Doctor Who Series 5 to have 4 More Episodes!

Boy is the BBC really pushing this season of Doctor Who. We have just learned that in lieu of the 13 episodes that we're usually set to have in a regular season of Doctor Who, it appears that we will get 17.

The BBC has recently announced that there will be 4 downloadable free PC and Mac interactive adventures called Doctor Who: The Adventure Games featuring Matt Smith as the Doctor and Karen Gillan as Amy Pond. Murray Gold will provide the music and the computer games will be executive produced by the same TV team of Steven Moffat, Piers Wengers and Beth Willis. Along for the ride as well are Anwen Aspden (BBC Wales Interactive) and Charles Cecil - ''one of videogaming's most revered creators.''
Nothing much has been revealed about the monsters that the Doctor and Amy will face in the 4 interactive adventures, but there will be new and returning ones. One thing for sure is that the Cybermen, who are also set to return this season in the television series, will appear. The titles of the interactive games are also being kept secret and the stories are intended to be part of the Doctor Who canon.

In my opinion, the likenesses are rather good, even though it looks a lot like a PS2 generation game. Let's hope it will be good. My concern is will the games be restricted to UK residents or will it be made available worldwide?

Please go here to read the full BBC statement.

The title of the first adventure of Doctor Who: The Adventure Games will be revealed at a press event on April 21, 2010. The game will be available for download in June.


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