Mickey Mouse March Remix
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Burned Remix
Hilary Duff on The Sims 2
Disney Mobile Interview
Photos of Disney Mobille Commercial
Thanks to With-Hilary

Hilary visits Tokyo FM in Japan
Hilary performed yesterday at Tokyo FM in Shibuya and there were a lot of fans watching her..!
Hilary se apresentou ontem em Tóquio FM em Shibuya e havia um monte de fãs assistindo..!
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Thanks Oh-Hilary
Hotter Emma Watson
LONDON - FEBRUARY 11: Emma Watson attends the Burberry and Vanity Fair
Emma in Burberry
LONDON - FEBRUARY 11: Emma Watson arrives at the Burberry and Vanity Fair Portraits VIP Private View at the National Portrait Gallery on February 11, 2008 in London, England. (Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)
Emma Watson arrives at the Burberry & Vanity Fair Portraits
LONDON - FEBRUARY 11: Emma Watson arrives at the Burberry & Vanity Fair Portraits VIP private view at the National Portrait Gallery on 11 February, 2008 in London, England. (Photo by Mike Marsland/WireImage)
Emma Watson
UPDATE: News about Dan and Emma

Thanks to the Sugar Quills we have some great news about Dan and Emma.
Ladies First:
Emma was rank on #26 on MSN's list of fit celebrities:
Emma Watson: Young Hermione is all grown up, and a lovely young lady to boot. Watson told fans in her own newsletter she loves tennis, skiing, dancing, table tennis, "and a very bad round of golf." That should be plenty to keep her fit through the final "Harry Potter" films and beyond. (And check out her glam photo shoot for the January In Style ... dreamy.) (Andrew Marks/Retna Ltd.)
Daniel ended up on Entertainment Weekly's list of 30 Under 30: The Actors - The finest young stars in Hollywood.
AGE 18
BROKE OUT IN... 2001's mega-blockbuster Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as the prodigal boy wizard.
WHY HIM He's utterly charming and managed to do the growing up thing with grace, even with a skin-baring role in a West End production of Equus. Plus, he's got a teeny tiny fan base, seeing as how the Potter blockbusters have grossed nearly $4.5 billion (movie's biggest franchise ever!) around the world.
WHAT'S NEXT World domination! No, really, Radcliffe's got the last two Potter flicks — Half-Blood Prince is set for release in November, and Deathly Hallows in 2010. Broadway, too, will see his Equus in 2008.
I cannot believe I didn't check the actresses list for 30 Under 30...because Emma made the EW's list 30 Under 30: The Actresses.
AGE 18
BROKE OUT IN... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, as the whip-smart witch, Hermione.
WHY HER Because she's matured from a precocious pre-adolescent to a confident young actress, right in front of her eyes. And she's done it without ever appearing in the tabloid pages.
WHAT'S NEXT The Tale of Despereaux (2008), an animated short. Oh, and next fall's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Emma and Daniel
Interview on The Nickers 26/02
Others Live Performaces
Santa Clause Lane Live Movie Surfers
(Medley) Girl Can Rock/So Yesterday Live AMA 2003
So yesterday Live Hit Machine
So Yesterday Live Blue Peter (10-06-03)
So Yesterday Studio Disney (11-16-03)
So Yesterday Macys Parade (11-27-03)
So Yesterday Live Jingle Ball Concert 2003
What Christmas Should Be Live Jingle Ball Concert 2003
Anywhere But Here Live Warner Bros (Island Birthday Bash)
Come Clean (Acoust Version) Live Warner Bros (Island Birthday Bash)
So Yesterday Live Island Birthday Bash
Party Up Live Island Birthday Bash
Little Voice Live Island Birthday Bash
Come Clean Live MMVA - 2004
Anywhere But Here Live Much Music (03-13-04)
Come Clean Live Much Music (03-13-04)
Party Up Live Much Music (03-13-04)
Sweet Sixteen Live Much Music (03-13-04)
Come Clean MUM UK (04-10l-04)
So Yesterday Live Today wDes and Mel UK (04-08-04)
Come Clean Live TOTP (10-04-04)
Fly Live Ellen (10-12- 04)
What Christmas Should Be Live Rockefeller Center (11-30-04)
Come Clean Live New Years Eve 2004
Come Clean live NBA 2004
Fly World Music Awards 2004
Weird Live Most Wanted Tour
Fly on Fox (American TOP)
Fly Live Jay Leno
Our Lips Are Sealed Live GMA 2004 (with Haylie Duff)
Beat of my Heart - AMA 2005
Wake Up Live Kids Choice Awards 2005
Wake Up Live An American Celebration (07-12-05)
Wake Up Live Jay Leno (08-15-05)
Wake Up Live Ellen (09-07-05)
Wake Up Live BBC TOTP (10-15-05)
WakeUp Live GMTV Today (10-13-05)
Wake Up Live Ministry of Mayhem (10-22-05)
Wake Up TOTP (Top of the Pops) (11-13-05)
Beat Of My Heart Dick Clarks Rockin New Years
Wake Up Live Dick Clark Rockin New Years Eve
Come Clean Live in Caracas Vzla
Girl Can Rock Live in Caracas Vzla
Wake Up Live The View
I Am (Live Still Most Wanted)
Wake Up Live San Remo (02-28-06)
Fly Live GMTV UK (03-03-06)
Wake Up Live NRJ Music Tour
Fly Live Smile (03-05-06)
Beat Of My Heart Live Musica Uno (06-28-06)
Wake Up Musica Uno (04-05-06)
Beat Of My Heart - Cry Live in Canadá (Still Most Wanted Tour)
Wake Up Live Still Most Wanted
Wake Up Live Still Most Wanted 2
Do You Want Me Live Still Most Wanted
Gypsy Woman [ Live in Lousville Kentucky ]
Play With Fire [ Live in Louisville Kentucky ]
Danger [ Live in Louisville Kentucky ]
The Getaway [ Live in Louisville Kentucky ]
Dignity [ Live in Louisville Kentucky ]
With Love Live Much Music Video Awards 2007
Stranger Live Fox - So You Think You Can Dance
With Love Live This Morning (03-05-07)
With Love Live Blue Peter (03-07-07)
With Love Live Quelli Che Aspettano (03-11-07)
With Love Live Loose Women (03-12-07)
With Love Live GMA (03-26-07)
With Love Live Jay Leno (04-02-07)
With Love Live Jimmy Kimmel (04-03-07)
With Love Live Ellen Degeneres (04-06-07)
With Love Live Teen Nick (04-15 -07)
Stranger Live Teen Nick (04-15 -07)
With Love Live CD Live (04-21-07)
Never Stop Live at the Grove in Anaheim(Sound Check) (08-17-07)
Play With Fire Live at the Grove in Anaheim(Sound Check) (08-17-07)
Stranger Live at Much Music MOD - (Sep 7 - 2007)
With Love Live at Much Music MOD - (Sep 7 - 2007)
Wake Up Live at Much Music MOD - (Sep 7 - 2007)
We want the Dignity Tour DVD/ Queremos lo DVD del Dignity Tour/ Queremos o DVD da Dignity Tour
Hilary Duff dio á Hollywood Records 14 millones de cds vendidos, 4 giras de sucesso y el primer gran estoro de la gravadora (Metamorphosis, 7 millones de cópias), En su ultima gira del album Dignity, el concierto en Los Angeles fue todo filmado profissionalmente y con la promessa de uno DVD futuro, nosotros fans de Hilary exigimos más respecto del marketing empresarial del Hollywood Records que hoy se foca totalmiente en "disney brands" y se olvida de los otros artistas, além de vetar datas da dignity tour, una série de cancelamentos y adiamentos de proyetos musicales de Hilary tiene nos dejado revoltados, en forma de respecto a todos que apoiam a Hilary, e no tuveron datas de la Dignity Tour en su ciudad o país, pedimos el DVD de la Dignity Tour En Vivo en Los Angeles, el último DVD de un concierto de Hilary fue en 2003, the Girl Can Rock, del primer álbum, nosotros queremos tener la oportunidad de ver e oyir las músicas de los últimos álbuns de Hilary En Vivo, Hilary traballo duro en nesta gira e en el álbum (único bien resenhado de su carrera, 3 estrellas en Rolling Stones), ella e nósotros merecemos este recuerdo.
Hilary Duff deu á Hollywood Records 14 milhões de cds vendidos, 4 turnês de sucesso e o primeiro grande estouro da gravadora (Metamorphosis, 7 milhões de cópias), Em sua ultima turnê do álbum Dignity, o show de Los Angeles foi todo filmado profissionalmente e com a promessa de um DVD futuro, nós fãs da Hilary exigimos mais respeito do marketing empresarial da Hollywood Records que hoje se foca totalmente em "disney brands" e se esquece dos outros artistas, além de vetar datas da dignity tour, uma série de cancelamentos e adiamentos de projetos musicais da Hilary tem nos deixado revoltados, em forma de respeito a todos que apoiam a Hilary, e não tiveram datas da Dignity Tour em sua cidade ou país, pedimos o DVD da Dignity Tour Ao Vivo em Los Angeles, o último DVD de um concerto da Hilary foi em 2003, o the Girl Can Rock, do primeiro álbum, nós queremos ter a oportunidade de ver e ouvir as músicas dos últimos álbuns de Hilary Ao Vivo, Hilary trabalhou duro nessa turnê e no álbum (único bem resenhado da sua carreira, 3 estrelas da Rolling Stone), ela e nós merecemos essa lembrança.
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Dan Attends the Theatregoers' Choice Awards 2008
Thanks to BBC here I have some wonderful pictures of Dan with Mr. Peter Shaffer.

The Press Association has this quote from Dan after receiving his awards:
"I'm truly delighted and thank everyone so much for voting for me. Equus is a tremendous and thought-provoking play and I'm so proud and honoured to have been a part of this incredible production."

Here are the first pictures of Dan attending the Theatregoers' Choice Awards 2008.

New Luxury Apartment in New York for Daniel

According to the New York Times Daniel has bought a $4.9 million Manhattan luxury apartment, a 2,450-square-foot corner three-bedroom on an upper floor at 1 Morton Square, at Leroy Street. This apartment has curved windows pointing in the direction of New York Harbor, marble and granite counters and a 500-bottle wine cellar. According to this article, by this fall Dan and his family are going to be moving to this new apartment for his Broadway debut in the revival of Peter Shaffer’s “Equus.”
This apartment is the second he has acquired in less than 6 months, last November, he purchased a $4.3 million loft-style two-bedroom, a trendy glass-walled building designed by Jean Nouvelle, which is on the market to be rent for $20,000 a month.
Learning To Fly
Fly Music Video - DOWNLOAD
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