Inside Kristens Closet: A few of your favourite things........

Earlier on in the week i asked you guys to tell me your favourite item you like to see Kristen wearing....... i've taken them all (i hope) and divided them up. I think we all agree this girl has a closet to die for (even if she says she isn't fashion concious).

On a side note i had an awful Wednesday, those of you on Twitter who follow me will know my laptop broke and i tried to fix it myself. After 10 hours of trying and failing (it wouldn't even let me on my desktop) i had no choice but to strip my entire laptop of all its files. Unfortunately i lost all my personal work and all of my Kristen files. This won't effect the blog it just means all the pictures of her clothing i had are gone......... at least they are still here on the blog, i can just steal it all back from myself.

I also lost my original file that had all of this on it, so this is a re-do and its not as pretty. Forgive me? I'm starting off fresh here.

Moving on! My special birthday post from me to you guys (and uh Kristen of course) will be up soon! I hope its not too boring or long, i sarted writing and went off on a different tangent. We also have a very special post containing all your favourite Kristen looks from over the years. I love getting you guys involved so once again thank you for sticking with me and giving me your opinions.

So here are your favourite Kristen Stewart Items you love to see her in......






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