucker Punch hits theatres in March 2011.
Kristen T-shirt!!!!!

Könnt ihr HIER bestellen!!
ich finde das shirt total cool!!!:D
wenn ich irgendwann mal jemanden sehe, der damit rumläuft sag ich euch bescheid!!=)
Comic-Con 2010: Press Rooms
I was lucky enough to be able to attend four press rooms during this incredibly busy and crazy convention (far more crazier than I thought believe me. You think you know what you're getting yourself into when you've never gone to Comic-Con before but believe me, you do not).
The press rooms I covered were those for BBC America's Being Human, NBC's Chuck, Fox's Fringe, and the WB's Supernatural - in that order. I will talk a bit about each press rooms in separate posts later so keep your eyes peeled for those.
A press room is a hectic experience, where every journalist, blogger, and TV crew is ushered in to a specially designated room/area set up for that purpose. The room I was in for three of those press rooms was situated in the area of Ballroom 20 - where Chuck, Fringe and Supernatural were holding their panels.
All of the actors,writers, and others who attend the panel, attend the press rooms. If you're lucky, you may get to have each one sit with you and answer your questions for perhaps 5 minutes. If you're not, you may get only a handful of people (which happened in one of the press rooms).
Not let me go back to the actors.
They are ushered to each tables (round tables where the written press sits) by a "handler." Sometimes, people will be ushered at your table, and unless you know the show's complete list of who's who on it (and I'm not talking actors here), you won't even have a clue at first who you're actually talking to (which sadly happened to me)!
Most of the time, the actors will take more time at the press line, where they are being interviewed by the TV crews. And this is why sometimes the written press doesn't get to have much time with them afterward (I'm thinking I should do my own show - with my french accent should be interesting).
As for the interview process, it's each one for themselves. Kidding. Though the process is basically civilized - I had no eye scratching incident taking place in mine - sometimes there are always those that seem to take all the place and ask all the questions but you also have those who are just happy to listen in. But everyone is respectful.
Then the actors, writers, showrunners are just switched tables after a few minutes and the process begins again. When the time is up, all the actors/writers/showrunners are ushered out of the room and the journalists generally have to leave if they are not scheduled for the next press room.
So this, in a nutshell, is what happens in a press room. Stay tuned for more. Coming up soon, the Being Human Press Room.
Who Wore It Better?
You may remember this colourful Proenza Schouler Spring/Summer 2010 Collection sweater and skirt Kristen wore to the New Moon London Fan Event in November 2009. I loved the whole look entirely, her hair was styled to perfection and most of of she looked comfortable. The outfit consists of a Tiered Ruffled Eyelash Full Skirt and a Silk Knit Jacquard Sweater. Kristen paired her outfit with some fantastic Chanel jewellery and some Gucci patent pumps.
I’ve included two models also wearing this Proenza Schouler outfit however i would bear in mind these pictures have been photoshopped before print, Kristen's has not. Several other have proceeded to wear only Silk Knit Jacquard Sweater but in this instance I'm looking for those who dared to wear the entire sweater/skirt combo.
Who wore the Proenza Schouler Spring/Summer 2010 Collection Ruffled Eyelash Full Skirt and a Silk Knit Jacquard Sweater better?
Vote Below
Abbey Lee Kershaw
Kristen Stewart
Maryna Linchuk
Comic-Con 2010: 'Chuck's Scott Krinsky and Vic Sahay Talk Jeffster and that Blaze of Glory Video
First, the actors talked about Jeffster, Scott Krinsky admitted he didn't know that it would take off, and that it was a little scary at first, the first time they did it. But ultimately, as Krinsky says, "it's been a pleasant surprise."
Vic Sahay added that "it's very tough and scary to do" and that you kind of work in a bubble to do it, in his case at least. And the reaction [to Jeffster] is "both gratifying and awkward to deal with."
Then I asked the actors how hard it was to film that Blaze of Glory video and this is what Vic Sahay answered me :
It's about abandon. It's about kind of getting into character and jumping off that cliff. Because he's such an odd, ferocious, insane guy, that if I don't kinda get inside that - him. It's just so self-conscious to be doing that stuff. I've broken some bones, and pulled some tendons doing those moves.Note to you guys: Scott Krinsky was laughing the whole time Vic Sahay was talking about this.
And now, for your personal viewing and auditory pleasure, I've added that Jeffster Blaze of Glory video. Sorry Vic Sahay
Comic-Con 2010 The Inside Trekker Blog Status News
So San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone and there were many things I didn't get to see and do, but I still do have some nice things to post on this blog about my experience.
Amongst them a few things gathered here and there from the press rooms I attended. Plus, I will talk about said press rooms so you can feel as if you were there yourselves!
Right now, working away from home on a small netbook is not easy. Actually, it has been hell to tell the truth but I'm doing my best. On top of that, the Internet connection has generally been very bad in the San Diego area so to try and make regular posts have literally been a struggle and a challenge (I've actually felt like throwing the netbook against the wall quite a few times).
However, you'll be happy to know that I'm currently working on a few fun things so you'll start getting posts about Comic-Con here and there and I will try to add some regular posts as well.
Things should hopefully start getting back to normal on The Inside Trekker next weekend or at least the following week. Thanks for sticking around!
Want Kristen on your Tee?
UPDATE: I’ve been in contact with the makers of the tee and i’m doubting printing will happen unfortunately, there seems to be legal issues with using Kristen’s image to produce these tees. If any more updates happen then I'll let you guys know.
Dead & Alive clothing have a Kristen tee that will soon be available for pre order at just £8.99, 10.73 Euro or $13.95. If you have Facebook let them know you like this tee here.
Message from t-shirt maker: "Maybe you can add somewhere why I'm doing this shirt. I'm a big Kristen fan and i feel this photo shows everything a fan could love about Kristen. She's a real girl who has no fears showing what she approves, supports, loves and dislikes. Maybe fans need to wear this in front of paps.
Oh and a part of the money from each shirt will be donated to help cleaning the oil spill."
The Kristen F*ck the Hype Tee will be available to purchase soon, details here
Credits: Dead & Alive Clothing & Kristen Owns Me
Shop Kristen
Happy Monday all! I’m going to be blogging all my usual weekly posts Mon-Wed of this week. I’m London bound on Thursday morning for a long weekend of fun with my friends. This is simply a post to provide you with links and information on where to purchase several items worn by Kristen within the last few months. I know they are pricey these items, i never usually link something unless i think it’s affordable but this post was requested by a reader. Enjoy!
Buy Kristens Helmut Lang Denim Knit Combo Shirt here for $220
Buy Kristen’s 3.1 Phillip Lim Eyelet detail shorts, worn in Elle here for $545
Buy Kristen’s Versace Fall 2010 Collection Stretch Wool Crepe Jersey Dress here for £1290.86
Buy Kristen’s Camilla Skovgaard Open Toe Button Booties here for $565
Buy Kristen’s Christian Louboutin Big Lips 120 Suede Pumps here for £755
I know, i know wishful thinking, if only i had that kind of cash.
*Credits: shopbop.com, brownsfashion.com, luisaviaroma.com, net-a-porter.com*
Russell T. Davies Hints to A Darker Torchwood
For starters, when the series returns in 2011, it will be one long story made up of 10 episodes and it: "will have a very American flavour. Most of it will be shot and set in the States (or other foreign countries)."
Davies didn't want to talk about the story yet, saying that : "It’s too soon to give away the story, but I’ve always had this story in mind, and the whole existence of season four will make sense once you know what the story is."
Davies confirmed that he wrote the first episode of series four of Torchwood but that as for writing more episodes for that, it's still in the air.
The Torchwood showrunner went on to talk about the very successful recent series Torchwood: Children of Earth:
Actually, this story is also very dark. I think with that, Torchwood found its feet. People found something very compelling and very chilling about it. I love the way people got on their high horse saying, ‘Oh, he killed his grandson!’ Hello! He saved every single child in the world! If you would fail to do that then you’re the monster, frankly. It’s this extraordinary treatment that only science fiction heroes get You find that. If ever a word is said out of place by the Doctor or Captain Jack, or even by Sarah Jane sometimes, people throw their hands up in horror, whereas in any other drama any character is capable of any thing at any time. That’s the only way to write, and it’s the same for these people as well. I thought it was fascinating and challenging what he did there, but hard – it was so hard. I do think with the whole of Children Of Earth we found a new heartland for Torchwood.But as for the upcoming series, Davies also added that:
For faithful viewers you’ll see the same people in the same world, following on. Though it also starts from scratch, because there’s a brand new Starz audience there sitting waiting to be scooped up, new viewers coming to it. But I restarted Doctor Who in 2005 from scratch, so I know what I’m doing. I did it with Children Of Earth, actually – that practically tripled Torchwood’s audience, and no one said to me that they were lost. So it’s a new starting point and yet… as a faithful viewer you do get that awful feeling when something reboots or revamps that you’re not comfortable anymore, and there’s none of that. It’s still Gwen, it’s still Jack, and hopefully more. You’ll feel very comfortable with it. And there’s great new American characters coming into it. Bear in mind, of course, Captain Jack, he’s American as well, so it doesn’t seem quite as alien, I think, as if you suddenly introduced American characters into Emmerdale or something!”Go here for more on SFX magazine's interview with Russel T. Davies.
I don't know what you guys think of this, but I have faith in series 4. Children of Earth was so good though, I just hope they will be able to top it!
Trailer Alert: Monsters
The premise is simple, and cool: Set six years after huge, Lovecraftian aliens have taken over Mexico, the movie follows two people who must try to get from South America to the US after all the official crossings have been closed. It's mating season for the monsters, and they're on the move and more dangerous than usual.
Writer/director Gareth Edwards is supposed to have made the film for a scant $20,000 to $30,000. To me, it looks better than most big-budget Hollywood productions. Watch the trailer below and judge for yourself.
Mark Ruffalo Will Be Bruce Banner
A few weeks back we reported that Edward Norton will not play Bruce Banner, the Hulk's alter ego, in the upcoming Avengers movie. Now we've heard Norton has been replaced with Mark Ruffalo, probably one of the best working actors in the business.
I lament the passing of Norton, but one could do far worse than Ruffalo. While not an "action guy," he does have the acting chops to pull of any role. It's going to be hard for him to fail as Banner, and my faith in the character being in The Avengers has been restored.
Granted, a lot of his scenes will be filled by a screaming, massive, green version of himself, but surely Banner will play a pivotal part in the film during some of the less intense moments.
Ruffalo was last seen in Shutter Island and The Kids Are All Right, which we in The Basement have yet to watch.
Kristen on Empire's 100 Sexiest Movie Star's List
Kristen Stewart
The subject of much fangirl opprobrium, thanks to her on-and-off-screen relationships with Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, Stewart still places high on the list because a) she's staggeringly beautiful and b) her don't-give-a-fuck attitude is sublimely sexy. In the likes of Twilight and Adventureland, she's a world away from her debut in Panic Room, when she looked like a Macauley Culkin tribute band.
Most alluring as... Em Lewin in Adventureland - sparky, human, and plenty sexy, in a surly, take-no-shit kinda way.
Interests include... She's a voracious reader, with favourite authors including Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Bukowski and Albert Camus. No word yet if Stephenie Meyer's on the list...
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