An older look for Kristen here as we go back to the Twilight promotion days. Here she makes an appearance with Cam and Catherine in Madrid to promote the movie.
Kristen kept it dressy casual wearing a Alice + Olivia Michelle Dress with a pair of Gucci Page Mid Heel Pumps. She kept accessories simple with her favourite Seiko SJB880 Watch and a Soda Pop Bracelet.
So recently i've past 20,000 blog views and i wanted to hear so feedback from you guys about the blog? Is there any items, looks you'd like to see?
Thanks to all the people who follow me, comment and visit this blog and a special thanks to @Jacksonville25 for bringing us 'Make Up Fridays'. Feel free to leave her requests of any Kristen make up looks you would like to see posted.
I also have some items that aren't deserving of their own post and was wondering if you guys have any ideas of what i could do with them........
Before everyone starts taking bets on who the father is, or get too excited or horrified, let me tell you that Amy Pond's ''pregnancy'' will be a story plot for episode seven of series 5 of Doctor Who which is written by Simon Nye, who also writes Men Behaving Badly.
This report was published in The Sun today and apparently:
Amy is pregnant but it's all part of a strange dream she's having.
A few months after claiming that Torchwood series 4 was a go, John Barrowman is now unsure of what is happening with Torchwood and whether it'll be back.
I haven't heard anything. I haven't heard anything about what you're talking about! I only know that I would - at the drop of a hat - love to do Torchwood again. I would love to do more than five episodes. But if we're only going to do five episodes, I'm happy with that.
The actor has no information whatsoever concerning the show but he would love to do another one: I love the character, I love the show, and I would love to do it again. But I don't have any other information - I'm so sorry!
On my part I really don't understand the BBC at all.
The Torchwood Mini-Series ''Children of Earth'' was a critical and commercial success yet they can't decide what to do with the show? I'm disappointed by their attitude also regarding the fans since they seem to be determined to keep everyone in the dark.
All we have now are rumours, such as the series being made for the web only. The only concrete news we have is that Russell T. Davies and Julie Gardner are working on an American version of the show. Wether it will be a remake of the show or a continuation set in America (since the Hub in Cardiff has been destroyed) and will star the remaining living members of Torchwood, including Barrowman's Captain Jack, remains to be seen.
What do you think of the lack of concrete news concerning Torchwood mean?
SFX magazine has posted a picture of its upcoming Doctor Who Special.
Issue 194, which is coming out March 10 in the UK, will boast an incredible 3D cover that shows Matt Smith as the Doctor and Karen Gillan as Amy Pond. The Weeping Angels are also featured on the cover which has a rather spooky and atmospheric look.
I don't know when the magazine will be coming out in North America but we are usually a month or two behind.
We're bringing you a special 'Make Up Friday' this week which will incude Kristens Bafta, Elle Style Awards and Burberry fashion show looks. The how-to is located below each video, so you can save it if you really like the look. Give us some feedback and requests, we love reading them good or bad.
I'd like to say a quick thanks to @Jacksonville25 for filming all these videos, it was alot to do in a few days and the award special was her idea so thank you greatly sweetness.
Bafta Awards 2010
BAFTA 2010 How To
Urban Decay Face Primer Potion L’Oreal True Match foundation N1 Urban Decay Eye Primer Potion Urban Decay Shadows in “Oil Slick” & “Polyester Bride” or black and white respectively Benefit “Bad Gal” waterproof eyeliner Maxfactor False Lash Effect Mascara
Face As with the other looks, apply the primer to the entire face and the foundation to everywhere except the forehead. Use powder on your nose, chin and forehead if you have some.
Eyes After priming your eye with the Urban Decay primer potion apply the colour “Oil Slick” over your upper lid, gradually bringing the colour upwards but not touching the brow bone, and on your lower lid, but in a thin line, almost like eyeliner. Although don’t apply in into the inner corner when applying the shadow on the bottom lid.
Then using the “Polyester Bride”, apply it to the inner corner and gradually bring it out towards the outer corner, mixing the two colours. Apply over this a couple of times as the white is very prominent in this look. Also apply this colour on the bottom lid towards the inner corner.
Next step in your eyeliner. Apply this all around eye, giving more emphasis on the outer edges. The you’re ready to apply your mascara.
That’s the look complete! Hope you enjoyed it!
Elle Style Awards 2010
Elle Style Awards How To
Urban Decay Face Primer Potion L’Oreal True Match Foundation N1 Urban Decay Eye Primer Potion Urban Decay Shadows in “Shattered” & “Polyester Bride” or a pale blue and white colour respectively Benefit’s “Bad Gal” waterproof eyeliner Barry M’s Soft Crayon Eyeliner No.4 or a pale blue eyeliner Maxfactor False Lash Effect Mascara
Face Apply the face primer on you chin, nose, cheeks and forehead to give a good base for your foundation. Then apply your foundation on your nose, cheeks and chin. Putting foundation on your forehead is optional but I don’t tend to do it. Powder is also optional. If you’re using powder put a tiny bit on your nose (too much will give it a dried out look), forehead & chin.
Eyes First, prime your eyes with the eye primer potion. Apply this on your eyelid, underneath the brow bone and underneath your eye. Apply the “shattered” all over your upper eyelid not your lower eyelid, and gradually bring the colour up towards your brow bone but not touching it. The apply the “polyester bride” over the entire eye, but apply most of it to the inner corner and the inner half of your eye. The white over the rest of the eye should be a light layer. You should still be able to see the blue.
Next apply the eyeliner. First apply the black eyeliner all around the eye, putting more emphasis on the lower lid, make the eyeliner on the top lid almost invisible. Next, apply the blue eyeliner on the top lid above the black. Apply it in a thick line, getting gradually bigger as the line progresses outwards. Only apply this from the middle to the outer edge of your eye.
The last thing you need to do is apply your mascara.
That’s the look finished! Hope you like it!
Burberry Prorsum Fall Show, London Fashion Week 2010
Burberry Autumn/Winter Fashion Show 2010 How To
Urban Decay Face Primer Potion L’Oreal True Match foundation N1 Urban Decay Eye Primer Potion Urban Decay Shadows “Smog”, “Polyester Bride”, “Sin” & “Oil Slick”, or dark brown, white, pale brown & black respectively Urban Decay Cream Eyeliner “Zero” or any black eyeliner Maxfactor False Lash Effect Mascara
Face Do the same as in the other tutorials. Apply the primer potion to your whole face and the foundation to your entire face apart from your forehead. If you have some apply highlighter to your cheekbones & nose.
Eyes First you must apply the Urban Decay Eye primer potion all over the eye, up to the brow bone and underneath the eye. Then apply the colour “Sin” all over the eye, to the brow bone and underneath the eye. With the “Smog” colour, put this on the outer corner of the eye and a tiny bit underneath the eye. Then using the “polyester bride” apply a large amount of it from the inner corner of your eye to the middle, meeting the dark brown “Smog” in the middle. Apply this colour on the bottom lid also, again meeting the “Smog” at the outer edge.
Next, you apply your eyeliner. Using the thin, slanting brush which comes with the Urban Decay cream eyeliner draw line from the middle of your eye, gradually getting thicker as you progress to the outer edge. Then still using the brush draw a flick. Then apply the eyeliner to the lower lid towards the inner corner. Also apply a thin line to the upper eyelid and connect it to the beginning of the flick portion of the eyeliner. Next, to exaggerate the liner, go over the outer portion of the eyeliner, both top and bottom, with the colour “Oil Slick”.
Lastly, apply your mascara and the look is complete!