Don't hate me because I'm not busy!

I'm not a busy person.  People don't like that about me.  It seems that being busy is the natural excuse for everything these days.  "Can you come over?"  "Sorry, I'm busy."  I do understand that most people are busy, busy with work, families, chores, obligations.  I get that.  I however, am not busy and I'm getting some flack for it. 

I have a great job, my kids are grown, and I'm not really involved in much.  I work from home and my job allows me to work any schedule that I like.  I have great friends and a husband whom I adore with all my heart.  My life is not really all that planned out, I take each day as it comes.  The only things in my day planner right now are a hair appointment on Friday and some birthday reminders.  My question is, why do people get so upset when they find out I'm not as busy as they are?  I'm available if they need me for anything, can drop everything I'm doing and can pitch in. 

It's just not popular to be "not busy".

I love my time and don't get bored.  I like to plant flowers, find new recipes, find new ways to save money (making my own laundry soap and hanging the clothes on a line).  I enjoy heading out to estate sales and thrift stores.  I don't always buy, sometimes it's more fun to just look. 

I don't hate you because you're busy, don't hate me because I'm not.

Heading out to the grocery soon, been feeling like making a rubarb pie lately.  I haven't had one in years and my husband has never had one.   Found a good recipe in my new Womens Day magazine and I'm going to use the Duggers pie crust.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

I'll try to get a picture of my finished pie in my next entry but you know, I might just be too busy.


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