Jason and Shawn review: Buried and Catfish


Jason: I love movies that leave me feeling like I've been punched in the gut and this movie did that to me. The final 10 minutes are unbearably suspenseful and the ending, although some may see it coming, still packs a wallop. This is the kind of movie Alfred Hitchcock would have made if he were still with us. It's cinematic, emotional and even shocking despite its cramped quarters and features a great performance by Ryan Reynolds. This is a one-man show and he owns it. A Good review from me.

Shawn: You know, a man in a box for the whole movie? I wondered if this was something that I would even be able to endure. And I've never really been a fan of Ryan Reynolds, as I believe he should stick with humorous roles as that is what he personifies. Is this a thriller? No, not really. Unless you are highly claustrophobic and also have a fear of snakes. But I was surprised at how well this movie worked and kept me interested. At the end, I was surprised again. Quite pleasantly. That satisfaction was all that was needed to bust this up into a Good category. Low Good, but still Good. Nice job Reynolds. You made me slightly believe that perhaps type casting isn't for you.


Jason: Fact or fiction? Or does it even matter? This sure looks and feels like a documentary. No note is false. Every person feels 100 per cent credible. If it's bullshit, then give the makers an award anyway. This movie pulled at me. I felt every emotion while watching it and it's certainly a work for our times; kind of a high-tech, real-life thriller. And, true or not, every Facebook user needs to see this because there is no doubt in my mind this happens every day to people who spend too much time online. In fact, I'd be willing to screen it to people just for that purpose. This is a Good for sure.

Shawn: This was a disturbingly accurate account of possibly hundreds of thousands of people's lives. Thank you Interwebs and social networking for the ability to branch out and let us become a victim to anonymity and other such horrors. Catfish, fake or not, is a great "program" that people who HAVE the technology really should watch. As a documentary, I was pretty impressed that I enjoyed it as I endured a plethora of emotions throughout. As an entertaining film, it rates a Bad, but Catfish is another great documentary.


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