Sam998899 post on his blog:
"I'm gonna be remixing quite a bit of Hilary tracks at the moment, to celebrate her finally leaving Hollywood Records!
I've done Someones Watching Over Me, Jericho and Hide Away and I plan to do a lot more!
The acapellas i've got arent that good and you can still hear some of the original music, but i'll still post them for everyone to enjoy!
Sam998899 Postou em seu blog:"Eu estou remixando nesse momento as musicas calmas da Hilary,para celebrar a saida dela da Hollywood Records!
Jah remixei Someones Wathing Over Me,Jericho e Hide Away e planejo remixar muitas mais!
As acapellas que usei estao otimas e vocês poderam escutar algo das musicas originais, mais postarei os acapellas tbm pra vocês aproveitarem!"
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