The Incredible Shrinking Pants

We have a problem around here.
Our pants are shrinking.
All of them.
Anyone have a tutorial on how to let out jeans?  No?
Ok then.
This calls for drastic measures.
I found a wonderful new diet that is supposed to really work.  I'm going to tell you about it.  Everyone that has ever tried it, I mean, every single person who has ever done this crazy new diet has lost weight and has become more healthy.  Because I love you, I will share it with you.
Stop eating crap and increase your activity!
Crazy, right?  But it's supposed to work.
Let's just see about that.
Here's where we start:

Yes, that says 168!
It's okay, gotta start somewhere right?
(My father is totally freaking out right now because first of all, I weigh 168 and second, I'm posting this for everyone to see.  Breathe Daddy, it's okay.)
Eating healthy takes a lot of preparation.  I don't like preparation. 

I cut up the following vegetables:
Red, green, yellow bell peppers
red onion
yellow squash

Threw them in a bowl, added a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper.  Spread them out on a cookie sheet covered with nonstick foil.  (It would please me if you would use a really old blackened cookie sheet like the one I have.) 

Cook at 450 degrees from about 30 - 40 minutes depending on how well done you like your veggies. 

I also grilled some boneless skinless chicken breasts.  Throw some veggies, the chicken and some salsa in a whole grain tortilla.

It's not Burger King but it will do until my pants stop being so stupid.
I'm also doing this:

Which is equally stupid.
I have no coordination.  I'm going to break a hip.
I have a headache.  From the lack of eating crap, I'm sure.
My husband was being totally supportive while eating his bacon and eggs this morning.
Let's revisit that scale next Monday and see how things are going, shall we?


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